3 Alisha to marry the prince (1/2)

Those words from Zen intrigue the king but he wishes him good luck for whatever he plans to do . Zen returns back to his room and stands in the balcony thinking about the night he heard that song and also her encounter with the red haired princess . Days pass on and the king of Isla steps down as Zen succeeds the throne . Zen was the youngest king among all the nations around Isla . He was proficient skilled and efficient in his day to day work .


Alisha was sitting looking through her window . Her siblings were supposed to come the next day and she was too bored .

”Man ... I try to sneak out for once and people find me ... come to think of it I heard some prince saved me from falling down the balcony of some building ...Jeez was I drunk or something how could I not remember doing stuff like that and in top of that mum and dad were told I was going to attempt suicide... no no no... I would never do something so silly I mean I hold my life dear and precious more than anything else still how could I try to jump off ... well anyways I had a lot of fun !! ” She pulls down the curtains and decides to go to her drawing room . She opens the door and is startled to find a tall , broad chested hefty man standing close to the door which makes her scream .

”What happened my lady ?”

”Uh... who are you and what are you doing here ? Who gave you permission to come inside ?”

”Your parents Ofcourse My lady ”

”My lady ? What's that? Why are you calling me that ? And ... since when did ..Argh ! Nancy ..! ” Running fingers through her hair she calls her care taker who comes running hearing her scream .

” What happened Ma'am? Are you alright ?”

”No ... ” She walks away from the man and stands behind Nancy's back trying to take cover from the blonde guy . ”Who is this guy Nancy ?”

”Oh did he frighten you ? I apologise for not letting you know beforehand . He is your newly appointed bodyguard ma'am ”

”What ? My bodyguard ? But I don't need one Nancy ...”

”Well I don't know but your sneaking out other day has led to this . They wanted a bodyguard to look after you in case you think about running out again and try to commit suicide for no good reason ...”

”That's a stupid story I would never do that besides why a bodyguard ”

”You brought this on yourself miss . In any case let me introduce you to your new bodyguard . His name is Ashia . He will protect you from here on out and keep a keen watch over you .”

”Ashia is it ? Cool name ” She shows herself and greets him .

”Pardon me for my rudeness it was just unexpected you see ... ”

”There is no need to apologise My lady ”

”Hmm... well you don't really have to address me that way just call me by my name Alisha that's fine ” She gives him a gentle smile but he humbly declines .

”I'll call you ma'am if that's fine calling your name is against my duties ”

”Sure ... please raise your head . Okay so I guess you are going to accompany me wherever I go is that it ?”

”Yes ma'am . ”

”I see. Now that's troublesome ” She whispers to herself .

”Did you say something ma'am ?”

”No no nothing at all . Thanks Nancy sorry to bother you ..”

”Don't worry about it ma'am . Shall I send your afternoon snack ?”

”Sure . ” Nancy leaves as Alisha stands before Ashia trying to figure out something for her situation .

”Umm mm. .. so....will you come inside my room as well I mean is that a part of your duty ?”

”No ma'am I'll not intrude your territory. This door is my boundary but I'll make sure you dont use the window or any other means inside to step out if this place . ”

”Huh ... alright . I'll go inside then but will you be fine standing all day long ...”

”That's not true ma'am . I'm only supposed to work in the day shift . I shall be replaced by another bodyguard in the evening so please don't worry about it ” He says with a straight face . No emotions were seen on his face . He seemed very dutiful .

”Another one ? My my ..this is way too much anyways I guess I'm tired I can't take this anymore . Let me just take rest for a while ...”

”Yes ma'am .” She moves inside letting out a sigh while he stands stiff .

”Woah great my life is all messed up now and what did I do just tried to go out after being confined inside the walls of this building . Now I'm under someone's watch 24 /7 . ” She lies on her bed looking at the room ceiling .

”I wonder how the prince was who saved me ... could it be that he is the prince charm I always dream of ?? Nah ! That can't be ... I'm just thinking too much ... fantasies can never turn into reality .”

In Lauderdale an official letter is dispatched by King Zen . Such letters are confidential and only the king is allowed to read it . The king reads it widening his eyes after reading the content which worries the court officials.

”This can't be .... how can he ? Still it's a matter of our independence we cannot let it fall into the hands of others especially Isla . ” The king murmurs to himself and looks tensed much to everyone's curiosity.

”Your Majesty ! Is everything alright ? You seem disturbed. .” His advisor questions him.

”Well ... this is bad . I had my own doubts after knowing that Alisha was saved by Prince Zen that he won't stay quite . I'm sure her hair interests him and the secrets that lie behind it . Now he requests to offer her in marriage of the king of Isla or he will wage a war against us to conquer this land too . He already has many lands under control Lauderdale will not be an issue for him . Their military is better and I cannot afford to lose our soldiers in a war which won't benefit us . Furthermore our population is also less compared to theirs .... on the other hand Alisha .. .. I never thought this day would come ” He says tapping his fingers on the table with an obvious gleam over his face .

”So does that mean we are giving them Alisha in order to save our country Sir ?”

”Hmm... I don't know . I have to talk this with her parents . This is a serious matter . This country's protection lies in her hands now even if her family disagrees there is nothing that can be done now . I have to take this step for the sake of lauderdale. ”

”But Your Highness isn't there any other way to get out of this. Can't we request him to change his mind .”

”That's no use . He won't change his mind . We need to make some sacrifices in order to maintain peaceful relationships. This will definitely benefit us as well .”

”As you wish Your Majesty ”