189 Orders are Absolute POV (1/2)
As requested, I follow Lu Bu through numerous empty corridors and into an equally empty bathhouse, located at the end of a long and narrow passageway.
There is no one inside the room besides me and Lu Bu, just like there wasn't anyone in the connecting hallways that had led me here.
Nothing really stands out in those corridors. There are no ornaments or murals of any kind. Only well-lit endless hallways of a single shade of color.
Dull grey. Metallic.
Just like in this room with a massive pool in the middle. The water is crystal clear, contrasting the grey color of the floors, ceilings and walls. It is as if the entire room is completely encased in metal, just like an underground prison of sort.
And I am its prisoner. Perhaps, its only prisoner.
Nothing has really changed after all of these years, as I have always been a prisoner, from one master to another since the very day I was born.
It was to my neglected parents at first. They only care about themselves and their social status, failing as parents. Being unable to live up to their high expectation had resulted in a lot of severe punishments and nights of starvation.
I was a mistake. A very big mistake, as my parents had told me repeatedly, especially when they locked me in a room for many days. Even weeks and months.
My parents had never wanted me, confirmed by the fact that I cannot remember a time that either of them had embraced me as their daughter. They never did. They also rarely called me by the very name they had bestowed upon me.
But that mostly because they rarely speaking to me personally. There were many days that I didn't see any of my parents. They were usually off having a party somewhere, leaving me to the servant.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
It is also the real reason to why I do not have any brothers or sisters as having any more children would only tie them down and ruin their lavished and carefree lifestyles.
Even when my parents were choking on their own blood, they refused to accept me as their daughter, not even once. Only pure hatred in their bloodshot eyes as they were poisoned to death.
By the very poison that they had feed me bit by bit over the course of many years. It was to the point that I became immune to poison.
Why did my parents hate me that much? Why did they even bring me into this world?
Yet despite the childhood I had to endure, I cried for them. I cried for my parents as they gasped their last breath. The parents that I have always dreamed about, but never truly had in reality.
And when they finally passed away before my tearful eyes, I had attempted to take my own life. There was no reason for me to continue to exist, but I didn't want to go alone into the dark.
I never wanted to be alone. Ever again.
But I didn't join my parents in death. One of my cousins had saved me that day by allowing him inside the dining room. He was my fiancée as well. It was before the marriage between cousins is made illegal in the country.
My fiancée, who was much older than me, had stayed with me in the hospital until I was able to speak once more. But due to the poison that was still lingering in my system, I couldn't talk properly despite wanting nothing more than to confess and tell everyone the truth.
Since I was only a child then, no one really suspected me of poisoning my parents. I was also poisoned, so I cannot be the culprit. It was logically reasonable to assume so.
Besides, my parents had a lot of enemies, who had attempted to take my life on many occasions. Even now, they still do. There is just no end to them regardless of how many I have killed.
Strangely enough, the whole incident with my parents was brushed under the rug, and I inherited my parents' entire estate as well as their social status.
It was thanked to my fiancée, who had told me that I do not need to be fearful of my parents anymore and that he is here for me and will always be with me.
And I believed him. I was free. Free from my parents. Free to be what I wanted to be.
But it was all a lie. An illusion. I never had freedom. Never once in my life.
My fiancée and his family already had plans to kill me once I was married, thus giving him total control of my wealth and estate. That is what he was after all along.
It was hard to fathom how someone so nice and charming can be such a monster, but I supposed that I should have seen it when he raped me while assuring me that it is his right as my eventual husband.
He was my husband, and I thought that was normal. I was young and naïve then, not even of legal age to do anything. I had absolutely no power to do anything.
I was merely a prisoner. Then and now.
Noe one ever came to my rescue just like no one ever did when my parents were alive. Everyone that I knew looked at me as if I am a prize to be possessed. My relatives didn't even try to hide their greed and hunger in the ways they looked at me.
Even the man, who I had probably ever loved, see me as a possession. Something that he can discarded at any time he chooses.
And once more, I traded one master for another and became a prisoner in my very own home, waiting day after day for the marriage that I had pleaded with him. I wanted a proper wedding despite already being married to him on paper.
If I was to die, I had preferred to die on my own term, not his. Not anyone. Death seemed to be calling for me, and I wanted to enter its embrace. To be free from everything. To be free from life.
I just wanted to end it all just like when I poisoned my parents, but I refused to die alone. Why must I die alone and let others live in luxury and comfort?
I was lonely enough already.
So, I did just like what I had done with my parents, years before, I poisoned everyone I had ever known on my wedding day, including the children. It was before setting the building alight, burning everything into ashes.
Despite having what I had wanted, I couldn't help but cry at the altar while my white dress was masked in blood even though no one else but me could see the blood, including my husband.
The horror expression he had on as I cradle lifeless body in my arms remain vividly in my memory. He had never loved me, not once, but I did love him despite how he had treated me.
I was ready to die wit him, but he did not. He never did. Everything that he vowed was a complete lie.
My entire life was a lie from the moment I was born to the day I thought I would finally die and enter the blissful embrace of death.
Yet, the inferno didn't take me it had taken everyone else. It spared me even though I had never asked for it. Even death did not want me.
And for the next few months afterwards, the doctors did their very best to drain all of my money and wealth in order to keep me alive and suffering.
I could barely awake for more than a few minutes at a time. Even so, death refuses to give me mercy, as he did not want me just like my parents didn't wat me. Just like my husband didn't want me.
No body truly wanted me as me. They always wanted someone else.
And only when my money had finally run out that the doctors finally let me go. Not letting death takes me, but letting the world see what a horrifying monstrosity that I had become.
I couldn't recognize the creature staring back at me in the mirror. I had become so disfigured by their pointless and unending surgeries. Surgeries that I didn't need to want. I just wanted to die.
Just to die, yet they refused to let me that bit of mercy.
I hated them. I hated them for letting me see what I truly am, a monster, and as much as I wanted to kill myself, I couldn't. I just couldn't, not when so many people living happily, laughing and joking.
They all deserved to suffer as I had and reduced to what I was.
I had nothing left. I had no home. No family. No one. I had become a nobody that no one ever wanted, and I believed that was probably the best thing that had happened in my entire life, as those faceless men had come and restored me into something much better.