210 Even Below Rock Bottom (1/2)
Steve Jobs remains skeptical, but I suppose that is within his character. Honestly, I would be skeptical too if I was in his shoes, sitting there and chatting to someone cynical like me.
I am not cynical. Just a bit preoccupied with someone else on my mind at the moment. Thus, I did not want to beat around the bushes and troll other too much.
There is also no need for me to befriend Steve Jobs as George Collins. Doing something like that would serve no real purpose whatsoever. I would befriend him if I was in my actual body, as that will probably make our future conversation a lot more pleasant and interesting.
Not that our current conversation is not already interesting.
I actually like Steve Jobs as a person, but I am certain I would not like this much as a business partner based on what I know of his history back in the original timeline. Not many people do, actually.
In any case, Steve Jobs has great confident in his business proposal, or he would not be so calmed like this, sitting here and revising his notes at a leisure pace. The same could not be said for Steve Wozniak, however.
The man requires to use the restroom constantly.
Quite a lot of people require to use the restroom. Not to take a leak or unload anything. They are using it to smoke and calm their nerve. No smoking is allowed outside designated area.
That is actually a modern idea, not quite fit for this ear, but a good idea is a good idea.
Gender equality too, as there is many women working here at Chrono Reserves, and they aren't always in the reception or lobby area. Once more, sex sells, and talking to a professional woman is a lot more easy on the eye than talking to a man.
Especially when the man has long hair, beards, mustaches and sideburns. Not all of the mentioned at once, but still. Men also wear baggy pants a lot too. In contrast, women are more fashionable.
Women also starting to show a lot of skin too. Scandalous amount to many of the older generation in this era. All thanks to my companies introducing ideas. But I guess progress is progress.
”Well. It is nice talking to you, Mr. Collins. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor.”
Steve Jobs tells me when his number finally appears on the billboard alongside with a counter number, telling him to head there as soon as possible. Steve Wozniak already on his way there, pushing through the crowd.
”Likewise, Mr. Jobs.”
I response with a smile and watch Steve Jobs heads off. I check my number afterwards and look at the massive billboard overhead. It would be another hour or so before my turn.
And standing around here feels like a really good waste of time.
But then again, I don't have anything else to do. That is not exactly true. I do have plenty of things that I want to do. For example, stopping time and then go checking up on myself.
Where was I around this time in 1976? Oh right, in China.
I am currently setting up some underground complexes in mountainous area in China. Around July or August, there will be a major earthquake, destroying homes and killing a lot of people.
Quite a tragedy, but it allows me to step in and starts building under the guise of reconstruction. I am able to obtain a huge workforce in the process too. Slave workforce, but meh.
I did pay the men for their time, so it is like actual work. Also give them and their family a good shelter too, so it is not all that bad. Sure, I exploit them and use the situation to my advantage, but not more than anyone else.
Since it is March at the moment, the past-me is probably greasing some Chinese politicians. Fucking a lot too from what I can remember. Good thing that this is after Ambrosia or there is a lot of Antigone around.
But then again, Antigone will be born regardless of whether I am infertile or not. Adria was born even though I had made damn sure my sperm were basically dead. Also, all those girls that I screwed before Ambrosia did not get knocked up.
I had checked on every girl that I banged after Antigone. Some of them are in better places than they had previously thanks to my rather generous donation. Some are in worst places due to drug addiction and so on. That cannot be helped.
Anyway, I chill around the lobby until my number comes up. Talk to a bunch of people to because why not? Some of them has crazy ass proposal.
Proposals that would definitely not get approved under normal circumstances, but regardless of how crazy or insane the business proposal is, as long as it make money, it will be get approved.
I check the counter number before heading there. Since there just aren't enough seat for everyone, I have to push my way through the crowd.
And while it is called a counter, it is actually a small sound-proof cubical with glass panel windows just in case something happens inside. Not that anything would happen for obvious reason.
”Hello, Mr. Collins. How may I help you today?”
The woman asks me when I enter the cubicle. The first thing that I look is her blouse, just to see what she is hiding there. The second thing is her fingers, not to check for her wedding ring, but I also check for that after seeing the Hydra ring.
She is a Hydra agent. The first generation.
Hydra agents are mixed into the workforce mostly for security reason. While there are Shield security personnel on the premise, the bank does get robbed quite regularly.
Like once every couple of weeks or so.
And having Hydra agents will ensure the safety of all the employees as well as customers. A stray bullet can do a lot of damage in a crowded place like Chrono Reserves, so those robbers usually get whatever they demand if they somehow managed to grab some hostages.
Of course, they will not get to keep the money for long, as Henry did not get where he is without a bit of brutality now and then.
He will let the cops deal with the robbers while he destroys their family and livelihoods.
That does not stop people from trying to rob him, and by extension me, however. At least not yet, but it will eventually.
”Oh. You could help me a lot, Ms. Fleming, but what I need right now is a look at your Hydra ring. Can you please hand it over?”
I request despite knowing that will not go well. Hydra ring has biometric sensor built into them. Thus, even if she gives it to me, I would not be able to use it. I would if I was in my actual body.
The ring will recognize my biometric signature in that case, not when I am George Collins, however. It is not that advanced yet. Is it even possible to sense a soul technologically? If not, I will have to resort to magic.
But all of this is another time.
”Excuse me, Mr. Collins, but what Hydra ring are you referring to?”
The woman responses and narrows her eyes. She also casts a glance out of the glass window to check if there is anyone paying attention. There is always someone paying attention.
Shield is also watching as well. I mean the virtual intelligence Shield.
Its surveillance network is being built at the moment, but important places like Chrono Reserves and all the branches already has eyes and ears.