145 Clashes of Powers POV (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 51130K 2022-07-20

Endless lightnings continue to descend upon the world from beyond the atmosphere, shredding apart the metal shell enclosed around the planet on their way down to glass and boil the land and sea.

The unending destruction that I have rained upon the world and the remnants of the human race is a manifestation of my righteous fury.

I am furious, truly.

Furious at myself for allowing Zephyr to be captured with such impunity. Furious at Zephyr for failing to follow such a simple order.

And more than all, I am furious at Maximilien Maxwell for stringing me along like an idiot.

I am better than that. I am a God.

An Ascended God!

And I should have been more prepared to fight against a time-based power user.

I didn't expect his power to be this high level, fully capable of undoing any damages that I have inflicted upon him. It is akin to instant restore, but unlike consuming healing potions, there is no side-effect at all.

This is a problem.

How do I kill someone who cannot technically be killed?

I cannot. Not without nullifying his power first, but I am unable to do that with the powers and abilities at my disposal. I am not equipped enough to disrupt his power.

None of the weapons and artefacts within my inventory and armory is capable of such a feat either. I could slow him down with them but slowing him down is not enough.

If only Hades is still here. I have told him to leave this reality along with the rest of the team.

They all did without questions, unlike Zephyr. They all obey my commands immediately unlike Zephyr.

Zephyr. Zephyr.

But what is done is done. I cannot undo it, not without paying an enormous price in the process. Time manipulation is very costly to everyone who does not wield the power of time.

How annoying.

How very annoying.

Neither Zephyr or Maximilien are found on the planet or anywhere within the solar system. They could not have gotten very far, and they certainly did not leave this reality.

I would have known if they did.

So, where are they?

Could they be in another plane of existence or ascend to a higher realm?

Both are possible, but very unlikely since there is safeguard against that. Powerful safeguard. Powerful enough for me to feel the aftereffect on this mortal plane of existence.

As I understand it, only an astral entity similar Ghostly can come and go into another plane of existence as he pleases. Being a true astral spirit also allows him to ascend and descend realms by stripping away his cultivation.

In any case, neither Zephyr or Maximilien should be able to ascend to higher realm. They shouldn't be able to enter another plane of existence without me knowing either.

I didn't feel anything. Nothing at all. One minute they are here, and the next they are gone. They could have teleported outside my current range of awareness in an instant. That is a cause of concern. And I didn't see him use any artifact or magic to teleport either.

That means he has the ability to teleport naturally.

This really is a problem.

I close my eyes and extend my cosmic awareness into the expanding scope of this universe. Since I am not a native of this universe, what I can see is very limited, making it incredibly difficult to locate either of them.

But I have to try. I have to try before…

I snap open my eyes before I am detected by them. Cosmic entities. They really don't like a non-native using cosmic powers within their universe.

Every reality has its own set of cosmic entities, and while I could fight them, it is really a pointless fight, not to mention wasting value power and energy.

And I am not even sure cosmic entities could be killed within the scope of their own universe, but I do know if they die, the fabric of the universe will collapse due to one of the fundamental laws has been removed from the equation.

Doing something like that will bring the Aspect of Order.

It might also collapse the entire universe. Killing and destroying everything within the universe is really nowhere near collapsing the universe. Anything killed and destroyed can be restored, but a collapsed universe cannot.

While our combined might can collapse a universe into nothingness, doing so will only bring unending destruction upon our head. Only those guys would dare to do such a thing and piss off both Primordial and Aspect. Piss off all of them.

One Aspect is already powerful enough. All of them together will rip apart everything, but at least they can be reasoned with. Primordial cannot be reasoned with.

There are just too many red tapes stopping me from using everything I have to find Zephyr. She must be rescued because she is one of us and a part of our collective. Her demise will weaken our collective greatly

And the boss will chastise me for getting one of my team members killed, not to mention those others wouldn't let this go.

How annoying.

How fucking annoying!

The crust of the planet begins to crack under my growing fury.

I need to calm down. I really need to calm down. If I continue this destruction, I will burn through the planet outer and inner mantle, awakening something I shouldn't.

And it isn't Gaia. This is not my planet. Gaia does not dwell within it.

Lightnings stop manifesting and striking the planet from outer space. As I hover above in the air, I look at what remains of the planet. Much of the surface has been glassed. Most of manmade buildings are melted or outright destroyed. What is left the ocean is rising into the upper atmosphere.

There is not a single soul left alive on the planet.

The only thing that remains is those annoying mechanical drones, hovering all over the place, watching me. It didn't matter how many of them I have destroyed, they just keep coming back, not to mention in greater number than before.

A lightning bolt jumps from me and short-circuits one of the drones before jumping to the next drone, continuously until there is none left. Within seconds, more appear, making me winced in annoyance.

Are they coming out of a pocket dimension? Wait a second.

Is Zephyr being locked up in a spatial dimension!? Where?

I look around and try to locate spatial distortion. Pocket dimension gives off spatial distortion as long as space is being compressed. To my surprise, every single drone giving off spatial distortion. The same distinct spatial distortion.

”Linked space?”

I question with surprise.

It shouldn't be, even if each drone is a spatial artefact itself, and the magical power within Maximilien tells me he is only a beginner mage. He shouldn't be capable of spatial magic of this magnitude.