135 We are Origin (1/2)

Master of Time Erosire 61770K 2022-07-20

And I will keep my promise.

It is one of my core principles.

Anything that I have vowed to do, I will do it, no matter the cost, to me or anyone else.

Not everything that I have done and shared with my mother in the past few days is a lie. Therefore, it is distressing to see her tearful face as the elevator ascends and separates the both of us.

The growing distance between us despite being so close is quite poetic.

But what must be done must be done.

I shouldn't think too much about it, as I will have to let this version of my mother go.

If not today, then one day in the near future.

It is so that she could live a happier life. She will not find real happiness with me due to who and what I am.

And I am not talking about being an Aspect.

The real me would terrify my mother. The real me would terrify anyone really.

Although I can debate with myself about what is actually real and what is actually fake, I prefer not to the illusion for my mother to live in even if she prefers to live in blissful ignorance than knowing about the truth of who I am.

Of the monster that lies within me.

Living in blissful ignorance is also the very same reason as to why I didn't resort to sticking every human on the planet into a virtual reality and call it a day.

I could do it. I have the technology and the mean to do so.

Honestly, mimicking the Matrix would be so much easier than what I have in mind, but I wouldn't call that actual living.

It is more like playing a game. To escape the harshness of reality for a little while.

Actual living is to suffer through painful trials and triumphs over seemingly impossible adversities. And only through these a person will know who they are and what they truly believe in.

Not only that, they will cherish what they have and built. As those things are acquired through sweats and tears. It is far more meaningful than something that is simply granted.

That said, if there is no other option available, I will offer exactly that to the humanity of this reality. I am not below using means that I do not agree with. Whatever solve the problem is good for me.

I call that plan D, meaning I am going to digitalizing the entire human race and stick them into a super computer.

There is a nagging problem with plan D, however.

It is the very reason to why the plan is not denoted as plan A instead. It has something to do with the soul.

A soul can be digitized, right? I have no fucking clue.

Where is Terra when I need her? I have so much questions I want answers to.

Oh well. I guess I will leave it at that for now.

Talking about the soul is getting way too spiritual for me. I will make a note to drop by the Vatican and consult with the Pop in the future. I am not Catholic or religious, for obvious reason.

Why the fuck would an Aspect like me worship a God for? That is just plain dumb.

But that doesn't mean I do not respect religion in general. For all the shit that happens throughout history in the name of God, it is through religion that people are trying to be an upstanding and moral person.

Without fear of being burn in hell for all eternity, chaos and anarchy will be committed everywhere.

In any case, torturing the Pope for his molestation of little boys – I mean talking to the Pope personally will open my eyes more to the spiritual world.

Almost let the devil inside me out. Phew.

Anyway, the humans of this reality have to choose that option of living in a virtual reality personally. I will not make that choice for them.

It is because no matter how real the virtual world can be simulated, if there is a slither of doubt in the mind of the inhabitants, the illusion will inevitably shatter. And they will wake up from the dream.

Or more correctly to say, the nightmare.

This has actually been proven in the 31st century. The human mind simply rejects what it thinks is not real no matter how logical or reasonable the falseness seems. It is also the same reason why prisoners are not locked up in a virtual prison.

They are locked up in a stasis cell instead, not being allowed to think or do anything. There would also be no gap in their memory when they wake up, thus a lifetime sentence is a shock enough. Everyone that they have known and loved are gone is a punishment.

As for Stephanie, I believe that she would choose to live in the dream if given the choice. It is just who she is. She is not part of the minority. Most people in the world would choose the dream, considering how painful real life can be.

My mother is in pain.

It pains me too. To toy with her maiden heart like this. She has never been in love before, at least not this version of her.

The sperm-donor is too much of a dick to make her worship it.

What the hell did I just say?

Anyway, I still want to see.

I want to see the length of those who honestly and truthfully love me will go.

And whether I should reciprocate them or not.

Saying that they love me means nothing. Words are cheap. Actions speaks louder than words.

I wouldn't call what I have with all the women so far love. I think it is more or less responsibilities and mutual understandings. Spending a lot of time with someone and doing thing for that someone does not equate to love.

But that is my opinion.

And I get too emotional about this. At least there is something call a heart beating inside of me. That just make me more human, I guess.

But regardless of what happen next, I do have the option of bringing my mother back with me to the prime-reality. It is actually not a good idea, considering my mother already exists there, but it is not a terrible idea either.

I think I might do that. Who really knows. I have so many options available. And any of them is as good as the other.

The elevator seems to take forever to reach the surface, and it isn't because its speed is slow. It moves at the same speed as it always has.

I let out a heavy sigh and clear my mind of any further distraction. I need to be mentally strong for this next part of the plan A.

A is for being an Asshole. Or it could mean utter Annihilation?

Once I step out of the elevator, it immediately descends back into the bunker to fetch someone crying below.

My mother will chase after me and try to stop what I must do. And she will fail as the result.

This is the Shakespearian play that I have devised.

”Max! Max! Please. Please don't go! Oh God. Please! Please!”

I could hear my mother calling for me, screaming and screaming from below the elevator shaft. I didn't pay it any mind and walk towards the black marker, towering in the distance.

All manners of people are found on my journey to the dark tower. Mostly gunslingers, but not the one gunslinger.

Have a guess which reference that is.

Most of the people are screaming and shouting at basically nothing. They are actually being affected by the brainwaves emanating from the black marker.

Not everyone is being affected, however.

In fact, most of the people aren't being affected anymore. Their minds have built up enough resistance to the effect thanks to the prolonged exposure.

While I could ramp up the frequency, it is pointless. The experiment is already a resounding success.

And without understanding the reason to why they are no longer hearing or seeing the hallucination, they are heading towards the black markers.

This means most of the armed men and military personnel since they spend the most time around the black markers. They discard their vehicles due to the electromagnetic pulses and continue on foot.

It is quite an experience, walking alongside with everyone, converging into the black markers like ants towards an anthill.

”Max! Max!”