209 The Two Steve of Apple (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 57830K 2022-07-20

I answer with a smile and offer the seat back to Mr. Wozniak. It is his seat in the first place, so think of it as me keeping it warm for him. I state the exact same thing to both Steve.

Having the same name makes referring to them easy, but also confusion when holding a conversation, not something I would do since talking to them for too long might cause unintended consequences.

Dire consequences.

Steve Jobs chuckles at that statement and nods before explaining a few things to his friend.

”You think we should change the logo before we even proposed the idea to the bank?”

Steve Wozniak questions, not liking the proposed idea at all. To change things at this stage is not really a good thing, especially when there is a lot riding on this. While both Steve do have some funds to get themselves started, it is simply better to have the backing of the bank.

Words on the Street is that if a company as the backing of Chrono Reserves, it is certain to succeed.

It is a side effect of knowing which company will succeed and which will fail thanks to future knowledge from me.

Henry Oxford has not implemented any failsafe yet, just to stop people from looking to deeply. He will do so soon, but strangely enough, it actually makes people looks even deeper, especially the US of A.

The US Government is investigating Chrono Holdings and all of its subsidiaries. Its parent company as well. There will be a day when it will be USA v. Chronicles.

Probably more like USA v. its people. That is what I am working towards anyway. I want to remind the good US Government that it exists solely to serve the people, not the other way around.

It has seemed to forget that very fact over the years.

Anyway, having backing of Chrono Reserves also means more money. Like a lot more money.

Startup companies can do a lot of things with million of dollar at its disposal, and while that does sound a lot for this day and age, it is not really that much for Chrono Reserves.

”We do not need to change it now. Maybe in a few months when we get the product on the market.”

Steve Jobs points out. He is actually the brain of the group. His intelligence is in business and marketing unlike Steve Wozniak, who is more like an employee than actually a partner.

Sure, Jobs steals ideas from other people without giving them due credits, but I would do the same in his shoes. Certainly.

Having a great idea and not knowing how to make it into something useful like Steve Jobs can is really like having no idea at all.

It is not what you have but how you use or apply it. That is how it is with new things.

Likewise, I am sure that Steve Jobs is going to steal that idea about a much cleaner logo design, making people think differently. Or was it think different.

What was the slogan again? Whatever it was, I am actually relaying what Steve Jobs has already come up with or stolen from people who works for him in the future.

Steve Wozniak agrees and pays attention back to me, but my attention is elsewhere.

I am just looking around to see if there is anyone else that I should talk to as well. I realize quickly that it is unnecessary to do that as George Collins, so I return my attention to Jobs and Wozniak. I shouldn't even talk to these two either.

But it is interesting.

”Yes, it doesn't really matter if you change the logo or not as long as you are selling what people want.”

I speak up.

”And what do people want?”

Steve Wozniak questions before Steve Jobs could.


I answer with a shrug, making them both look at me questioningly. Guess I will have to explain as that is not really a concept in this day and age. It will be in the future.

”People are pretty lazy by nature. It is why we invent things to make our life easier, isn't it? If you have something that everyone wants, then they will pay whatever for the convenience of having it despite not really needing it in the first place.”

I continue with a smile.

”People are pretty stupid too, so if you are smart enough, you can tell them what they want, and they will eat it up without a second thought because it is convenience to do so.”

That statement shocks both of them, but it is the truth. Most people don't really know what they really want themselves and just submit to others.

”Are you implying something, Mr. Collins?”

Steve Jobs questions with a frown after a short moment, realizing the hidden meaning.

It sounds like an insult to him, and it is to some capacity, but most of it is a compliment. A compliment to Steve Jobs for creating a generation of hardcore fans. To which I call Apple Sheep. Most people call them that, but hey, I am trying to do the same thing, but on a much larger scale.

”Am I? Sorry if it sounds something else, but I merely only speaking my mind, so don't mind me.”

I response.

”No, I probably think too much myself, but what you are saying is quite interesting. I actually have the same line of thoughts as you. Sadly, not many people understand.”

Steve Jobs replies before smiling once more. He wants to say more, but he refrains himself due to the other Steve. It seems that their relationship isn't as solid from the start.

But that is probably because Steve Jobs is quite self-centered, more so in the future.

”Then don't. You actually only need to make important people understand. People from the bank for example, but I have a good feeling that they will invest money into your company. No. I am more than certain that they cannot refuse.”

I answer with a smile. Unless Steve Jobs royally screw up in the pitch meeting, he will have his funding, as his company along with many others are on the list of must acquire, from the start if possible.

Some companies did fall through the crack by 1990s, thus requiring a hostile takeover in the future. I will do that when it is time. There is really no need to hurry as everything is falling in to place. Most of my plans anyway.

Things do happen out of my control, thus requiring me to adjust my plan.

”How are you so confident?”

Steve Jobs questions as his eyes narrow slightly.

”Do you believe me if I said that I can see the future?”

I response before pausing for effect.

Steve Jobs and his business partner, Steve Wozniak stare at me to see if I am joking or not. Of course, I am not joking. I can really see the future, but no one is going to believe that.

”I am inclined to believe you despite how crazy that sounds, Mr. Collins.”

Steve Jobs answers, and I chuckle.

”Yup. That is the power of confidence. If you are confidence, you can spew total nonsense and others would believe you simply because they cannot seem to doubt your words.”

I point out. It is a good lesson to be learned. I have learned it myself a long time ago.

It does help greatly when I can look into the future as well, knowing exactly what will happen. Nothing beats that kind of cheating, honestly.

”But honestly, I believe that you will have your funding. It is already a certainty.”