224 Master Torturer Maxwell (1/2)
The remark is not arrogance if I do have the power to back it up, and I do.
Honestly, I could instantly kill everyone and everything around me with little to no effort. Hell. I would not even need to lift a single finger for something like that.
Legion can do it all himself at my request. He just needs the permission to go on a massacre. That does sound incredibly insane, but I have designed him to be an unstoppable legionnaire of killing machines.
Did I mention unstoppable? Not to brag, but Legion is practically unstoppable, at least here on Azula.
Just think about it. If a crappy assault rifle from the 1970s can wreck an Archmage at pointblank range, I do not need to explain what a real high-powered laser rifle of the 31st century can do to a living body at any range.
Bullets are super slow in comparison to deadly beams of colorful lights, and dodging lasers is not really possible. Even if a mage could somehow do that, I would really like to see them try and dodge tens of thousands of laser beams.
How about a million or a billion then?
Legion can pretty much spam lasers if I give him the go ahead. Moreover so, Legion can span weapons of deadlier magnitude and proportion than just simple beams of colorful lights.
It is somewhat strange to think that laser capable of burning holes through solid steels and reinforced concretes being just beams of colorful lights, but visually, lasers are just beam of colorful lights.
Certainly, deadly beams of colorful lights, but not more deadlier than a whole host of weapons existing within my vast arsenal. A lot of them are designed and fabricated to kill things that are way, way more durable than squishy human mages.
Squishy of anything, really.
Gods are pretty squishy from last I check. Tanking a supernova blast is impressive, but I am really never the one to shoot one at a time. Why bother when nothing feels like an overkill than an actual overkill.
In any case, it is unreasonable to think Sapphire could defeat two upper mages of the second-circle of magic. Even if she is the most powerful peak stage first-circle mage to ever had lived, she still wouldn't be able to defeat them.
Not with her current level of power.
Sure, Sapphire might be able to hold herself against them, but that depends on what kind of artefacts or items they may have at their disposal. In a real battle between actual mages, anything goes.
Trying to hold back for whatever reasons is stupid. Well. I am an exception to this. Not the stupid kind, but more like the trolling kind. What? No fun in instantly killing everything that move, and I do love to monologue.
It is my thing, so get off my back about it. It is also my charm, at least I like to think so.
”Yes, Master Maxwell.”
Sapphire responses before directing her attacking spells towards the two newcomers, who are far too shocked to even raise a shield or barrier in order to protect themselves from her. It is expected, given that they had just witnessed their all-powerful master being killed like someone insignificant. He is an Archmage, after all.
But in my eyes, Archmage are more or less ants, and I highly dislike hearing ants acting all mighty and arrogance, demanding things before even taking the time to see what is actually happening.
If there is a brain their head, they should use it. If they do not, then they should not mind me of taking it out and examine it for myself. Speaking of which, I toss the severed head into a spatial rift, so Legion can have a look.
I feel that this occurrence will happen a lot, not that mind. Better than me going from places to places, just so I can decapitate people and extract their memory. It is better for them to come to me.
And why don't I just let Legion do that. Swarm the entire world and then molest everyone? There are things that should not be alerted on Azula. Things that are equal in power to Ingra.
Therefore, I should be somewhat cautious. No need to bulldozer my ways through everything, just to make a bunch of enemies, especially when I do have the element of surprise right now.
With their attention on me, the first waves of fireballs crashes into the two mages, sending them both tumbling back from the resulting explosion.
But once the dusts and smokes are cleared, they are completely unharmed. This is due to the magical aura shrouding their body and protecting them.
It is a passive magic shield that all real mages have, at least that is the theory. Those five idiots do not have it, but that is because they skipped way too much stages just to become official mages. They ruin their future. For what, exactly?
Just so that they can bully people around? Tsk. Pointless. These two second-circle mages are better. I have a look at their profile while they are tangling with Sapphire.
And from her attack alone, the both of them become aware that she is not someone capable of hurting them. As such, their only concern is me, but I am not interested in fight them. It would be stepping on ants.
Seeing neither mages being affected by her fire spells, Sapphire channels more of her magic into a far more powerful attack, but her casting speed is too slow. It is expected, as higher spells require a lot of time to cast.
And in battle, time is of an essence.
Since that is the case, allowing someone to finish casting their spells or similar is foolish. The two know this well, and they already drawled their enchanted weapons and charge towards Sapphire.
It is very unbecoming of them to gang up on a first-circle mage, but they want to get rid of her as fast as possible, just so they can focus on dealing with me. More like running away afterwards. There is no way in hell they are able to stand up against someone who instantly kill their master.
Ripping his head right off his shoulder too. His body is still bleeding on the ground, and I think I should loot the body. It is a normal thing to do, right? Meh. I will do it later.
Sapphire instantly switches her incantation circle to form a barrier in order to defend herself, but their magical weapons cut through her barrier like hot knife through butter. She manages to evade a follow up slash, but the next one severed her left arm despite being able to dodge the blade completely.
This is because the aura coating those weapons extend outwards to hit her, and despite being an aura, it is strong enough to slice through her aura and injure her physically.
Sapphire soon loses her other arm, and without any arms, she cannot cast magic as quickly. She is still a first-circle mage after all, and handless casting is not something she has mastered yet. Also, handless casting is actually not the best.
A person hand is not a good medium to channel magical energy. That is why all mages carry with them artefacts and weapons, most taking shape of rods and staffs. Wands too.
These two are combat mages, so they use weapons instead. They have been constantly casting magics on themselves, boosting their speed and power. One should be more than enough to kill Sapphire, so two is just overkill.
Before the two mages can execute Sapphire, however, I decide to step in. Not me personally, as it isn't something needed.
I have Legion to via Bruce without any restrictions, and with a single blow, Legion sends them both go flying backwards.
And before they even hit the ground, Legion pummels them several time with devastating strikes onto their squishy body, causing them to spat out a mouthful of blood each.
Their magical auras did protect them, but not enough to negate the damage. Even so, their auras have prevented their internal vial organs from turning into mush. Each punch from Legion is enough to turn building into rubbles, so it is something.
Sapphire pants heavily and tries to stop the bleeding from both of her hands. It is the second time that she has been defeated today, and while there is no shame in it, twice is enough.
”I have failed you again, master.”
Sapphire apologizes deeply before collapsing onto her knees and kowtow, and seeing her being very, very disappointed with herself, I cannot help but moved. I am not a rock after all.
”There is no shame in defeat, Sapphire. Only true failure comes from not learning anything from your defeats. I hope that these will make you a better mage in the future. There is no need to keep all those manastones. Sell them and buy proper armors and weapons. I do not wish to see my student wearing only rags.”
I tell her. I am aware of everything that she does. Legion keep her under surveillance, reporting all that she had done and will ever do. Even when she takes a… ahem. Let not go too far, huh.
”Yes. Master Maxwell. I will not disappoint you again.”
Sapphire responses as I heal her wounds. More like negating everything with my power, returning her to perfect health and full power. Seeing that shocks the two mages, who are trying to heal themselves.
The only reason that they are able to heal themselves and stabilize their aura is because Legion stops assaulting them. They are not opponents for Legion with unrestricted strength and speed.