150 Chapter 150 (1/2)
Chapter 150
Did James feel bad about one of the aliens randomly spawning and killing SoulDemon, SpinToWin, and Crikey at the exact same time as they prepared to teleport out of his dungeon? Maybe a little. Did he feel bad about that random creepy green alien causing BLANK to miss out on the influence that trio of players had collected? Not in the slightest. In fact, not only had he gained a good amount of essence from their deaths, his experience had spiked as well. If Dungeon Wars kept up this pace, there was a good chance he and BLANK would both be Tier 4 by the time the wars finished. Which gave James even more incentive, even though he didn't need it, to win.
What's more, at the death of the trio, CheapHealz and Crikey quickly fell as well. The barrage from the Steamer's was rather deadly, after all, when not being blocked by a swirling wall of overpowered shields. After their deaths, all that remained was watching his world boss slowly descend upon the rest of BLANKs invaders. Who, to their credit, had been continuously taking down any and all adventurers that attempted to join the instance. They seemed rather unworried about the incoming world boss, likely because of the rings they were wearing. Which, James knew all too well, would protect them from lethal damage, at least once.
Of course, how could those five players know that when his world boss touched down, it did a lot more than just kill everything on the field? Players coming from a dungeon like BLANKs could not be ready for the nuclear holocaust that awaited them. Nor could they be prepared for the nasty effects of radiation. James, of course, had a slight idea, but when it actually happened, he had to admit, he was more than a little surprised.
First, James watched as the M.I.N.E. Craft neared its impact time. When there was only thirty seconds remaining before impact, the intercom system all around the map began to let out a loud, long siren. The sound was low, mournful, as if it were already aware of the death that was about to befall the instance.
At the sound of the siren, BLANK's players, and the adventurers they were engaged with, all paused to look at the massive, square shaped mining craft. The craft was on a direct collision course with the very center of James's second floor, meaning the center of his town, the Terminus's coliseum. The flames burning hungrily all around the craft seemed to fan out, and as it neared, they began licking across to the tops of buildings, rapidly striking out at any mobs that were too close to the craft. James saw one of his toilet mimics actually jump out of the second story window to avoid the flames, though he knew the mimic didn't have much of a chance.
With 10 seconds remaining, BLANKs players started to look a little panicked. They, and the players from James's dungeon they were fighting, obviously knew that world boss colliding was a bad idea. However, because they were engaged with enemy forces, BLANKs players couldn't teleport out. James's adventurers likely knew that and were planning to take the invaders out with them in an act of heroism. One that was actually about to earn them a little something extra the next time they arrived. James already had their usernames saved.
At 5 seconds, BLANKs players began activating cooldowns and spells. The Paladin activated his holy aura, a radiant bubble of protection that would slowly heal any allies within it, and decrease the damage they took for 30 seconds, and most importantly, allowed casters to continue casting, even if they took damage. Both healers began preparing massive heals, which had longer cast times that meant they should complete shortly after the meteor impacted. And the Assassin, well the assassin prepared to take down anything and everything that came at the group.
They were, to their credit, as prepared for what happened next as they could possibly hope to be. The M.I.N.E. Craft smashed into the coliseum, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Then, everything seemed to flash, as a bright light erupted from the center of the mining craft. That was, of course, its nuclear core. A massive mushroom cloud erupted from the center of James's abandoned town, as wind and fire flattened the city.
Energy from the impact roiled outwards as waves of destruction, literally turning everything, they touched into ash. James saw his mobs disintegrate, leaving momentary images of themselves stuck against the walls, before the walls themselves fell apart. BLANKs players and James all stared, dumbstruck, into the bright flash. How could they not? Of course, staring into the bright light was usually a metaphor for death, and this time around, it was no different.
For a split second, James saw everyone receive a blindness debuff, as the bright flash stole from them their very sight. A moment later, the approaching death from the explosion caused five of them to disappear. James's players simply vanished into 5 glowing orbs, which quickly retreated back to his first-floor instance, to wait out their death timer.
BLANKs players, of course, had their candy rings, which prevented them from dying, even from James's world ending event. He saw as the candy rings on their hands split apart, showering them in a dusting of sugar, which shimmered for a second as it held their life at 1hp.
”We did-” Was all they managed to get out, before a slew of debuffs clouded over statuses. A second later, they too poofed away as death claimed them. And judging from the looks on their faces as they died, it was not a pleasant one.
Which, James had totally expected. Radiation was not something you wanted to be exposed to. He already knew how devastating dino-aids was. He was certain radiation had even worse effects. One of which, he assumed, was some sort of nasty DoT effect. Otherwise, BLANKs players would have been fine. Of course, he hadn't known if they would take damage from the radiation ability, but it was kind of a no brainer. Radiation and Fire damage types, in every game, usually caused some sort of damage.
Their deaths had also granted him another nice little boost of experience, coupled with even more dungeon essence. James felt even less dirty about their deaths. Mainly because they had been camping the entrance to his floor and just beating up any players that joined in. The downside of the portals to floors was that it took players a few seconds to orient themselves as they passed through a portal. Those vital seconds allowed the assassin of the invaders to deal quite a bit of damage. It was cheap, and James did not feel sorry for BLANKs players. At least SoulDemon and his party actively tried and used their overwhelming skills and levels to succeed. These invaders were just cheap PKers.