149 Chapter 149 (1/1)

Dungeon Core Online Glyax 35900K 2022-07-21

Chapter 149

”I don't think we're going to be able to bring this thing down.” BurningJazzHands was sitting in the seat of a massive anti-aircraft artillery weapon. It was launching deadly blasts towards the M.I.N.E. Craft, which was still continuing to descend. It had been descending for about five minutes now, and BLANKs party had only managed to take away a quarter of its life. At that rate, they weren't going to be able to burn through it, no matter how hard they tried.

”Maybe if we had the others help?” CheapHealz was sitting a similar cannon, launching attack after attack at the falling craft. The party had come across a clearing with two cannons near each other, and promptly manned them. The reason BurningJazzHands and CheapHealz were manning the guns, was because it seemed level didn't apply to the weapons. They did a set amount of damage per shot, regardless of who was sitting in them. There were similar cannons across the map, some of which were currently being armed by Philoso raptors. One was actually being manned by an Archeao-repairer, which really amused James.

His other mobs had quickly headed towards the other turrets, but James had decided to manually step in for this fight. After all, he wanted the invaders dead, and he wasn't certain they would die, if the M.I.N.E. Craft was destroyed. However, he also didn't want them to feel like it was impossible, so he allowed some of the mobs to man the turrets. James was actually sending a few more towards some turrets, in order to increase the DPS as well. He needed BLANKs players to feel like they were going to make it, to keep them around longer.

”Well, if it gets too close, we can just leave.” SoulDemon grunted as he cut into another mob. James had instructed a small group of his mobs to attack the party as they worked on the boss mob. That kept them engaged in his floor, and he was hoping would throw off their timing. All he needed was for them to make a single mistake, in order to bring them down. Really, all he needed was for SoulDemon to go down. But the Phantom Blade was extremely formidable. Even with his stats cut in half by Dino Aids. Normally, Dino Aids could be cleansed by a high-level cleanse spell. However, James had mutated it with an ability called Antimagical Resistance.

The upgrade gave Dino Aids a percent chance to resistant being cleansed. The more magical healing a player had received during the instance, the more resistant Dino Aids became. And since SoulDemon had been the soul adventurer of the party gaining massive amounts of magical healing during the fight…his version of Dino Aids was practically immune to healing. Which was great, because even after CheapHealz used his high-level cleanse on the party, curing the others of Dino Aids, SoulDemon's version had transferred back over to them after a mere minute, giving them the upgraded, magically resistant, version. James had made another note that he sent to Rue on a delayed timeline, to remind him to make Dino Aids deadlier. Halved stats were great, but he was pretty certain there were some stacks or dots he could apply to it as well with his disease menu. He was going to create the perfect, deadly disease, and take down a lot of BLANK players with it. Huzzah virtual bio-warfare.

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”Good thing these dinosaurs aren't coming too quickly.” SpinToWin added as his shields blocked a long-range artillery blast from a siege version of a Steamer. James currently had two of them posted up a good ways away, to rain down attacks on the party. Meanwhile, he was sending in triceracogs and the occasional velocity raptor pack to keep the party busy. His coup de grace was going B.L.U. who had respawned. James was certain the party had to be aware of mob respawn rates. And they were good enough that they had probably figured B.L.U. was up and running. That was made evident by the mass number of traps Crikey was laying all over the place.

However, James had B.L.U. waiting patiently about two hundred yards away from the party, hiding within the abandoned city, alongside three Philoso raptors. If it sounded like the party was planning on leaving, James was going to have them rush the party, in order to try and freeze their escape just enough to kill SoulDemon. He may be cautious, but James was no stranger to gaming strategy. And he had the advantage, in that he could see everything that was going on, and the fact that no one knew what exactly a core could do. After all, as far as players were concerned, the dungeons were simply run by an advanced AI.

”Incoming.” CheapHealz called out even as another explosive round impacted against SpinToWin's spinning shields. Another set of debris had broken off of the M.I.N.E. Craft. It had just hit the six-minute mark on its descent, meaning it released a total of 42 pieces of debris. Both CheapHealz and BurningJazzHands turned their weapons onto the debris field, working to blast away any of the flying pieces as they rapidly began their descent.

The defensive turrets summoned by SKYNET actually seemed to have a single target, and burst option, which the players had discovered within the first minute of using the weapon. The moment the collateral pieces broke apart, the players switched to the burst option, launching large shells towards the falling debris. These shells would break apart when they reached a certain proximity of the pieces of debris, sending a bunch of shrapnel in all sorts off direction. Because of the lower hp of the debris, if any of these shrapnel pieces impacted, the debris was destroyed. It was almost like some advanced version of the archaic missile defense game James had seen in a virtual museum.

While they were working to keep the debris at bay, the other three members continued their efforts at perimeter defense. James realized the three of them were able to create essentially the perfect defensive zone. SpinToWin could keep them safe from ranged attack, Crikey could set up traps to slow and disable attackers, and SoulDemon could defeat anything that got too close. Which was likely how they went through BLANKs dungeon. They turtled their way through the dungeon, James had no doubt about it. Which was probably why SoulDemon seemed to enjoy running out in James's dungeon so much, to engage enemies from a distance. James's dungeon let him have fun.

”Sorry about this man.” James whispered to the Phantom Blade as he made the realization. Like, he really did love the fact people seemed to be enjoying his dungeon. And if not for the stakes resting on this dungeon war, he was certain he wouldn't be resorting to the tactics he was. But he had to make sure BLANK was crippled in some way for the war, and the most obvious way was to decrease the amount of essence the enemy dungeon was gaining. And sadly, for SoulDemon and his party, they were the most efficient at gaining essence, meaning they needed to be destroyed.

”I'm starting to think we should pull back.” SoulDemon said after another minute of fighting. The M.I.N.E. craft had been descending for a total of 7 minutes now and was getting dangerously close. Flames danced all around it, and it glowed a bright orange from the intense heat that was gathering around it. With 3 minutes remaining, they still had about 30% of its HP to take care of, as the increase in its defense every minute for the past 7 was making it even harder to burn through.

”About time.” SpinToWin said, his face covered with sweat. James could only imagine how stressful the situation was getting. The world boss was drawing nearer, the attacks hadn't let up on the party, and more and more debris kept falling. All of that while they were weakened with dino aids and holding a dangerously high amount of essence. James had to admit, this was the right call.

And, unbeknownst to SoulDemon. It was the perfect time to make the call. Considering James had just watched B.L.U. get blown up by a green alien about thirty seconds ago. It seemed the world boss's ability ALIENS! hadn't lied when it said the random alien attacks would target ANY and ALL creatures on the floor. Sadly, it seemed the only two spawned at random intervals every minute. And so far, they had only spawned against James's own mobs. Which was…frustrating.

”Alright, well then lets-” SoulDemon's hand froze as he pulled out a crystal. The same type of crystal MercerEffect's team had used to head back to their dungeon. His eyes went wide with shock, just as a form materialized from a beam of green light, directly in between the group.
