209 The Two Steve of Apple (1/2)
It is kind of bizarre sitting here and talking to Steve Jobs, especially when I am supposed to have like a meeting with the said man alongside with Bill Gates at Terra Entertainment Headquarter in Hollywood in the year 1990.
Or more correctly to say, I should have done that about half a year ago despite it is currently 1976.
How does that work exactly, considering that this is about 14 years in the past?
Playing around with time does produce some interesting results. Some really wacky results too.
But being trapped here in this memory of 1976 is not my doing, and sadly enough, I am unable to leave this place and return to where I should be, at least not through my own power.
That is annoying. Very annoying.
In addition, this feels less and less like a memory due to people acting and behaving well beyond what George would understand or comprehend. I am also meeting people that George himself would never have possibly meet in the past.
People like Steve Jobs for example.
Sure, it is possible that George could fabricate all of this with his imagination, but it feels unlikely. That is because he lacks the brainpower as well as the capacity to imagine vividly.
Also, George would not know who Steve Jobs is since Apple is not a global giant in the 1990. It wouldn't be until the release of the iPhone in 2007.
Therefore, it is better to assume that this an alternate reality. Well. Inclined to anyway because there simply too many things that contradict this theory.
For example, Chrono Reserves exist.
But how could it exist when I am a unique being?
As an Aspect, there should only be one of me in all of time, so without me existing in this timeline, this company should not exist. Yet here it is, and with countless of people coming in everyday to pitch their ideas, hoping to get some funding.
I am honestly somewhat surprised to run into Steve Jobs here in this branch of Chrono Reserves. I am aware that he and his business partners, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, require some funding for their startup company, but I expect them to be in California instead of here.
All of them should be living in California.
As a matter of fact, I recall vaguely that Steve Jobs should be living in Los Altos, California.
Steve Jobs would run his computer company out of the garage of his childhood home, at least for the next couple of years alongside with Steve Wozniak.
And as for Ronald Wayne, the man did not really have the same confidence and faith as both Jobs and Wozniak, thus selling back his shares in the company in a couple of weeks or so.
This is all history from my perspective, at least history from the original timeline. I did not really check with the prime timeline, as Apple exists in 1990, so I have assumed its history should still be relatively the same.
Apparently, some stuff has changed. Not much anyway.
One way or another, Chronicles would control Apple as well as every other major technology giant.
I wonder what Bill Gates is doing just out of curiosity. Microsoft was founded just last year in 1975.
And just like the founders of Apple, Bill Gates and his business partners also applied for some funding from Chrono Reserves, which was promptly granted. Should have been granted, I should say.
There was a time that Chrono Reserves chase after important startups like Apple and Microsoft. That stops when Chrono Reserves becomes too powerful, dominating the economic sector.
Thus, there no longer a need to chase down people just to give them money.
Let them come to Chrono Reserves begging for money. It is better that way.
Why did I not start Apple and Microsoft myself?
I sort of did, just not under the same name because there is no real reason to use the same name, just because. I did not even start it in the same country, just to keep the competition going.
Healthy competition. No need for espionage or anything of sort.
The United States might have my support simply because I was born as an American, but despite that, I am not neglecting all of other countries. All foundation must be laid, years in advance.
Of course, there is another reason why I did not start Apple or Microsoft here during this time. I would not be able to produce the same results as their original founders. Since I would not, there really is no point of doing so.
”Think differently? That is interesting, Mister…?”
Steve responses.
”Collins. Mr. Collins. Wow. I just sound like my father. You can call me Max. Steve.”
I response. It is quite troubling to use George Collins as my name when introducing myself to people, but unfortunately, I cannot use Maximilien Maxwell. That would cause problem down the line.
Or will it?
This is an alternate reality after all. At least I am starting to think so. One that mirrors the prime reality even though I should not exist in this reality. I am unable to determine that at the moment.
Actually, I could. It would be super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Why didn't I think of it sooner? Maybe because I am way too horny to think clearly. This curse is even more torturous than the burning curse from Ingra. At least, the burning sensation numbs after a while unlike this.
Also, walking around with a huge erection is asking for trouble. Good thing no one notice yet, or maybe they did, but they are too busy or preoccupied to say anything.
Steve Jobs smiles faintly, realizing that I have gotten his name from his notebook. I actually didn't, and there is no need to clarify.
”So, Max, what brings you here?”
Steve asks me and casts a glance at my empty hands. Unlike most people, more like everyone actually, I did not bring anything with me in order to pitch my idea to the bank.
”Same thing as you, Steve. I am here to pitch my idea to the bank and get some funding. I am thinking of starting a transportation company. One of the best here in the east side.”
I answer with a smile and take note of the world beginning to crack. Is it due to talking to Steve? I am not supposed to talk to the man because George did not. Of course, I can easily correct that problem with a little command.
”Really, and you very confidence about this?”
Steve questions and ponders for a moment.
And before I could answer him, his partner returns from the restroom. Steve Wozniak himself. Ronald Wayne did into come. Probably busy with someone else. Or really has no faith in the company.
”Hello Steve.”
I greet the young man, surprising him. Steve Jobs is also surprised, considering that there are no name tags or anything of the sort on Mr. Wozniak unlike the notebook that Steve is holding.
The second Steve greets me before casting a look at Jobs.
”Friend of yours?”
He asks Steve Jobs.
”I wonder if he is.”
Steve Jobs answers with a smile. Despite that smile, he is scrutinizing me. A lot more than before since I should not have known who Steve Wozniak is.
”I could be, so therefore, I should be. It is better to have friends instead of enemies. That way, you can backstab them when they least expected.”