3 Alisha to marry the prince (2/2)


”That's it for today Your Highness ! You looked through all of the matters at once . ” Neil says praising the new king . While Zen keeps the documents aside aligning them .

”Did we receive any reply from Lauderdale? ”

”No Sir . I guess they are still in progress to make a decision but still is it really okay Sir ? I mean don't you think it will cause problems later as you haven't discussed this with the royal family ”

”That's least of my concern besides I'm the King now and my orders are absolute. Nobody is in the position to decide what's best for me and also I haven't really decided if she will be a wife or a concubine so let's just wait for their answer . ”

”I see. Then let's just wait either way it will benefit us but why are you so determined to take that girl Sir I mean at the end of the day she is just a normal girl ”

”You are wrong about that you know ! That girl is not normal and I know that . Her family knows full well what she is capable of and I might just be able to get something they were hesitant to share that's all ..”

”Um.... I'm pretty sure that's going above my head but no worries I'm sure you are fully aware of what you are doing . Well then I'll take my leave please let me know of anything you need ”

”Sure . ” Neil leaves to attend a meeting with the irrigation department . Meanwhile tension arouses in Luderdale over Zen's letter . The king speaks about it and Zen's deal with Alisha's parents who are stunned .

”What ? Your Majesty ! This is insane totally unfair .. you want us to give our daughter to another country how do you think we must react to this ?” Her mother yells while the husband tries ti calm her down .

”I know I understand it's very difficult but we will lose our autonomy if we fail to give them Alisha but the king wants her hand in marriage. I'm sure she will be happy... she will be the queen . Think if it as an opportunity to grab for Alisha only the lucky ones happen to get such things ”

”I understand but ....” She breaks down in tears.

”Your Majesty it's too sudden for us to take this please give us some time to think over this .”

”Very well . I don't mind at all . ” With that the king leaves allowing the parent to take a quick decision. They then go and inform Alisha of the circumstances who is busy talking to her siblings enjoying their company .

”You can't be serious Mom and dad .... ” She frowns unable to believe their words . ” This can't be true ... you won't allow this to happen will you ? I mean I don't even know that person and you me to marry him ?”

”Alisha's right . This isn't funny at all ” Her sister comes to her rescue .

”But it can't be helped dear the future of lauderdale lies in your hands now ... We don't cooperate and he will eventually take control of this land . We will lose our autonomy! ”

”But....” Alisha cuts him short .

”It's alright big brother . I brought this upon myself . I should have known escaping from these walls has nothing but bad luck for me . I guess this is my destiny ... I feel like laughing ...I can't believe this is real ... but if it's for the sake of my country I'll happily do it ” Tears fall down her face it was indeed difficult for her to imagine a life with someone else all of a sudden .

”Alisha my dear ..! ” Her mom wipes off her tears while the siblings look at her with sad faces . There was no choice left her parents were fully aware of that and so they agree to five their daughter hand to prince Zen .


Neil enters Zen's quarters. A room too big for a solo person . To his table one had to walk for 6 metres . The guards stood outside the room guarding his Majesty . Behind his table was a large glass window and the corners had elegant candle stands . The middle of the ceiling had a beautiful chandelier decorated with fine diamonds .

”Your Majesty I have some important news ”

”What is it Neil ?”Zen looks up stopping his document writing straightening his glasses . He used to wear them only during work that made him look even more handsome .

”Lauderdale has accepted your offer they wish to ...”

”Give that girl in marriage. ..”

”You knew it Sir ? ”

”Well I figured they wouldn't prioritise her over their land ... that's how it goes in any case it's a happy news ask them to send her immediately I do not like to wait ”

”As you wish Your Majesty ” He bows and leaves as Zen looks up at dark night sky awaiting for food things yet to come . He raise his eyes to see a shooting star but that doesn't startle him at all nor does it pick his interest he did not wished for anything for all he needed was there before he knew it . While Alisha wondered all night how the king would be and will he be able to give her what she wants after all marriage never meant to be a deal to her it was much more than that ... A mutual relationship . Preparations begin to send her woth a group of generals and other members of the court . Her family wanted to go with her but Alisha didn't wanted them to accompany her . She was very excited as this was the first time she was travelling outside the country's premises and it would give her ample time and opportunity to explore and discover herself . Sho wouldn't have to be scared anymore as it wasn't a sneak out . She was anxious , curious and super excited which gave rise to her adrenaline . Looking at her parents standing at the gates as they bid her farewell she said ...

”You got nothing to worry mom and dad ..your daughter is far more strong than you think she is ..Besides I'm going teach that spoiled brat a lesson and also teach manners and etiquettes of life ”

”Says someone who never paid a least bit of attention to her lessons”

”My case is different big brother ! Anyways I'm not going to forgive him .. I know ways to handle people like him this is just not the way you ask a girl's hand in marriage. .. TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! ”

”Ma'am I really don't think you should be addressing your soon to be husband that way not to mention he is also a king ”

”Who cares Nancy ? To me no ones different be it a king or a maid ...”

”That's my lady for you ! ”

”Since when did you start calling her that Nancy ” Maina asks raising a brow .

”Well I kind of liked it after Ashia suggested it . It will sure be lonely without you ”

”Yes ma'am we will miss you ”

”We should be leaving ma'am or else it will be difficult if night falls especially when we are travelling through sea ”

”Yes yes I know Ashia .I'll miss you all too but don't worry I'll visit you soon I'll make sure to have that King in my control . Farewell then good bye ”

”Take care Alisha ”

”Sure big Sis . You too ” With that they all bid her farewell as she waves her hand from the cruise . A new journey begins ..what awaits in Isla is still unknown .


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