225 Reforming an Entire Kingdom (2/2)
”Master Maxwell! Master Maxwell! I demand to see Master Maxwell!”
A voice breaks me out of my train of thoughts. A feminine voice. A demanding voice. Honestly, no one can demand anything from me, not from this world anyway.
That said, I do wonder who is trying to see me now. Quite a lot of people want to see me since morning, ever since I have announced the state-of-the-art prison.
It is expected since those who are locked up here can still be visited by their family members and so on, and it will not be the same once they are transferred into the new prison.
Banging against the doors soon follow, but it stops as quickly as it has started. She had probably used magic to try and break down the door, but that would not fly with Legion standing outside.
Legion likely shock her, but seriously, if he did not, she will not be able to break down the door without resorting to something like a siege engine. Or a Grand Archmage.
There is no Grand Archmage within the academy or the country. Not anymore.
Any who tries to intermingle in with the students at the academy will have a shock of their life.
Those two Grand Archmage spies certainly did, and now they are my prisoners. Actually, I have already extracted whatever I need from their mind as well as turning their body into something useful.
Their magical cores are extracted, thus giving me power to emulate a Grand Archmage. Still, I do want to have the power of a Grand Archmage myself without needing Legion.
One thing at a time, I guess.
Listening carefully, there is a firm but a far more polite knock on the door. It seems like whoever that is has learned some mannerisms.
There are just so many hothead mages around, really believing that they own the place. That will not fly anymore, at least under my control.
And pausing for a short moment, I decide to entertain whoever that is.
I could have Legion directly tell me who it is but meh. There is no point really. It is not like anyone is really stupid enough to try and attack me.
Well, not true. There are plenty of stupid people around. Too stupid to live for long.
”Please come in.”
I state, and the door from the far side of the room activates, opening slowly to let in a woman as well as two Legion bots. They take the form of Hans and Alex because I decide it is better that way for what I have in mind.
All Legions bot take the form of Hydra members.
Of course, taking form is one thing. Having them emulate the same personality is another, and it is not really necessary for that.
That said, I do like Alex and Hans, so I allow the bots to take on their personality. Simulate it, I should say.
For the impression, I keep my eyes on the papers in front of me while the woman is on her approach, not of her own will, however. She is actually being dragged by Hans and Alex, one on each side.
”So, what do we have here? An intruder?”
I question as soon as she is standing in front of the desk before me. I did not look away from my note, however.
”Yes, boss. She was very insistent in seeing you, so I figure you would like the opportunity to say a few words to her before we throw her ass in jail, one right next to her fiancée, so they could have a loving moment together.”
Alex comments with a smirk. He feels just like the Alex I know, and at his words, the woman, who had been quite docile with her anger held in check, widens her eyes and struggles out to get out of those hard grips on either side of her.
”Wait, what? No. I just want to talk to Master Maxwell. You cannot imprison me for that!”
The woman calls out, still trying to break free of those grips. Even as a mage herself, she obviously will not be able to. Hans and Alex are as powerful as Grand Archmage. The two cores that I have extracted are within them.
”I can and will, Venetia.”
I state before looking up at her.
”Did you not get the memo that this facility is a restricted area within the academy? I do not believe that I have received a notice of your arrival, so the fact that you are here, you are trespassing. The days that mages are allowed to go anywhere they pleased is over. Did we not put a sign about that?”
I question.
”Which sign exactly? The one that says trespasser will be raped? Oh. Does that mean we can rape her? She is trespassing, after all.”
Alex questions, making Hans rolls his eyes. The sign obviously did not say that.
Okay, maybe it is not a good idea to have Alex as one of my bodyguards. It is more than likely that he will probably insult everyone who comes his way. That is just his personality, especially now days.
But then again, the look on Venetia's face is priceless. Absolutely priceless. She truly really thinks that there will not be any consequences of barging into here.
I will make an example out of her just a good warning for others.
As for her fiancée. He is one of those five idiots that tries to kill my student, Sapphire.
What is his name again? Drake or something. To think that he has such a lovely fiancée. One who cares enough to barge in here to have a word with me.
Sure, I will have a word with her after I make her squirms a little. Let me see what her crimes are. I can obviously put a few more in just for fun, just to scare the shit out of her.
”You can't do that! Do you not know who I am? I am –
Venetia calls out.
”Do not tell me what I cannot do, Venetia. Trespassing. Assault. General Nuisance. Honestly, if I don't know any better, I think you intend to have me harm, and while it is interesting to see you try, I believe a few nights in our very luxurious cells alongside with your future husband will change that attitude of yours. Do not worry. You will get to witness how your beloved is doing then. And perhaps, you might get to sleep better at night?”
I comment before returning to my notes. Even so, I still pay somewhat attention to her expression just to see those traces of self-important and anger being bled away. Fears and surprises replace them as there are plenty of stories about what going on in the dungeon.
Mostly stories that I have fabricated, but I did let a few people to return home. They are a mere husk of their former self. Too terrified to even tell their family and household what truly had happened to them within my dungeon.
I obviously torture the living shit out of them, of course. Magic opens new concepts of torture to me, and it is quite enjoyable to learn new things.
”What? No! Wait! No! No! Master Maxwell! Master Maxwell!”
Venetia calls out as she is being dragged away by Alex and Hans. She continues to scream all the way to the doorway, but no matter what she says, no one else can hear her wailing.
Without anything else, the girl will spend the next couple of nights as my guest down in the dungeon, and her nobility status means squat in my eyes. Of course, I will have to deal with those elders of hers when this get out.
Sounds problematic, but not really. No one dares to confront me unless they want to get nuked. That is an option now. Awesome, isn't it?
”I know what you want! I know what you want! Master Maxwell! Please hear me out! Please!”
Venetia calls out with desperation just as the doorways about to close, and I wonder what she means by that. It could be nothing, but still, it is not that much of trouble to ask.
”Bring her back here.”
I state casually, and the door opens wide once more, allowing Hans and Alex to drag Venetia back into the room. She looks utterly terrified, but once she is at the front of the table again, a bit of confidence could be seen.
”I wish to speak to you alone, Master Maxwell. Without other eyes and ears.”
Venetia requests in a composed manner. Her brown eyes did glance at the surrounding, wondering to herself whether anyone actually spying on me.
There is not, at least Legion has informed me so. Of course, it did not really matter since I am not really stupid enough reveal anything important even within my office. I have special places for that. It is not anywhere on the planet.
”Very well. Release her and leave us, so I can entertain our guest myself.”
I request, and Hans and Alex bid their farewell. Alex did. Hans simply retreats out of the room in a very orderly manner. They will be standing outside the door if I need their help for whatever reason.
After the left, the door closes behind them and seals like before. The whole room is airtight as well as soundproof. Nothing can get in or out without my say so.
”Well, Venetia? You have me all to yourself for the moment, so do not waste it.”