5 Worlds Strongest Tour (1/2)

Traveling with Bulma was an interesting experience. She told me about her adventure with my brother. Their group was looking for the Dragon Balls when they were captured by Pilaf's group. While they were imprisoned Kakarot transformed into a great ape. The shape shifting pig Oolong managed to get her to safety. Unfortunately, a third party arrived on the scene stealing the balls from Pilaf during the commotion.

Bulma almost died from an attack from the mystery assailant, but was able to plant a tracker on it. Kakarot went on a rampage until the morning. When they were able to follow-up on the signal it had already gotten out of range. She had spent much of her time since then trying to design a signal booster to locate the tracker she placed. My brother's contract with her was up and he chose to go train with Master Roshi.

She originally came to the tournament to re-enlist my brother's help in getting revenge on the person who took the Dragon Balls. When I won the tournament she thought I would be a better choice. It wouldn't hurt to check it out because I don't remember this event ever happening in Dragon Ball. I let the blue haired sixteen year old drag me around for four months. Which is how we ended up at a frozen wasteland.

”Are you positive the tracker is in there?” I asked pointing at a half frozen metallic structure.

”I'm certain. Although from that hole it looks like this guy may have had company.” she motioned to a large destroyed section of the structure.

”So what exactly are we going to do when we find the person you're looking for?” I asked.

”Well...” she thought for a moment, ”Find out what they used the Dragon Balls to do and then you'll punch them.”

For Bulma to be a genius she didn't really think this plan all the way through. That or she was completely fearless. It wasn't like I had to be here, but getting in good with Bulma now would allow me to reap many rewards later.

”Okay. Looks like it might be a long fall in.” I said while examining the hole.

I gently held my companion's waist and floated down into the building. The inside of the metal structure was dimly lit. The place seemed to be operating on very low power. The place did seem to be familiar to me.Bulma ignited a glow rod which allowed me to have a better look at our surroundings. It became instantly clear to me where we were.

Doctor Wheelo's lab.

The lab from the Dragon Ball movie The World's Strongest existed and we were in it. This raised all sorts of questions. Was this a movie universe? This lab should not have shown up until much later if it was the movie verse. We were in a very dangerous situation right now. If this was like the movie the people here would have power levels up to thirty-six thousand. It had been years since I last used my scouter, but I'm sure my power isn't anywhere near thirty-six thousand.

Was it better to run? To stay?

In the end we decided to keep going.

We walked through rooms filled with large tanks and test tubes, some filled with grotesque half finished creatures. It didn't take long to find the cylindrical elevator shaft that lead into the lower lab where Dr. Wheelo's brain is preserved. The elevator was already lowered so I had to fly Bulma down again. This time she hopped into my arms princess carry style. I was near to my full adult size so holding her this way didn't look awkward.

On the way down we could hear voices speaking. After entering the large basement lab we tried to keep out of sight to better find out what was going on. An old man in a white lab coat was speaking to someone on a giant monitor. Next to him was a green skinned mutant the height of a fourteen year-old human.

”Once again Dr. Kochin. Thank you for your hard work over the years.” the mechanical voice on the monitor said.

”It was my pleasure Dr. Wheelo. I have gathered the rest of our research and will be joining you and our new partner soon.” Kochin responded.

”I'm pleased you were able to find our new friend he has been most accommodating.” Dr. Wheelo said.

”To think I probably never would have met him if the Dragon Balls weren't stolen from when I tried to use them to melt the ice encasing the lab. To melt the ice I had to look elsewhere, but it worked out for the best.” Kochin explained.

The mutant next to Dr. Kochin became animated as soon as the monitor was turned off. It alerted the doctor that there were intruders in the lab. Dr. Kochin saw us and panicked.

”Kishime hold them off while I escape. Even though you weren't able to fully mature a couple of humans should be no problem for a bio-man.” the elderly scientist cackled, ”Join Dr. Wheelo and I at the new lab when you finish with them.”

”Yes.” the reptilian mutant said.

The creature moved swiftly forward towards us while darting around the room. I could barely perceive its movements. I held out my hand signaling to Bulma to stay back.

”Try to stay behind me, Bulma!” I warned, ”This guy is trouble!”

I searched the room with my senses in an attempt to lock on to the enemy's Ki. When I found it he was right in front of me. I shoved Bulma back over a desk to prevent her from being hit by the mutant.

His strike barely avoided taking Bulma's head off if not for my quick reaction. The mutant didn't pause from confusion he instantly switched targets to me.

I tried to bring my arms up to block the punch that was headed my way.


I wasn't able to move fast enough to block. The result was of the impact was me being sent into the back wall. The metal wall didn't break, but it did bend leaving me nestled in the indention. I barely was back on my feet by the time the mutant was on me again. This time I was hit with a side kick to the ribs which sent me into another wall.


Intense pain shot through me as I felt a few ribs break from the kick to my left side and my right shoulder dislocate from crashing into the wall. I could tell from the hits that Kishime's Ki was disrupted or unstable. Dr. Kochin did say that Kishime wasn't fully mature maybe he was overexerting himself.

The bio-man attacked me again and this time I was able to block. I was slowly beginning to adjust to his speed. He unleash several combinations of punches and kicks against me. I was still able to block, but I could feel the toll it took on my body with each blow.

At the rate it things were going this was going to end as a war of attrition. I just had to hold out longer than my opponent. I think I was losing too much blood from the damage I was taking.


Kishime had look of surprise on his face. I was finally able to counter attack with a strike right to his jaw. It was too bad it didn't look like it hurt him too much.

Another combo from Kishime sent me crashing through a lab station destroying it. It took a moment for me to wobble to my feet, but I did it. Bulma was screaming something, but I couldn't really hear it. In fact, I was pretty certain I couldn't even see anything other than red. I was doing my best to stay conscious.

I could feel the unstable Ki rapidly approaching me.

I wasn't going to be able to take a single step from were I stood.

My body screamed at me telling me to shut down.

I was going to run out of energy in the state I was in soon. I would have to make the most efficient use of the energy I had left. Soon Kishime appeared. I felt the surging Ki coming towards me.


Kishime tried to remove my head with a kick and I was sent sliding across the room. I couldn't get up this time, but I wouldn't need to.

A pained wail was emanating from the green skinned bio-man. He was gripping his chest and had electrical sparks flying from him.