4 The 21st World Martial Arts Tournament second par (2/2)

”Now onto the main event! We have an amazingly skilled fighter who despite his youthful appearance is sixteen I'm told, Raditz!” my jaw dropped from that line. I had actually grown in the last couple of months. Saiyans look like children longer than humans, we basically skip the teenage stage.

”His opponent has displayed amazing feats during the tournament, Jackie Chun!”

I didn't know how Roshi was intending on handling this fight. It could be that he was going to give up after a quick spar or go all out. From the look he gave me it seemed he was going to for the champion position. I could have been wrong though either way he was perfectly welcome to try.

When we were given the signal to start Roshi threw out a couple of strikes probing my defense. I was able to block them without incident. After he added in a few kicks I began dodging to gauge his pattern. Oddly, he wasn't exactly using his normal style, it was more basic.

While I was in the middle of trying to adjust my dodging the old man stopped attacking. That moment caught me off guard. He took advantage of that pause and shifted fully into the Kame style resuming his attack. At different intervals Roshi would switch his attack from Kame style to basic or pause his assault altogether. At this rate I wasn't going to be able to lock on to his style.

I went on the offensive striking out in a blinding flurry. The disguised master was able to block all but two of the punches. He jumped back to recover.

”You're pretty strong for a youngster. Once you gain more polish and experience you'll be a force to be reckoned with.” Roshi complimented me.

”Thank you. You're probably one of the most skilled people I have fought so far.” it wasn't a lie.

I was enjoying myself testing my skill against the Turtle Hermit. If I had taken my weights off I probably would have been able to defeat him quickly, but it wouldn't help with skill development. I didn't just want to rely on brute force all the time. Personally, I found nothing wrong with brute force, but I was more of a fan of finesse.

When Roshi stepped back avoiding a kick I had aimed at his face I began to feel strange. The old man was in a strange pose and I was on the ground. I heard counting and didn't know what was going on. I felt nauseated and glued to the floor.

What was happening to me.

I struggled to get up. My arms felt like they weighed ten tons a piece. Oh no, I realized almost too late that Roshi had hypnotic techniques. He had to have used one on me. The announcer had gotten to the count of nine before I was able to stand. I had to catch my breath from the amount of effort it took to break free of the hypnosis and stand.

While I tried to catch my breath the master was back on me with a quick succession of attacks. I focused on feeling the flow of his Ki as he attacked in order to find my moment. I used the after image technique to slip out of his combo leaving him chasing my shadow while I charged my...

”Double Sunday!” I roared from the side of the arena.

When Roshi realized his mistake it was too late. He tried to minimize the force of my attack with a Kamehameha, but it was too close. The resultant explosion left him stunned giving me the opening needed from my assault. Taking no chances I unleashed a combination of attacks that set the Turtle Hermit on the defensive.

”Good young man. I think you'll go far.” Jackie Chun disengaged from combat hoping out of the ring on his own initiative.

”After a mind blowing finale we have a new champion of the World Martial Arts Tournament, Raditz!” strands of blonde floated near the stage from the announcer tugging his hair out from excitement.

When I was finished collecting my prize money I met Kakarot and his friends at a nearby restaurant. They congratulated me on my victory in the tournament. Kakarot already wanted to have a rematch. I told him to keep practicing and maybe in the next tournament he'll beat me.

”When are you going to teach me how to control the ape form?” Kakarot was relentless.

”I'll get too it. But aren't you busy training and looking for missions? You don't want to spread yourself too thin.” I added.

At some point the topic of conversation came around to the fact Kakarot and I are aliens. Everyone wanted to know what our planet was like because they figured I would remember being older than my brother. They were surprised to find out that Earth was more advanced in some ways than Planet Vegeta, even though Saiyans were a space faring race. Master Roshi appeared concerned when I told him how strong some of the alien species are out there. My brother just became anxious to fight new alien enemies.

After the meal Master Roshi and his students, Yamcha now included, decided to head back to Kame Island to redouble their training. I chose to spend the rest of the day touring Capsule Corporation with Bulma. It was wise to get in good with one of the smartest people on the planet. Plus, her father created the Dynocap technology that allows for items to be miniaturized and stored in capsules.

Seeing as how Dynocaps are so widely used her family is probably the wealthiest on Earth. The King of Earth probably doesn't have as many resources as Bulma's family.

”Say Bulma can I ask you a favor?” I stopped her after the tour reached the lab.

”Uh, sure. What is it?” she asked.

”You and your father seem brilliant and know the best engineers. I was wondering if I could store Kakarot and my ships here.” Allowing Capsule Corp to look at the technology would prove useful.

”You'd let us get to see an actual alien spaceship?” she was surprised.

”Sure as long as you make sure people know to be careful of activating any transponders.” I warned

”My dad is going to go crazy. He probably won't care I'm going adventuring.” she stated

I removed the remote that controlled my ship from my right bracer and my brothers from my left. It didn't take long for the two ships to crash down in the garden of Bulma's home. Her father and mother ran out to see what the commotion was about. Her mother, Panchy, wore her blonde hair up and wore a striped orange shirt. She had closed eyes and a smile on her face. The mustachioed Dr. Brief looked on with his jaw floored.

”What in the world was that?” Dr. Brief asked his cigarette barely hanging onto his lip.

”Acoupleofalienspaceshipsdad.Don'tactivateanytransponders.Bye!” Bulma shouted to her father in a single breath before grabbing my arm, ”Come on!”

”Bye, Dear!” her mother shouted with cheer. I could here an excited Dr. Brief shouting as I was dragged away by my blue haired kidnapper.

”Alien spaceships! How marvelous!”