69 Heart to Heart Talk (1/2)
'What a mess.' Han Feng thought dreaming of and dreading Han Mei's return.
Bai Min, who had been quiet through breakfast, strove to break the awkward silence quickly spreading and enveloping the breakfast party.
'Didn't Han Jie know what she was doing? Why act too bashful?' Bai Min thought nervously. His gaze shifted to Han Jun, who did not seem to care at all, but he was supposed to look for Han Mei that day.
Bai Min might have enjoyed his stay if Han Jun didn't try to make things awkward and annoying for him. He dreaded coming back from work in the evenings because of Han Jun, and he couldn't speak to Han Jie because he came in too late for him to catch her.
Han Jun, who would be awake while Bai Min snuck in, would point it out with malicious glee. She was that kind of friend who teases you when you are down.
'Why am I friends with her again?' He thought to himself silently.
Quite frankly, Bai Min was planning to leave soon. ”Ah sir, my house has been cleared up,” He began clearly addressing Han Feng despite Han Jun's arrogant chin lift and nod for Bai Min to continue.
While Han Jie looked at him then shook her head, as if asking him not to leave. Bai Min wanted to roll his eyes at these cousins.
One did not have any hospitable blood in his system, and while the other would forget you when in front of her long time crush.
He tried to ignore their reaction before speaking, ”And I would like to thank you for your hospitality, sir, despite my irregular schedule.” Bai Min finished barely biting back his irritation at Han Jun's smug grin.
Han Feng nodded and waved Bai Min's thanks off as nothing.
”It was nothing Bai Min, and it was good having a doctor on call.” Han Feng said, smiling at Bai Min.
”Having a doctor on call?” Suzuki Kyou asked, finally removing his gaze from Han Jie.
”Why yes,” Han Feng began smiling at Suzuki Kyou.
”My J-Mei has an eccentric body.” Han Feng finished stumbling over Han Jie's name.
Suzuki Kyou nodded, not commenting on his stutter. ”He works in the hotel. He is always on call if he is needed.” He said expressionlessly.
Han Jun frowned slightly at his uncle. He glanced at Suzuki Kyou and wondered if the man really did miss or notice anything weird.
”I would like to speak to Han Jie for a few minutes, please, before I take my leave.” Bai Min said politely, glancing between Han Feng and Suzuki Kyou.
Han Feng smiled his approval, and Suzuki Kyou barely acknowledged him.
Han Jie stood up immediately, taking her cue from her father. She then stopped at the doorway before turning to look at Suzuki Kyou.
”I would like to speak to you today as well, please?” She suddenly asked.
”I still have some time before work, and we'll go for a drive.” Suzuki Kyou said, with a slight smile.
It was just a slight smile, but Han Jie was pleased to see it. She smiled back at him before turning around to speak with Bai Min.
Han Jie floated to her room. Or at least that was how she felt. Bai Min kept shooting her concerned glances as he walked beside her, seemingly ready for whatever Han Jie was going to do.
Han Jie looked at Bai Min and smiled, noticing his worried.
”Oh! Doctor Bai, why are you so serious?” Han Jie said teasingly in a sing-song voice.
Bai Min shivered, knowing Han Jie had used that voice specifically to scare him. She knew the voice both irritated and scared him.
He scowled and opened Han Jie's bedroom door, allowing her to go in first.
She shot him a smile as she passed beside him. Bai Min rolled his eyes at her before entering the room and quietly shut the door behind himself.
Han Jie strolled to her bed and sat down, pushing and shifting the sketchbook and pens to the side. She patted the space she had created for Bai Min and smiled at him.
He eyed the space skeptically and decided to lean on the dresser instead. They stared at each other, warily for a while before Bai Min spoke.
”We haven't talked in a while.” Bai Min said softly. They have lived in the same suit for a few days, but he barely managed to talk to her or be with her except during breakfast.
”Whose fault is it?” Han Jie asked, raising a brow at him.
”You.” Bai Min said and sighed, ”And me. I'm sorry about that, Han Jie. Gosh! I feel like a creep for missing you.” he finished with disgust.
Han Jie smiled brightly at him. ”Hehe. Are we having a heart to heart talk now?” Han Jie narrowed her eyes at Bai Min. ”But I do miss you too. I also owe you some donuts, right?”