136 Maximum Terror (2/2)
As an antagonist of the show, the Goa'uld are designed to be overly dressed, overly charismatic, overly cliché, and a lot more overly of other things just like the Egyptian Gods they are based on.
Yup. That's right. Their backgrounds are based on Egyptian Gods, so they have names like Ra, Apophis, Horus, Osiris, Isis, and so on.
But all in all, the Goa'uld is a lot more fun to impersonate than the fucking boring Ori, who are actual Gods and yet, they get defeated by good old plot armor.
Honestly, if the Ori are empowered by the faiths and devotions of their human followers through their religion, Origin, shouldn't they flood their galaxy with human life?
Hell, shouldn't they flood every and all galaxies throughout the universe with humans since the more followers they have, the more powerful they become?
It is just common sense.
But I guess that would make them way too overpowered. So instead, the writer decides to dumb them down and make them all stuck in one place for easy killing by squishy humans and their idiotic plan.
That is why the Ori sucks so much and basically kills the show.
If I was one of the Ori, earth would be enslaved by the first episode. By the first few minutes probably.
And even if the Ori cannot enter our galaxy personally and wreck things at the cosmic proportion due to some plot armor, they can totally flood our galaxy with endless fanatics.
Fanatics aren't even needed.
Something like Legion will do.
In fact, the show does have something equivalent to Legion, a self-replicating machine, capable of just about anything. And yet they are also get defeated by idiotic mean.
I will rewrite all of that when I get around to producing the show myself. I will also fix up some of the incredibly retarded writing such as the time when our starship is fighting another alien starship that is being commanded by space-vampires.
Our human-built starship is superior, capable of probably one-shot the alien ship, but could since they have human hostages that needed to be rescued.
So instead of taking out their main weapons and disabling their engine in the process, which we totally could, the captain of our powerful starship decides to be an idiot and drop the ship's shield, so we can teleport some insurgences aboard for a good old rescue mission.
Doing that just get his ship bombarded and killed a lot of crewmen aboard.
Um… what the bloody fuck!?
There is no cure for idiocy. In fiction and in real life.
While I cannot do anything about that right now, I can totally do something like that in real life.
I am playing an Ori right now, and this is the stage I have created, so fear me.
Fear me!
My eyes glow brightly as the flames surrounded my body rage violently. The massive red marker lets out a powerful pulse, and the black markers did the same.
The electromagnetic pulses wash over the entire planet, shutting down everything electronics.
And within the next couple of seconds, every television across the planet switch back on, revealing all that happened from the time that the militant attacks the black marker until my appearance as an Ori.
I don't need to wait for media to cover this. I could it myself since Legion are basically everywhere. In fact, I have eyes and ears everywhere in the form of cloaked drones.
One of the drones are recording everything that had happened and broadcasting it through the black markers and the hovering spaceships above earth and in orbits.
Once everyone understands what had happened and fears for what I can do to them and to the world, I begin speaking.
It will be spoken in plain English since it will would give people who has a brain a logical reason to why the Ori needs a human host.
”Greeting, humans of Earth. I am the Ori. We are the Ori. We are the origin of all you see, and we have come to offer you the path to enlightenment. The path to Origin. Accept us or be destroyed. Become one with us like this human did and we shall grant you eternity.”
The last part is for my mother.
”No! Max!”
She calls out as she understands, but grandfather stops her.
He desperately tries to stop her and tells her that she will be killed and everything that I have done for her would be for naught. Even so, she could not be silent.
”Please. Please give him back. I beg of you. Please give Max back.”
My mother begs, but I stare at her expressionlessly.
Flames swirl around her as grandfather screams out in terror and lurches himself into the fire, but the flames vanish along with my mother.
”The one you called Max is no longer. He has become part of us. He has become us, the Ori. Everything that he was and is are us. His knowledge. His dreams. His wishes. Even his love for you. Such weakness must be destroyed.”
I tell my mother as she gets teleported in front of me. The flame is purely for effect. The Ori is actually fire itself, so everything should be related to fire.
It helps with my power to manipulate thermal energy. And if it is insufficient, the divine curse placed upon my soul by a Dragon God is enough to burn away everything with impunity.
As the world watches, I reach out my burning hand towards my mother. The flames are very real, and it will burn everything that it touches.
In that moment. The flames in my eyes flicker for effect.
”No… stop…”
I utter softly before retreating my hand and shaking my head.
”Max? Max!”
Flames surge and swirl within my eyes before my mother vanishes. My grandfather too when he tries to commit suicide against me. They found themselves back in the bunker, scaring the shit out of Joshua and Misha, who are watching the play I created on the television screen.
”This human. This human named Maximilien Maxwell wishes for us to not cleanse this world from the Flood. The flood is your future. Only death and darkness there. We have given you a chance. A chance to live and join us on the road to enlightenment.”
I continue before scanning the surrounding. Flames around me dim before becoming intense. The area shakes heavily as the red marker surges with power.
”But only the faithful may be allowed to.”
Torrents of micromachines erupt from the earth, forming dozens of pillars piercing into the sky. They connect with each other to form a coliseum.
Seats are created for people to spectate the judgement.
It looks just like the coliseum that Terra created. It is not done through magic but through technology.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
I sit on the throne where Terra had seated, looking down at all the frightened people in the spectator area. More people are teleported into the area, filling up all the seating completely.
They are all shock and surprise since just a moment ago, they are with their family, huddling together in comfort and fear.
”Prove to me that you are, humans of Earth.”
I speak up and look towards into the stadium and narrow my eyes. Flame swirls within before spitting out a man. He was actually taken from the spectator area, telling everyone that they are actually in a queue.
”The first human shall be the leader of this… United States of America. William Jefferson Clinton.”
I narrow my eyes at the terrified 42nd president of the United States. His wife screams out from the spectator area. She will get her turn eventually.
Everyone will as I expose their deepest secrets.