137 All My Sins Remembered (1/2)
Of course, that is just a figure of speech.
There is no way in hell that I am going to psychoanalyze each and every person on the planet.
There are around 6.2 billion people in the year 2001. But due to one thing or another, about 2 billion of them are locked up in stasis cells housed within my personal spatial dimension.
That leaves me the remaining 4.2 billion people to contend with.
Even if I give each person a second of thought, it will still take me approximately 48,000 days or about 131 years.
Yeah. I am not doing that.
And neither should anyone else either.
I will leave all the hard work to Legion. It is what he is designed to do.
As a matter of fact, Legion has already finished psychoanalyzing everyone on the planet. But honestly, whether a person is inherently good or not cannot really be known for certain, even with my ability to see the future.
It is just a probable future after all. It is not a certain future even if I am there in person.
Besides, morality isn't pure black or white.
People are not like in the movies. Pure good or absolutely evil.
Real life does not work that way. Therefore, it is worth living.
A father commits heinous crime to feed his starving children cannot be considered as a monster. Most people aren't really inclined to commit atrocities. They only do so out of dire circumstances.
Having said that, I am not like most people.
And I will troll the entire world if I have to just to get that kick in my funny bone.
But having fun is one thing. Wasting a lot of time is another. I place a great emphasis on 'a lot' as I do waste time if it gives me some good insight to the human condition.
Besides, I do have time right now.
The prime-reality is frozen in time, as I am currently in another reality.
And the time in this reality will be compressed soon. It is just to give me more fun time.
The reason that I have not done that already is because doing so would make the sun stays in one spot all day and every day. This is because the temporal compression bubble only surrounds the planet.
It is not extended to the entire solar system. And yes, I do mean I have to extend the temporal bubble to the entire solar system if I want to have a stable normal day and night cycle.
Strange that it didn't work by just enveloping the planet and surrounding moon alone. The motions and orbits of the planet seems to each other.
If just one of the planets is outside the temporal compression bubble, the orbits of every planets within the solar system will be fucked up. I wouldn't want that to happen.
Actually, it already happens, in an erased future timeline.
I cannot envelope an entire solar system yet. It is already stressing my mental capability with just the Earth and the moon alone. The moon is also important in the motion of all celestial bodies.
”There is no need to be terrified, William Jefferson Clinton. I am only interested in whether you should be allowed to follow the great path towards enlightenment.”
I announce as my eyes burn brightly. Flames constantly flicker around my body. I cast my eyes towards the spectators before narrowing them.
The cloaked camera is actually hovering in front of me, giving everyone who is watching the impression of me looking directly at them.
I actually do since I know where every single person on the planet is.
This ability extends to knowing what they are doing or thinking.
Legion tallies and summarizes for me what the 4.2 billion people are thinking every second. He did not need to drill deeper into their memory to get this information.
Merely reading their surface thought is enough.
Not long ago, reading a person's mind and analyzing their thoughts would have been impossible. Well, not impossible, but it is a very difficult thing to do.
The human mind is extremely complex, but it is not so complex that I cannot fuck with it.
Honestly, my understanding of the consciousness has grown significantly in the past few days.
It is all thanks to the billion humans acting as lab rats.
All for the name of science.
My brand of science!
”On the contrary to what you are all thinking, I am not interested in whether you are good or evil. The concept of good and evil has no bearing on us, the Ori, for we have transcended beyond such simplistic thinking.”
I made my standpoint clear and return my attention back to the incredibly nervous 42nd President of the United States. When everything is stripped away, what remains is just a man.
A frightened man, but a man, nonetheless.
That is actually something since I have always considered most people as ants.
Having godlike powers entitles me to such way of thinking. If you don't like it then go ahead and file a complaint to someone higher. Oh wait. I am the highest there is, being an Aspect and all.
Please don't send letter of complaint to Terra.
In any case, I wouldn't consider Bill Clinton as my favorite President, but he is still pretty high up there on my list of favorite Presidents. In fact, he is pretty popular with the American people.
”Tell me, William Jefferson Clinton. Whether you consider yourself worthy of salvation. Whether you are worthy to follow the path towards Origin. A simple yes or no will suffice.”
I question and keep my eyes on him. Everyone else did too. The world as well.
Everyone and everything are waiting for his answer. It is just a simple yes or no.
Bill Clinton swallows the hard lump in his throat and looks towards his wife for answer, but none could really be found there.
He would want to see his lovely daughter as well, but Chelsea Clinton is not there. I didn't bother with pointless people. Only people I want to see squirm are put into the spotlight.
Before my patient runs thin, Bill Clinton speaks up.
”No. I do not. I have done things that I am not too proud of. And I have hurt those that I have cared so much more than anything in the world. But I beg of you… the Ori. Please do not judge the human race upon my actions. We are capable of so much more than what you can see.”