70 Own Plans (1/2)
”I don't think… Wait a minute! You do read my comics?!” Han Jie said, almost yelling with excitement. In Country J, her comics were really called manga.
Bai Min looked adown, uncomfortable. He scratched his head as he cursed himself for speaking about the manga.
For years now, he and Han Jie had argued about his inability or lack of interest to read her manga. For a few months, it had caused a strain on their relationship.
Until Bai Min stumbled on an excerpt from one of the series in her manga, he had bought every manga Han Jie had written afterward every release date without fail.
But he still couldn't let Han Jie know, or else she gloats about it. For him, who was into the guys as well, it was very appealing. And the last thing he wanted was Han Jie looking at him as saying, 'I told you so!'
It was too late, though.
”Sometimes.” Bai Min mumbled, still feeling uncomfortable.
”I knew it!” Han Jie said, jumping off the bed and twirling around the room.
Bai Min turned red at her display. ”We aren't done talking about the main point.” He said tightly, trying to calm himself. Good thing, it was always easy to distract her.
Han Jie stopped twirling long enough to say, ”About what?” before she continued dancing clumsily around the room.
”About Suzuki Kyou.”
Han Jie stumbled to a stop. She looked at him with a frown before asking, ”What about him?” Suspicious laced in her voice.
”Your reactions to him, maybe it's too soon for you to be alone with him for this drive.”
”That's crazy talk.” Han Jie said tightly. ”What if I don't get the nosebleed with him alone?” She had thought of that possibility, but there was no an opportunity to test it out.
”What? Are you planning to experiment on it? You should go to the hospital first!” He reprimanded.
”Well…” Han Jie chuckled awkwardly.
”You know I'm right.” Bai Min said soothingly.
Han Jie shook her head vehemently. ”No, you are not.” She said in a still tight voice.
Bai Min sighed and rubbed his temples. Then he suddenly looked at her with a sly glint in his eyes as he grins evilly, ”Let's see about that.”
With Bai Min like this, she has a bad premonition. ”You… You… What are you planning to do?”
Bai Min shrugged his shoulders, ”You don't need to know.” He then added, ”How about this, before you get to the car, tell Suzuki Kyou to call me if something happens.” He suggested unhappily.
Han Jie looked at him suspiciously. ”Why?” She asked.
”So I can say I told you so when you wake up, of course.” Bai Min part teasing, part serious. He has his own plans, and Han Jie would just need to wait and see. She just needs to enjoy her current time with his boss.
Han Jie broke into a happy smile. ”Of course.” She said, still grinning.
Han Jie and Bai Min turned to look at the door with different reactions.
Bai Min paled and urged the floor to open up and swallow just him while Han Jie smiled brightly at Suzuki Kyou.
He was already nervous by just being Suzuki Kyou, without getting his attention, what more when he eyed Bai Min slowly like a hawk watching his every move?
Bai Min pale further before looking at Han Jie knowingly.
He wanted to frown at this action, but Suzuki Kyou instead gave Han Jie a small smile. ””Get ready, we'll be leaving soon.” He said.
Han Jie turned to look at Suzuki Kyou, ”Give me a few minutes.” she said and flounced into the bathroom.
When Han Jie left, Suzuki Kyou eyes went back to Bai Min. ”No going to work?” He asked expressionlessly.
”I will, sir.” He hurriedly said.
Bai Min shouted some random words that Han Jie could hear inside the bathroom. He was hoping it sounded like goodbye before.
Han Jie laughed inside the bathroom when she heard the way Bai Min's retreating spoke. ”Bye! Take care!” She called out as well, cheekily understanding his nervousness.
With this, Bai Min wanted to leave as soon as possible, and Bai Min also bid farewell to Suzuki Kyou. He was muttering under his breath, but was still particularly careful not to brush against him.
The man nodded before allowing him to leave, and just like that, Suzuki Kyou was left standing alone in Han Jie's room, waiting for her to finish preparing…