Chapter 147: The Nightmare Before Christmas Part 3 (2/2)

Emi dragged Alton across the ground before throwing him at Riley's feet. ”As expected, I knew you wouldn't fail me Emi. Where are the others?”

”He killed everyone else.”

Although slightly thrown off by this Riley didn't let this phase her as she kneeled holding Alton up admiring her prize. ”It's been so long since I could hold you like this, my dear sweet Alton. I knew you were strong but to think you killed thirty of my men and two high council members alone. You stink of chaos. Does this satisfy you now, sister?”

”Alton… Get up. Fight back.” Zinnia whispered. ”You can't lose. No one can beat you.”

Riley threw Alton aside walking around Zinnia mocking her. ”What were you expecting? Alton, to hear your words and magically gain the power to fight?” Riley stopped looking over her shoulders at Alton just to be on the safe side. ”Sorry to say, sweetheart. Your friend is done. Now that everyone is here, let's start executing streamers!”

”You said you would let them live!” Scarlett screamed.

”Ahh, Scarlett. I lied. Let's start with the hero, shall we?”

”Enough! You will not harm them!” Alice yelled, breaking from her restraints. Readying her bow Alice gagged feeling bones break as she was ripped forward towards Riley.

Riley held up in place smirking. ”Alice Hawthorne. If you knew what was good for you, you would have remained silent. Change of plans kills the sister first.”

Iris was kicked forward before being lifted slowly into the air. Riley stepped forward, closing her fist steadily as Iris began choking gasping for the losing air. Alice, forced to watch, began shaking trying to break free. ”Iris!” As she screamed out for her sister, a shockwave was felt flooding through the area. It only lasted a mere second, but it was enough to startle Riley. She turned back to Alice weary. But nothing of the sort carried on as Alice had her head lowered staring at the ground.

That was until the screaming. Sharp pains began piercing through Alice's head, making everyone turn their gaze to her. ”No… Alice… Don't let your… Emotions take over.” Iris croaked out.

Alice was dropped to the floor as she held her head in pain. Whispers began blasting through her head, those whispers all of her own voice, screaming at her all feeling different emotions. ”What's going on?” Emil questioned.

Alton opened one eye looking horrified. ”Oh shit… she's… Losing control.”

Alice stumbled back shaking her head. ”Pain. Pain. Anguish and pain. Fear. Torment. Anger. Never-ending anger. Pain, anguish and anger. Pain anguish, and anger. Pain anguish, and anger. Pain anguish, and anger!” The ground began shaking as portals kept weaving in and out of existence. The Syndicate members tried holding her down, but each of their powers was being cancelled out by an unknown force.

Alice began twitching as she snapped her head to the sky as her eyes began glowing with emotion rippling into an unmatched bright yellow. Screaming in absolute pain, the area exploded around her, sending everyone flying back. Riley stood her ground, but even she couldn't stand against the sheer force eroding from Alice as she was knocked back onto the stage. Flower petals began hovering in the air trapped in a cycle of falling before snapping back to where they came from never hitting the ground. From between Alice's silver hair was a blitzing yellow stare one shared only with Alton. Riley stood up, looking traumatised. ”No… This isn't possible. I wasn't aware of this!”

Alice raised her hand with a blank stare. As piercing purple energy rippled into her fingertips, she let off a playful smile striking. Iris' cubes intercepted the attack as she stood protecting Riley. Iris turned to Zinnia and Scarlett. ”I'm going to need your help before she loses all control of herself.”

”Is that Alice?”

Iris shook her head as the two streamers aided her. ”Not anymore. Right now, Alice is under the control of The Gatekeeper. One of the four legendary heroes if we don't bring Alice back, she will be lost forever.”

”One of the four legendary heroes… Like my mother.”

Alton stared on in complete horror trembling. ”How did I not see this? I should have sensed it. Alice is like me… She's a Child of the Garden?!”