145 Clashes of Powers POV (2/2)
This is on the same level as Jake and his power to manipulate space.
Has technology advanced this far?
I never have that of an much interest in technology since my universe is not governed by science, and I have never seen any technology capable of surpassing magic or powers.
What technology can do, magic and powers simply does it far better and more efficient. Furthermore, no infrastructure needs to be in place to cast magic or wield powers.
Technology is just too bulky when all thing considered.
”I have really underestimate you, Maximilien Maxwell.”
I speak up and turn to look at the young man, who couldn't be older than 22 years old.
”So, have I, Zeus. Your power is incredibly. You are certainly more powerful than what the myth shows you to be. As much as I like to join you and your team, I afraid I will have to decline.”
Max speaks up. He is also hovering in the air like me, but unlike me, he isn't doing it through magic or power. He is using technology. It seems that his technology has surpassed my imagination.
”I see. Where is Zephyr?”
I question. Lightning crackles around me when Max gives me a shrug as a response.
I am trying very hard to restrain my emotions.
Most powers are linked to certain emotion, becoming stronger as the emotion grows stronger. Thus, most wielders usually get killed by their own power since they cannot contain their emotion in instant of great loss or anguish.
Therefore, those who have reached my level shouldn't be fazed by anything emotionally.
And I should not either.
I exhale deeply as the lightnings dissipate.
”I will ask again, Maximilien Maxwell. Where is Zephyr?”
I question and beam directly at the young man. His eyes are no longer on fire like before when he had entertained the masses.
There is also no flame swirling around his body for effect.
”Who knows, Zeus. But if you want to know, try and beat it out of me. I want to see well I fare against a God.”
Max smiles.
I narrow my eyes at him and try to understand what is going on his mind. But before I could understand what he is thinking, a laser beam pierces through my chest. It also instantly cauterized my wound.
The offending drones immediately explodes along with the rest as a pillar of lightning spears through the heaven and slams against their master.
A portal manifests in front of the judgement and sucks it in. I blink just before my own attack crashes to me from the side. While lightning does not hurt me, the force sends me slamming against the earth, shattering the glassed surface.
He could use spatial manipulation to redirect my attacks just like Jake could?
And why am I even surprised at this point? I am sure that he could do a lot more than just that.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
I lift myself off the ground and instantly in front of him before landing a powerful strike.
Max manages to block it barely despite my speed, but he gets shocked for doing so.
I pummel him and send him straight to the ground with an electrifying hammer strike, but he vanishes before he impacts the earth.
A powerful punch lands squarely across my face as he teleports to the side of me while preserving the momentum. It is strong enough to crack my jaw and send me spinning along the air, several thousands of miles away.
But in doing so, his right arm is busted, bending in an unnatural angle.
”Damn. What is your head really made of, Zeus?”
Max questions. His arms return to normal thanks to his power.
I speed back and engage him, exchanging blows and kicks while he is doing the same. I manage to get a lot more in thanks to my quicker reaction thanks to my power, but he is catching up to me so quickly that I think he might be cheating.
Our fist collides perfectly, rippling the air before both of our fists and arms explode. His arm instantly restores before he clocks me, dislocating my jaw.
His strength increases?
He then sends me crashing against the earth.
As I lay there, staring up at him hovering in the sky, my arm regenerates.
”Punching the light out of each other is pointless, Zeus. We both have instant regeneration and near limitless stamina. Although I can win out in the end, it will probably take days or maybe months. I just don't have time for that. Come at me with everything you go, and I will do the same.”
Maximilien requests as spatial portals manifest all around him, spitting out countless upon countless of microscopic machine. They surge at me, but my lightning vaporizes them effortlessly.
”That is pointless, Max. Those toys of yours do nothing more than amuse me.”
I response and reach him in an instant.
”Yes, but I just want to test something. Besides, you didn't get all of them, Zeus.”
Max responses before several laser beam slice through me or at least they try to.
I build up resistance against such an attack due to my very high Resistance attributes. It is sort of what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. This is the blessing to those who wield powers.
”Interesting. How about this then, Zeus?”
A huge portal appears right in front of him. A powerful blast crash into me instantly.
And my eyes widen in shock as I impact against the planet's glassed surface before I even know what had just happened, causing fissure to rupture throughout the planet.
Under such a devastating focused explosion of a dozen neutron stars, my body slowly break apart.
And I thought I had died.
Time has reversed, reviving me. Why did he revive me!?
”It seems like Gods aren't that powerful after all, Zeus. Let's do some more test, shall we?”
Max speaks up as more spatial portal manifests around him.
Is he messing with me!?