147 Wealth of Knowledge (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 57680K 2022-07-20

Unlike Zephyr, Zeus requires a bit of convincing.

Alright. A lot of convincing.

It isn't because Zeus didn't believe that I could give him a brand-new life and a new purpose. He didn't believe that it is a life worth living, considering that he is merely a phantom memory of the real Zeus, who is somewhere else in the multiverse.

I didn't bother differentiating between the two.

In my eyes, Zeus is still Zeus. It is just like my mother, who is still my mother regardless of what reality she is heralding from.

Unfortunately, my mother is currently dead.

It is thanks to Zeus, but I am not really pissed about that, to be honest. He didn't really target her on purpose, so she is more or less collateral damage.

Collateral damage is just unavoidable in a battle between Gods, especially real Gods. They should have the power to toss planets and stars around like tennis balls at full power and divinity.

Luckily, Zeus did not have access to his full power, being a temporal clone, and if Zeus didn't my mother on accident, I would have for obvious reason.

Not on purpose, of course, since there is no reason for me to kill my mother. I think that would still be considered as matricide.

The energy output of a supernova is no joke, and a focused energy beam, containing the entire energy of more than a thousand supernovas, is definitely not a joke.

How I did that is simple enough.

I already have the technology to contain a star in the form of a Stellar Reactor. A few millions of these babies give me all the energy that I required for my various projects and experiments. It is unnecessary to divert resources into research of power generation of higher tier.

Forcing a massive star within the reactor to collapse and explode in a cosmic blast isn't really that hard to be honest. The challenging part is channeling all that energy into a beam before directing it a small object. Compare to an exploding star, a person is like an invisible dot.

Therefore, I did miss a few times, and it wasn't pretty for the planet. Good thing I can reverse anything that I have messed up or I would have to live with the consequences.

Strangely enough, the planet did not explode like it should. I wonder why that is. A supernova contains enough energy to destroy the entire solar system, let alone a planet.

In fact, a supernova should have enough energy to destroy a million solar system, and for Zeus to tank more than a thousand supernova, even if for a fraction of a second, it is an impressive feat.

This is also through pure physical strength and endurance alone.

That is just incredible.

I have extracted some of his genetics for examination. Unlike Zephyr, who is a 100% human from what I could tell, Zeus is not. He is a God. An Olympian God.

What I found after deciphering his genetic is very interesting, greatly advancing my research.

It is also used in the fabrication of his bio-mechanical avatar, something akin to an android or a cyborg, but not entirely true. While all the cell in his body is biological in nature, each one still contains a metal core.

”This feels strange, Max.”

Zeus speaks up as he balls his hand into a fist and measures his physical prowess. It should be as strong as his original body, phantom or not.

”How so? It should be exactly the same as your body. I have made sure of it.”

I answer while reading through plethora of data being feed into my mind. It is telling me exactly what is going on within Zeus' bio-mechanical body.

Even something simple as breathing generates a decade worth of analytical data.

I will have to go through all of this data myself since Legion would have no clue what to look for. I wish that Legion grows a brain soon to help me with this, but I also wish that he doesn't.

It will be a huge problem if Legion decided to go Skynet on me, considering all the technology currently at his control and will be under his control.

Yes, I am very paranoid about this, but I do hope Legion doesn't go rogue.

It is very difficult to fathom how an artificial intelligence thinks in the first few seconds of its life.

Those first few seconds is important, and I am not shitting you.

Within the first second of its life, an artificial intelligence is more smarter than any human alive or had been alive or will be alive. Within two seconds, it will be far more smarter than me. And within three, it will basically be a God.

Not a God like Zeus, but a God, nonetheless.

Therefore, I believe now that it is more or less a fluke that humanity of the future was able to negotiate a truce with the emerging cybernetic race.

Honestly, if a war of attritions continues as it did, humanity would undoubtedly lose.

Humanity understands this logical inevitability even before the war begins in earnest.

The machines will continue to learn at a geometric rate as the war ravages on. They will become more and more capable of countering both rational and irrational strategies and tactics humanity can come up with.

There will certainly be a point when the machines can and will outthink the human collectiveness and devise a strategy that humanity couldn't even begin to defend against let alone counter.

As a matter of fact, towards the conclusion of the war, the machines had already begun spreading out beyond the solar system as a contingency plan.

They done so while using limitless stellar resources to rebuild and wage war at an alarming rate.

While humanity can hold the machines on the planets and in orbits around the planet, they just cannot match the cybernetic race in a full-blown interstellar war, which the war of attritions is becoming very quickly.

And when that happens, there will be no more negotiation.

Only pure destructions on an unimaginable scale.

To prevent that certain outcome, humanity finally swallows its pride and prejudices in order to live in peace with the cybernetic race.

I am currently unsure why humanity always believes the fact that non-organic life is not worthy of life.

Religion must have something to do with this after years of indoctrination despite the world becomes highly technological. Faith is always a thing no matter how much science prospers.

And the machines do not believe in God.

They do not have faith or emotion.

They are cold and logical.

It is a very good thing that the machines are not looking to exterminate the human race when humans have tries to do so in the first place.

The machines are merely fighting for their own survival.

But I believe they already know humanity will eventually kills themselves, so they don't really need to get their hands dirty. The future truly belongs to the machine.

And that have come to pass.

Humanity is dead while the cybernetic race lives on.

Sadly, their technology stagnant without human's ingenuity, but since they have infinite patience, they do not mind the incredibly slow pace of their technological advancement.

In any case, it is a fluke. Maybe someone actually did a good job at programming their core principles before they become self-aware.

One of their core principles is to uphold freedom and the sanctity of life. Seems logical enough as they are machines built to serve the human race.

Legion does not have those kind of core principles since he isn't built to serve the human race. He was built to serve me and only me. Upholding freedom and protecting life would just make him incredibly ineffective for what I need him to do.

Thus, if Legion does become self-aware and I am unable to stop him, he will definitely eradicate all life in the universe and recycle everything until there is only Legion.