136 Maximum Terror (1/2)
Those words are spoken in Latin. A semi-dead language.
Latin isn't quite dead yet, but it is getting there, slowly. There are still native speakers of the language, but they are in the tiny minority.
The language is dead in the near future, so I will consider it as such.
Therefore, most people wouldn't understand what I have just said. But the countless micromachines floating around inside their body and brain, deposited there by Legion after he stripped them and then violated their body for its sexy genetic, made sure that they can comprehend my words.
The micromachines also have made sure that those who disrespect me get a spectacular combustion before everyone else. It reinforces the frightening power that I am wielding.
Not that the flames swirling around my body and lighting up my eyes didn't do it.
People are absolutely terrified in my presence. Beyond terrified!
”Hallowed are the Ori.”
I repeat and spread my arms and raise my hands. All while looking towards the sky and at the ominous red glowing marker, towering over the masses.
I repeat again for the third time as the red lights spread outwards and force the night to flee in fear.
People continue to prostrate even though they are shivering in fright. This includes my mother, as she is forced onto the ground my grandfather. He acts quickly after seeing what happened to the militant men.
They were instantly killed. And they could as easily be brought back to life. Life and dead are just really state of living for me to decide.
”For we are all their children. Blessed are those who follow the Path to Origin. For those who seek the path must not be led astray. And those who reject the path to enlightenment must be destroyed.”
I continue the mantra and lower my head and cast my burning eyes upon the masses. Only a few who dare to look up and match my gaze, but they immediately drop their head in prostration.
My mother utters painfully and tearfully, but I pay her no mind. She will serve her purpose of bringing me back from the dark but not yet. I really want to have fun first.
Being a God, you have to have fun when such a rare opportunity arises. Not that rare, but it did require a lot of work and preparation.
Otherwise, then what is the point of being a God? What is the point of wielding this much power?
I can see why Terra prefers to be personified into an avatar and interacts with the physical world rather than being pure state of Chaos, all-powerful and all-knowing.
Without individuality, there is no fun to be had either.
Honestly, I could easily start a technology company somewhere in the past and gradually introduce all the necessary technology and innovation to ensure the survival of the human race in this reality.
But that feels like I will be retreading the same path with the prime-reality.
It is not irrational for me to say that retreading is fucking boring.
Fuck that!
Variety is the spice of life, after all.
And with so many ways to reach the same goal, why should I settle on doing the same thing over and over again from one reality to another.
It is repetitive.
And if I have to do that for stupid reason, I will just let Legion do it while I am sitting on the beach and enjoying my cocktail with beauties of the ages.
That reminds me. I should go and hunt down those beauties throughout the ages. It isn't like they are going to fall onto my laps without me doing anything.
The ancient world has many notable women, who are beautiful, intelligence and brave. The very type of women that I like to be surrounded with.
Women such as Joan of Arc (14th century). Guinevere (5th century). Lady Godiva (11th century). Aspasia (5th century). Salome (1st century). Lucrezia Borgia (15th century).
And so many more.
This is not to mention Phryne of Thespiae, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra of Egypt, and so on.
Didn't ancient China also have Great Beauties that can topple Empires with just their look alone? That is kind of bullshit, but I will be the judge of that.
I will check them all out eventually.
Unfortunately, I couldn't do that in the prime-reality since jumping into the past would basically undo all that I have accomplished thus far. This is because the new timeline and future will be created from whatever point in the past that I have decided to let myself in.
But since there quite a lot of alternate realities that are following the same course of events like those in the prime-reality, I will make use of them instead.
Another interesting thing that I have found is that no reality existing beyond the temporal rift is exactly the same as the prime-reality. It is just like the prime-reality is somewhat different from the original-reality.
Yes. The prime-reality is the original-reality, just a lot different now because of my machinations from 1950 onwards. I could have jump further back, but I needed all the infrastructures to be there. Building from scratch is a pain in the ass.
Plus, the Second World War makes people think twice about starting another global war.
Although this alternative reality appears to be on track just like the start of the 21st century that I have fondly remembered, there are some strange key differences. Not important key differences, but it is blatantly there in front of me the whole time, such as advancement in telecommunication.
Phone is more advanced and more widespread than from the original-timeline. Not smartphone since that would be somewhat a slap in the face, but it is getting there. Without the Curse of Decay, wrecking the planet, I am sure that the iPhone will be released earlier than when it supposes to.
This is very interesting from a philosophical standpoint. And I cannot help but wonder what happen if the dark ages never happened? What if there is no science vs religion bullshit in the past? Would the human race be more advance by the time the 21st century?
So many things I want to know.
But for now, I will just enjoy my time at being a terrifying God. A terrifying alien-God.
God is an alien, right?
He could be for all I know, really. Yes. I did check whether the world was created about 6,000 years by some white-bearded muscular old man. He didn't show up and the world was already there. It actually was already there for billions of years.
So that part of the Bible is bullshit. A lot of it is actually, but whatever.
Faith is faith. You don't need to have a logical reason in believing it.
Just like believing in me and my power while I am impersonating a fictional alien species known as the Ori from Stargate SG-1.
Stargate SG-1 is a series from the 1997, running for about a decade, concluding in 2007. It has a total of 10 seasons, but most of the fun stuffs are in the first few seasons since it is something new. Not to mention the quirkiness of all the main characters. They are just fun to watch.
In the television series, the Ori is a godlike alien race that is both technological and spiritual powerful.
Their technological prowess allows them to cross the vast distance between galaxies in mere seconds.
And their power over the physical universe allows them to create worlds from nothing.
They are basically gods in the confine of their fictional universe.
Alright, they are not basically gods.
They are gods!
But unlike the actual Ori and their retarded religion Origin, I will just act like Goa'uld instead.
The Goa'uld is also from the same television series, Stargate SG-1. They are a parasitic snake-like race that burrows into a person's brain and takes control over their body.
Seems like something I would totally do.
They are also as insane and megalomaniac as me right about now.