135 We are Origin (2/2)

Master of Time Erosire 61770K 2022-07-20

I cock my head and scan the mass of people behind me. My mother is somewhere in the masses, trying to reach me, but the ghostly voices and hallucinations are slowing her down.

She has never been exposed to it before thanks to the safety of the bunker.

But even though she is extremely frightened, she continues on wards. Her father John is somewhere in the crowd, looking for his daughter. He rushes after her when he notices that we are both gone. As for Joshua and Misha, they are still safely in the bunker.

”Max. Please. Please.”

Stephanie utters as she tries to ignore the tormenting hallucinations. The closer she gets to the black marker, the stronger it is. Most people would have given up already, but not her.

No, not my mother.

She continues no matter what.

Since the hallucination are just harmless illusions that have brought on by the distressed brain, I smile and turn back to the front and continue my way.

Alright. It is not entire harmless.

It takes a while to push through the dense crowd and stand before the black marker. People here are mostly prostrating, worshiping the black markers. The rest are just staring in frustration, not knowing what to do.

Although I have designed the black marker myself, it was done on holographic screen. I honestly have never seen one up this close, and its enormous size is quite awe-inspiring, especially with all those red glowing lines running up all the way to the top.

No one people are prostrating. Something like this could only be created by a God. Or a super advance alien species.

Legion remains unresponsive to whatever attempt at making contact, except in case of an attack. Light and sound shows are just one of the many attempts the United States military try to talk to Legion.

It is a pointless attempt, really.

I smile and about to touch the black marker when a feminine hand – two hands actually – grabs onto me around the waist and pulls me back and away.

Mum is really persistent, isn't she?

In that moment, a huge explosion rocks the earth, sending several people flying.

Another grenade flies overhead and land next to the black marker. It then explodes violently, spraying dust and debris onto the masses while I use my body to shield my mother.

”Why did you come, Stephanie? It is dangerous here.”

I question as gunfire and explosion surround us. They drown out every other noise, including voices.

”Because. Because. I. I.”

My mother utters in tearfully. She couldn't form a sentence as her mind and heart are in utter turmoil.

The black marker hums in response to the attack. Red lines moving along its onyx body speeds up and glows brighter.

”Die you fucking alien!”

Militant men shout and start firing their automatic rifle at the black marker. It is mostly out of fear and frustration for their missing families and friends. With what they recall from the desolated future, they really have nothing to live for without those that they had cared and loved.

Honestly, I thought they would go crazy sooner.

”Stop them. They are going to get us all killed!”

The sane people try to stop them, but they get gun down with impunity.

Chaos soon erupts as firefight breaks out between the military and the militant group, killing plenty of people in the crossfire. More explosions follow as pieces of the black marker get shaved off.

Those pieces quickly crumble into individual micromachines of all shape and size. The micromachines climb onto each other and assemble into a monstrous creature about the size of a dog. Not just one, but dozens.

With two pincers in front of their jaw full of razor teeth and two more protruding from their back, they rush at the people nearby, swarming them and ripping them to pieces.

No one is spare in the bloodbath.

And both sides stop fighting each other to keep themselves alive. It is futile.

Bullets simply bounce off the steel carapace of the Zerg-like monsters. They are pretty much Zerglings at this point.

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Grandfather calls out and pulls us off the ground. Everywhere are people screaming and begging for their life, but they were not spared in the onslaught. It is just a massacre.

”We have to get out of here.”

John tells us, but it is not possible. We are completely surrounded. The Zerglings snarl and slowly close in onto us. If it was anyone else, Legion would have tear them apart already.

”I am sorry, Stephanie. Whatever happen, please know that I love you.”

I tell her before raising my hand at the creatures.

”I know why you are here for. And I accept. I will be your host… Origin.”

Origin is the name of the alien species. It is the one I have chosen as they are basically godlike, allowing me to use my power and technology without restrain while retaining my appearance as a human.

Well, almost like human.

The moment I speak the word in Latin, the monsters stop their assault.

Several people are screaming as they were being chewed up just a moment ago. The Zerglings spit them out and roar towards the sky in unison.

The black maker immediately hums with power.

The same thing happens to every black marker around the world, lighting up the globe in brilliant.

And on every black marker, red energy lines flood the tip, powering up and shooting across the world, converging onto the one that I am at. The flood that one until its entire surface is glowing ominously red.

It is now a red marker.

Once a red maker is formed, the Zerglings break apart, forming a metallic storm, spiraling around me as I step away from my mother while looking sadly at her. It is not really an act.

”No! Max!”

Stephanie calls out to me and tries to get to me, but her father stops her.

It is too dangerous. The metal storm will tear her apart if she gets too close.

”Let me go, dad. Let me go! I can't leave him like that! I can't!”

Stephanie calls out in desperation as the metallic storms completely shroud me.

And in the next seconds, fire explodes outwards, throwing everyone backwards and onto the ground.

The flame spirals towards the heaven like a burning pillar before expanding outwards and dissipating, leaving me hovering above the ground. My eyes are closed.

My nakedness is covered in surging flames. And the micromachines crawl over my body, completely unhindered by the raging fire.

They connect to each other and form into a new attire as I slowly open my eyes.

Flames burn brightly within those eyes, and I slowly decide upon the ground. I calmly look at everyone around me, one by one, not stopping at anyone particular.

”What do you say to Origin?”

The question is spoken in Latin.

There is absolutely no expression upon my face as I did so.

The bloodied militant men are pointing their weapon at me as a response. Great hatred could be seen in their eyes. But before they could do anything, they burst into flames.

The fire is so intense that they get instantly vaporized. Not a single scream could be heard.

I repeat the same question, and only those who prostrate in response are spared. As it should be. And with a wave of my hand, their injuries were never there.

Godlike power makes them prostrate even harder.

”Hallowed are the Ori.”