4 How am I supposed to deal with her ? (1/2)

Alisha leaves for her journey . The King thanks her and her parents for taking such a decision for the sake of  the kingdom also praises them . Alisha is happy and seems to enjoy her journey . Resting her hands on the wooden slab she admires the water .

”Wow .... the breeze is so cool and refreshing I love it .! The water is so beautiful  ..I  would swim all day if I got a chance . Hey Ashia why is the water so blue is it because of the colour of the sky ? ”

”May be ... I'm not sure my lady ”

”Hmm. .. but when I  take it in my hand the color changes making me wonder what it's true colour is ”

”I don't know too ma'am . Well I have heard your story ... I mean the thing about never letting you out . Is this the first time you are travelling through sees my lady ?”

”Hmmm ... so you heard haan . Yeah this is my first time . I have never seen a sea this close and please don't  call me my lady .”

”Yes ma'am .I apologise . I'm glad you are enjoying this but if you feel anything at all please inform me .Most of them get sea sick .”

”Sure no problem . I'm sure we will reach soon ” She says tucking the strand of hair behind her ear .

”Yes another hour I guess ” . She listens to the captain's  stories as he had travelled a lot to many different places . She then speaks with him for quite sometime until they reach the port of Isla.  It was afternoon. Alisha gets down and everyone on board think that they will have a good feast or banquet arranged by the King but that wasn't the case as Zen wasn't aware of her arrival . Alisha thinks that everyone's  watch on her will make it difficult to enjoy her time outside and she won't be free . So she asks them all to leave forcibly cutting the rope that was attached to the wooden bridge . Ashia screams but she doesn't pay attention to him and runs away . She is elated to be walking around freely although she covers herself with a long coat and tightly wraps her hair with a cloth upon which she puts her hoodie . She wears long boots on her formal dress . After roaming around the port she enters a market . A market full of busy vendors selling fruits , cereals , fish ... vegetables ... and lots of other stuff .  The place was chaotic and it was very crowded with people all around. It was indeed a very busy market.  Alisha keeps walking amd suddenly two shady men appear and steal her luggage . She runs behind them and throws a drum which rolls down and they fall . She goes and tries to take her luggage back but one of them tries to hold her but just then a young man appears with a fine ..short beard and a white turban . His clothing was traditional and was good looking . He  holds the man's hand giving him a scary glare .

”What do you think you are doing ? Trying to attack a lonely girl don't you have any shame you fools ?” He tightens his grip as they get intimidated .

”We are sorry please ... We won't do it again .. We will never do it please trust us . Let us go. .. ”

”Ahaaan ! Not so fast ... Neliyel take care of them ... good care I mean . ” He glances at the man standing behind him and the latter takes action quickly . He drags them both and takes them away from the street they were standing in .

”Umm. .. Excuse me . Who are you ? And why are you helping me ? ” Alisha queries in curiosity

”Don't mind me I'm just a passerby also a traveller  but who are you and what are you doing ?  I don't think you are from this place.... Judging from your dressing at least .”

”Oh you are observant ... well you are right I'm not from here and this is my first time visiting this place .  I'm from the kingdom of Lauderdale. ”

”Ah I see I  have heard that before .  Anyways this place is too dangerous you mustn't wander around so carelessly I mean atleast the places which are far from the royal palace .  Come with me I'll show you some safe places for you to stay ..”

”That's nice and all but you say it's dangerous around here so how can  I trust you?  I mean you could just  be the same as well ”

”I don't mind if you don't come with me . You can stay if you don't trust me . Well then..... ” He turns his back to leave but she calls him lifting her hand to reach him .

”Hey ..wait ..”

”What is it ?” He turns around.

”Umm. .. you did actually helped me so I guess I can trust you ” She says looking aside .

”You are pathetic.  You just want someone with you .. say it straight  will you ?”

”It...its not like that ”

”Well let's walk shall we ?  Why don't  we stop by and eat somewhere ?”

”Sure but what about your friend who took those men and where exactly did he take them ?”

”Neliyel is someone I know from this place I tag him along when ever I come here and don't worry he took them to the cops .”

”I see. For a traveller you do know a lot about this place .. so tell me how many places have you visited ? Are you like those people who travel around the world and write about their journeys?  You must have tasted a lot of cuisines as well ..”

”My my ... how many questions do you ask ? Well I haven't visited many places I just keep travelling that's what I like . Well this place is good . We can have our lunch here .” They stop by at a very fine restaurant .

”Woah ! This place looks expensive . I don't have much money I'm sorry . Let's go somewhere else I can have anything it's not like I prefer exotic foods ”

”It's fine I'll take care of the bill you can pay me later ”

”No .. I won't like it . Please... I already owe you ..so ...”

”Just come with me . You are so stubborn your clothes are fine how come you are so poor ”

”Excuse me I'm not ... its just that ...”

”Save your story for later for now come ” He holds her hand and pulls as they climb the stairs .  The gurads bow to them and let them in . They take a table for two and place the order .

”It feels so weird ..” Alisha mumbles as he makes awkward facial gestures looking at her .

”She is so different ... how am I supposed to deal her ”

”So tell me how come you are all alone in a foreign land ? Didn't anyone accompany you ?”

”Oh it's nothing like that .. I travelled through ship and many of them came along with me from Lauderdale but I forcibly let them go since they wouldn't allow me to wander around . They would straight away take me to the palace . This is the first time I have been out all by myself for such a long time ” She says looking down playing with her fingers .

”Hmmm. ... sounds strange but I don't want to ask you any personal questions but still why did you come here ?”

”To marry the king of this place ... and the funny part is that I don't even know how he looks ..how he talks ...what his name his ...nothing at all I just have a blurry,  faint image in my mind which needs to be filled when I actually see him ”

She rolls her eyes as he clears his throat .

”Marry the king haan ? Well I find it hard to believe but if you are saying the truth why didn't the king come to receive you ?”

”I understand but you see I never told him that I'm coming so he isn't one to blame but he is crazy and I do not like him ... he has no manners at all ..no proper timing,  he still doesn't know who he has indulged with .. I will teach him a proper lesson and no way will I forget his crime ”

”Crime ? ”He says baffled by her talk .

”Yes . Do you think marriage is a deal ? Just because he is a king doesn't mean he has power to do anything . He gave us a choice my land or me so what was I supposed to do ? I couldn't possibly stand and watch my land taken away by a ruthless,  merciless king right ? ”

”Ahem !  How can you call him merciless when you haven't even met him in person ? You do not know the king ”

”He is .. and anyways how will you know you are just a traveller ”

”Well whatever let's have our meal for now okay ?”