188 Quantum Artificial Intelligence (1/2)
Despite being a full-pledged Chimera, Xi Shi didn't have that much of a tolerance for pain.
In fact, Xi Shi would have passed out the moment I finish flaying her lovely arm if it wasn't for all those mircomachines floating around in her bloodstream, keeping her conscious.
The same micromachines that are inhibiting her regenerative ability.
Xi Shi obviously didn't know that fact. She assumes that her inability to heal herself is due to my rather unexplainable power.
It is unexplainable, at least from a biological standpoint, and even with near unlimited funding by their respective government, those organization behind these Hybrids would never reach the same level of technology as Hydra, let alone me.
Hydra didn't have access to antigravity technology yet, and Hydra will not have it until all the plans for colonizing all the planets in the solar system come to fruition.
Speaking of which, those terraforming ships are on their ways to every planet in the solar system. They will then proceed to terraform those worlds and moons into places habitable by humans.
Or biological being that are similar to humans.
By which I refer to fantastical creatures. I mean fantasy races. They aren't fantasy anymore.
In an alternate future, I did seed a planet with the dark elf from Azula, but the only reason that future exists is because I had the idea of doing so.
Since I don't have that idea anymore, that future shouldn't exists.
I think that should be case, considering the future is not really set in stone, but then again, my power is not fully understood.
I do know that the moment I take a look into the future with a temporal bubble, that future has already changed. It can easily be tested, and I have tested it many times already.
As for the future of this woman named Xi Shi, I have decided to keep her as an experiment. As a mole as well. A clone is probably better for the mole job, but a clone doesn't have a soul.
Somehow, having a soul seems important now days.
Other than that, I want to see her squirm a little more. I am evil that way.
”You may have a rest now, Xi Shi.”
I tell her and finally allow her to slip into the realm of consciousness, but not before I turn that pretty face of her into a horror show, especially without any of her eyelids or ears or hairs.
Yes, I give her a shave. Top and bottom. It comes with the flaying process.
And the reason that I am still calling her Xi Shi even though I do know her real name is due to the fact her current legal name is Xi Shi. She isn't the actual Xi Shi from the Party, however.
She is actually one of many doubles.
Is it still called that?
The real Xi Shi is paranoid to the point that she has so many doubles, just to keep people guessing who is the real one. As for why she is paranoid, I actually have no idea right now.
This is because the fake Xi Shi doesn't know. She is expendable to the real Xi Shi, just like every single fake Xi Shi.
I wonder how many fake Xi Shi there are running about in the world. I will know for certain in a couple of days when the countless drones that are Legion begin tagging everyone on Earth.
Should have done that a long time ago.
In fact, I should have done a lot of things a long time ago, but a lot of those things are inconsequential to the cause. Just like Hybrid. Not entirely true as I do need to dedicate some time to hunt down those who are infected with the parasite known as the Ace of Diamond.
That is actually a mouthful. I will just call the Ace of Diamond as the parasite. I would like to call him Alex Mercer, but I already have one idiot name Alex Mercer.
I cannot have the parasite continues to spread further.
It would not be good for humanity as a whole in the long run. Not only those infected cannot become evolved, they also pass down the mutated genes to their children, thus corrupting the gene pool.
In any case, the Hybrid problem is more or less a side project of mine, and I don't really need to resort to Hydra for this. I will have to talk to Johnathan obviously, just to chastise him on his slobby work.
Since standing in the middle of the ocean, waiting for Xi Shi to have a rest, is fucking boring.
I teleport myself and her to a compound somewhere in the United States. It is for interrogation despite I already know everything there is to know about her, at least from her memory.
While I could dump her in china, relatively close to where she has wanted to go, I didn't. This is because I have left her butler and the pilots dead. They are considered casualties of war, and as casualties, the Chinese will send someone over to check.
Finding Xi Shi in China despite her plane never making it across the Atlantic Ocean will be suspicious.
Obviously, there are plenty of compounds that I can use in China if I wanted. Most of them are actually abandoned now due to the competition of Legion.
And despite not needing Chinese slave workers, I still keep them on a leash. It is simply because most of them are farmers and laborers, thus unable to find a job in the Chinese growing economy.
China is actually doing a lot better in this timeline than the original timeline. Their current GDP is about half a trillion dollars this year, 1990, of the prime timeline. GDP means Gross Domestic Product, which more or less measure the wealth of a country.
For comparison, the GPD of China was roughly about 360 billion dollars in the original timeline.
And in contrast, the United States of America has the GDP of 10 trillion currently. That is about 4 more trillion than the original timeline, but this is expected due to Chrono Holdings and all of its subsidiaries.
Oxford Enterprise and other companies owned by my underlings and associates as well. They do have a hand in making America great again. I mean continuing to be great.
I am a patriot even though I believe countries are unneeded in the future.
Nevertheless, that discrepancy in Gross Domestic Products alone has caused major ripple effects, and I am certain by the time I am born, which is in a decade or so in the year 2000, the world is even more different than the original timeline.
Much more technological advance than the original timeline, not to mention the introduction to magic as well. So many things are planned for the future, but so little time to do them all.
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Speaking of time, I am not sure why I am waiting for Xi Shi to wake up like this. Honestly, with a snap of my fingers, she will be restored while retaining the memory of what had just happened.
I did just that, but not before I set up a few things. It didn't take more than a handful of seconds thanks to Legion. Having micromachines as building blocks does make constructing anything super easy.
But introducing it to the modern world will retread the same path as that alternate realities. Honestly, making things easy for people only causes them to be super lazy.
People have to achieve things on their own to appreciate it.
Xi Shi screams in terror the moment she wakes up. She thrashes around on the table before falling off it. Medical equipment clattering on the floor around her as she looks up and about, trying to see where she is.