134 Attacks of the Titans (1/2)
It is the Russian.
It is always the Russian.
”Mother of God! Get us away from that thing! Get us away! Now!”
But it is too late.
The amphibious monstrosity is speeding through the water like a homing torpedo with all of the deadly intentions.
And all the men and women within a nuclear submarine scream in utter terror as the radioactive lizard clamps down onto their military vessel with its enormous and powerful jaw.
The monster straight out of a movie proceeds to gut the submarine with its steel teeth and then drags what is left of the nuclear vessel along with all of its crewmen into the crushing depth of the sea.
This is what happen when you decide to test your nuclear weapons in the middle of the ocean.
You give birth to Godzilla!
Actually, it is not just Godzilla.
There are a whole host of monsters being formed by the remnants of the vaporized black markers.
Not all micromachines are destroyed in the nuclear strike, and they can replicate at an incredible rate as long as there are raw materials available.
While the idea is really just a joke initially, it is still hilarious to see more than half a dozen Kaiju taking down all those hostile nuclear submarines and laying absolute waste to the supporting naval fleet, full of battleships and destroyers and carriers.
The Russian is really going all out.
Unfortunately for them, nothing short of a point-blank nuclear blast can take down a micromachines monstrosity, so it is more or less a one-sided massacre.
That will teach them to mess with my plan.
I admit that their high-yield warheads do deal some serious damages to Legion, but the damages they inflicted are negated quickly enough to not even matter despite being in battle.
Furthermore, Legion can even emulate the Godzilla's signature atomic breath by detonating a fusion bomb housed within a powerful forcefield.
The released nuclear energy is then funneled out and directed at whatever needed to be atomized.
It is quite a spectacle to see the atomic breath being used against modern military vessels right outside of the big screen.
I should do this more often.
Replicating science fiction weaponry, I mean.
And it is not the only signature attacks that Legion can emulate for the Kaiju.
Incineration plasma beam and gravity shockwave are just some of the attacks that the Kaiju can launch at the 20th century warships without any restrain.
There is no need for restrain.
It isn't like this is the prime-reality.
Lacking powerful energy shield or forcefield, those Russian warships couldn't stand a chance.
Honestly, steel cannot withstand such an intense directional blast of heat and pressure let alone flesh and bones.
The people on those ships are instantly killed.
And their warships reduce to molten scrap metals, scattering across the surface the ocean and sinking to the deepest depth below.
As for all the radioactive or similar byproducts, Legion will clean that all up once he finishes chastising the Russian for their ill-thought actions.
They didn't really think this through, but their desperation is understandable from their perspective.
I would have done the same if I see my family and friends are eaten alive by alien spheres.
And considering that more than 30% of their people are being locked up in stasis cell within the spatial dimension while the rest are in a state of fear and panic, the Russian might as well go down in history with a big bang and try to take out as much of those alien bastards as possible.
That is what they are thinking.
It is better to be killed than to be enslaved by a technologically superior species, eh, comrade?
Honestly, must the military think of the worst-case scenario?
Yes. Actually.
It is their job to.
The Russian politicians usually keep their military from going stupid, but sadly, almost all of them are corrupt, so they are locked up in the stasis cell.
It is just one of those causes and effects.
The destroyed black markers are promptly replaced by the spaceships hovering in high orbit, meaning that those good men and women have died for nothing.
Well, not for nothing.
The Russian did give the world a nice but rather short battle between Kaiju and their military.
I think it would be better seeing giant robots fighting Kaiju.
At least it would be considered a fight.
Next time then.
I mean another world then.
Of course, Legion did not understand the underlying humor and cultural references. He merely follows my plan for retaliation as according to the parameters and constrains that I have specified.
Legion cannot deviate from that.
He doesn't have the brain to.
This means no bombarding the Russian into oblivion from the starships in orbit, even if that does make a lot more sense, considering the technological advantages.
But raining destruction onto the planet while being out of range for retaliation is a little overpowered.
It is also somewhat cheating.
At least let the other side thinks they can win before crushing their hopes and dreams with impunity.
And a battle is called a battle when each side get a shot.
In any case, Legion has demonstrated to the human race what the aliens are fully capable of.
That is, killing humans with absolutely no remorse.
It definitely gets the message across.
Seeing what happened to one of the superpowers, even if a former one, the American and the Chinese immediately discard any attempt at destroying one of the black markers with their nuclear weapons.
The American didn't want to get their proud men and women killed pointlessly against impossible odd while the Chinese just wants to protect their people from any form of Japanese culture.
Alright. That is a bit racist, but it is their current line of thoughts.
Since nuclear weapons prove completely fruitless against the aliens and their structures, I am sure the world military will try something else instead of actually bending over and take it up the ass like they are supposed to.
Of course, they won't take it up the ass.
They aren't gay.
And I expect nothing less from mankind. I mean the relentless will to fight, not the gay part.
In the face of hopelessness, humanity tends to fight to the bitter end.
Humanity has shown me this over and over again in the erased timeline of the Galactic Empire.
It is a huge problem when people fight me to the last man even if there is no hope of victory, especially if they truly believe their sacrifice mean something in the long run.
All they did is buy time with their lives.
Time that I can get back effortlessly.
Honestly, I wish that only my side has such a fanatic belief and devotion.
But this is what freedom grants them.
Freedom is annoying, but taking that away, what do we really left with?