225 Reforming an Entire Kingdom (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 68140K 2022-07-20

It has been a few days since then, and I think my reputation precedes me.

It is just a feeling, really. A very good feeling, considering that everyone avoids me like a plague. Avoids Sapphire too for she is one of my direct students.

Well. The only student of mine so far. I do plan to get more, but I am not in any hurry to do so. Having Sapphire is enough for now.

And like me, Sapphire prefers to be left alone to her own devices, especially when there are things she needs to do. Nobody really bothers her anymore.

They would not dare, considering that I am her master.

Many of her peers do try to befriend her now though, but she repeatedly rejects their fake friendships, opting to study and practice her magic in relative peace and comfort.

This is because Sapphire fears of disappointing me, and I will be disappointed if she is wasting her time and effort on stupid things.

Having said that, I do think that it is much better for Sapphire to have friends and comrades who she can rely upon in time of crisis, especially when I am not around. Although, it is probably not necessary as I could have Legion looks after her.

I also like her to have interest in the opposite sex, not because I am homophobic but because I actually want to bed her one day.

It is kind of wrong, but I am not the first teacher to lust after his student, not even in the prime-reality.

And that is a fact.

Sure, I have the option of mind-controlling Sapphire. Just a few words from me, and I am sure she will stop thinking about Lavender, who is definitely not gay.

I have Legion checks up on that, and Lavender and Eric is an item, for Lavender takes care of Eric during their adventures together.

Adventures that Sapphire cannot go and accompany them. Her future as a mage is far more important since I do have big plans install for her.

It is a bright future, one by my side, bringing forth a whole new generation of mages on Earth. She will go down in history for that. Definitely.

Sapphire will obviously be a tenth-circle mage by then. Any higher, she would have to ascend just like Hans and Alex have done so in a desolated future. One with Earth destroyed by magic.

Obviously, there is more than one mortal plane of existences. They are stacked on top of one another, allowing those with powerful lifeforce and magical power to ascend and become more than mortal.

I have expected as much.

There is more than one way to break free from the Samara Karmic Cycle.

How many there are exactly, I am unsure, but I will find out eventually.

I will find out everything eventually.

As an official teacher at the academy simply because I have said so, Sapphire is finally allowed to take any of the advanced classes now, learning new magic theories and commonly used runes.

She is doing well so far, as everyone treats her with respect for obvious reason.

It totally has nothing to do with me and the mass arrests and imprisonments that have been going on within the academy and the country so far.

Yeah. Totally.

There are just so many cases of corruptions and abuses of power within the mage population. Far too many to even count, but with the backing of the King himself, I am allowed to basically arrest anyone that I damn well pleased.

Well. Not anyone, but quite a lot of people, and I probably do not need his permission to arrest anyone either. It is just a formality, I suppose. All to keep the political structure in place.

Do not break what is not broken!

Royalties and nobilities are just title. Mages are actually the ones who control everything, from affairs of the state to personal matters.

Honestly, I would have locked up pretty much anyone who is anyone within the country if I have a real desire to clean up this world socially and politically.

I do not, and there is no need for me to do more work than necessary.

My only concern at the moment is the academy itself. There is plenty of secrets hidden within. Secrets that might or might interest me, and so far, it is only interesting to know.

Too many things to do. My list just gets longer and longer.

In addition, I am sort of swamped with paperwork at the moment as demonstrated by the amount of papers lying in front of my desk. My desk within a brand-new office. One designed to my specification.

Seriously though, running a concentration camp is hard. I mean a correction facility. Executing all those people in jail for their crime against humanity will probably piss off a lot of people, leading to instability and open revolts within the country.

It is better to correct them and turn them into decent human beings. One who will protect their fellow man regardless of whether they are mages or not.

Maybe add in a bit of tolerance towards other species as well.

With my Commandment ability, it should not even be a problem, but the nagging notion of infringing on freewill is always in the back of my head.

I do think that this is an exception as it is a concentration camp after all. I mean correction facility.

More like a concentration camp though as I do have absolute power here. Nothing can happen without my expressed permission, and all the wardens and guards are Legion so have fun bribing them.

Strange that people still do. Funny.

I think I will execute a few people just to get the point across to the majority. I do not fuck around, so do not fuck around with me.

Obviously, I should not execute anyone who is far too connected though, as that will cause problems further down the line for me, but then again, everyone is connected to everyone else, as according to Legion.

It is just a mess. A really big mess.

Legion has managed to obtain a lot of useful information by literally mining their brain and extracting their memory. So many shits are going on in the background without the majority being aware.

It is to the point that I cannot really be bother with it all sometimes. However, I did learn about a few methods of removing curses.

How effective it will be, I will have to see for myself.

In any case, within a few short days, I have accomplished far more than anyone could have imagined, and now, I basically have absolute control over the academy and the newly formed legal system. More like my own do-not-fuck with me system.

I am working on building an actual prison. Somewhere deep within the dark seas.

The entire continent is surrounded by the dark seas, where powerful monsters dwell. Even Archmage do not want to cross the ocean unless they must, and they must travel quickly lest they want to spend time and effort fighting their ways towards land.

Of course, those monsters are not a problem for Legion. He just nuked the whole place, killing a whole lot of them before building a prison over their corpses.

That obviously did not go unnoticed.

It is pretty hard to miss huge-ass rising mushroom clouds. That is not to mention severe earthquakes and all the radiations. Mages can detect radiation, interesting enough.

Radiation is a magical element of sort. Good to know.

I have actually announced the prison this morning, outlining all sort of funs that will be going on there for the criminals, so they now know who has nuked the monsters, adding to my terrifying reputation.

A little bit more would not hurt.

Since someone did asked me about it, I called it a Nuclear Explosion spell, capable of wiping out a small Kingdom as well as irradiating the landscape, so it is about fourth-circle level magic spell.

Seems legit, but whatever.

Now I have something to dangle over people's head with.

If they want a nuke in the face, I am sure that I can give them a taste if they pissed me off.

On another note, I finally upgrade my micromachine body into biomechanical body. I did leave it until now because I want to see how long I can last under the curse of Erosire with a non-biological body.

But since the lust has become quite unbearable, I will need to release soon. I might just teleport Eliana in for a bit of loving fun. Thinking about it does made me smile.