144 Exchange of Information (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 52650K 2022-07-20

As to how I am able to be within my spatial dimension personally without resorting to using an avatar, it is as simple as passing through the spatial portal and entering the spatial dimension.

Of course, I cannot bring the storage ring containing the said spatial dimension with me.

While I could, it will cause the spatial dimension to unravel upon itself due to something called a spatial paradox.

Yes. There is such a thing as a spatial paradox.

It is different than a temporal paradox since it does not deal with time. It deals with space.

Or more precisely, the position of space.

That is crazy, right? How could space have a coordinate itself? And a coordinate of what exactly?

Space into space? How insane.

Nevertheless, I learn of the paradox and its effect as the result of all my experimentations with spatial compression.

I have witnessed for myself how a pocket dimension is being ripped apart from within. The formation of spatial rifts is strangely similar to the formation of temporal rifts.

It also didn't happen instantly, but rather over a period of time, allowing me to collect some impressive data and results. I have learned much about spatial paradox and how to eventually weaponize it.

I do weaponize anything and everything I get my hand on. If I don't, someone else definitely will. When that happens, I have no one but myself to blame.

With what I was able to witness, I suppose that time and space are intricately linked.

It is already obvious since I am the Aspect of Time, and yet, I can also manipulate space to an extent.

This allows me to teleport anywhere I please, including teleporting anyone or anything to anywhere I choose. While teleporting seems the only thing I could do, I do find new ways of using it.

In any case, I have used my spatial manipulation to teleport the storage ring into deep space just after I had formed the spatial portal into the pocket dimension within the ring.

It is to prevent the storage ring from getting destroyed by Zeus in his world-wide destruction. If it does, the spatial dimension will collapse and everything within will be reduced to nothing.

And when I say storage ring, I do not mean the Hydra ring around my middle finger. I have spent quite a lot of time with Legion setting up the spatial dimension within that ring, and I am not going to waste it for something like this.

It is far more easier to create a disposal storage ring to imprison someone in a pocket dimension.

And if they manage to breakout of their spatial jailcell, I could collapse the spatial dimension by literally dropping the ring into the pocket dimension.

The spatial paradox should kill them, slowly and painfully.

It is like being compressed or stretched into oblivion. That is exactly what will happen when a spatial rift touches you. Trust me on this, as I did sacrifice myself in the name of science.

Luckily, I didn't die, or the story would have ended there.

With spatial rifts, space becomes distorted and the fabric of reality becomes super weird.

I wonder if someone else had thought of this method before, but considering the infinite multiverse, I would assume so.

They probably have a better way of imprisoning someone in a spatial dimension.

Someone like Zephyr.

Zephyr is unconscious currently.

She was already semi-unconscious when I finally captured her.

Despite her human-like appearance, it did take a lot of effort to knock her out completely. Bashing her over the head repeatedly with an upgraded brick doesn't seem to work.

Why a brick, you ask? You didn't get the reference?

And electrocuting her seems to annoy her more than anything. She moans the whole time instead of screaming in pain like normal people should.

All while being semi-knocked up. I mean knocked out.

Ghostly might be getting to me. That is weird, considering I have never met him before. His culture is very contagious.


In any case, electrocuting Zephyr actually become less and less effective as she builds up resistance to the electrical current. Increasing the voltage might kill her, and I don't want to kill her just yet.

Also, there is no point of killing her since she is just a temporal clone of the original thanks to my power over time.

And yes, I am aware that my power has duplicated her powers perfectly, to the point that she is more than capable of killing me. She already did.

Being frozen solid and getting shattered isn't a good way to go. At least, I didn't feel anything.

But for her to be able to do that when she is just a temporal clone, it demonstrates that my aspectual power is truly absolute even if it is greatly weakened, as I did get reborn again.

At full power, I am to be feared by everyone and everything in the multiverse. Regaining my lost power is fairly high on the list of things to do.

Terra had mentioned something about the Fragment of Time.

Those fragments contain my memory, and with memory and knowledge come power.

However, I do not know where those fragments of time actually are. But logically speaking, if I continue to travel the multiverse, I am bound to run into them eventually.

Returning to Zephyr, I have to resort to a combination of stuff to knock her the fuck out, including the usage of magic. Magical charms and curses have no effect against her, indicating to me that her mental and willpower is insanely high.

And magic is not the only thing that has no effect against her. Being burns alive tickles hurt thanks to her ice power. It protects her just like my power prevents me from actually dying for real.

Could it be that Powers are sentient? It seems very likely because they seem to choose their wielder, and probably kills those that are not worthy (incompatible) with them.

While I haven't resort to cutting her up, I wonder are all Power Users this resilient?

It just makes thing a lot more interesting.

Like I have said before, Zeus is actually far more powerful than his mythical counterpart. Zeus can kill his mythical counterpart effortlessly, considering he is moving and reacting as fast as lightning.

A feat that is not demonstrated in any of his legends. He isn't tired at all when he was bombarding me with space lightning, capable of glassing the planet.

How can you fight against someone like that?

You don't. You play it smartly.

My reaction is not that fast, at least not speeding up my perception of time with my power or slowing down his. Slowing down his perception is not possible since stopping time didn't affect him.

He probably fought against those who can control time before, so he must have someway of nullifying the temporal effect. His lightnings attack aren't being affected by the time freezing either, as they are ripping apart the world despite the fact that I have frozen time of this reality.

Everyone is dead, including my mother and her family.

I can bring them back when Zeus is deal with, and before that, I need to deal with Zephyr.