Chapter 148: The Nightmare Before Christmas Part 4 (1/2)

Alice found herself sitting at a table, one full of toys and teapots with nothing inside of them. Everything was plastic the very same a child would play pretend with. The room around was packed to the brim with teddy bears, most of which had serval parts of its body ripped apart. No windows were showing the outside world just a single metal door chained by dozens of locks. As Alice was about to move from her chair, she felt heavy breathing on the back of her neck. She, for some reason, found herself paralysed with fear. The breathing turned into child-like giggles as a little girl ran around Alice. The girl was almost an exact copy of herself with pure yellow eyes instead, and a much more lifeful look to her not to mention small purple marks over her face. She stopped sitting in the chair opposite getting too excited. ”I've been looking forwards to this. Would you like some tea Alice?”

”The Alice is confused. Where is she?”

”You're at my tea party, silly!” The girl exclaimed giggling again. ”I haven't had someone come by for oh, about 400 years. Would you like some tea?”

Alice was left even more dumbfounded, knowing she was at the ball the matter of seconds ago. She, alongside Iris, had been captured by Syndicate. ”The Alice demands to know who you are.”

”I am you, and you are me.”

”That doesn't make any sense. You cannot be Alice.”

”No, no. You're me, and I'm you. My name is Eve Hawthorne, one of the legendary heroes the Gatekeeper. A Child to the Garden.”

”Impossible. That's not possible, you would be over 400 years old.”

”No. I'm actually 13. You are me, and I am you.”

”The Alice demands you stop with the riddles. Where am I?”

Eve tilted her head, looking confused, but this soon turned into laughter. ”We're in your head dumbo.”

”Excuse me?”

”Like I said, silly.” Eve taunted. ”I am you, and you are me. We share the same body. I've just taken the wheel for a spin this time. You are welcome by the way.”

”Why would the Alice let you take over her body.”

”Our body.” Eve persisted. ”Because you asked me to. So, I could save your friends, no? Your dear sister is in trouble send in the hero to save her. I've played hero before remember? Fighting Paradox.”

”I don't remember that?”

Pretending to sip her tea Eve squeezed a teddy bear tightly nodding. ”Why, of course. We couldn't talk last time I wasn't nearly as possible. But as the Garden slowly returns so does our powers. The other Child of the Garden too.”

”Alton. You mean Alton Brantley… Give me back control. I don't want or need your help.”

Eve frowned tearing the head of the bear off throwing it aside. ”I'm doing this for you. For us. You won't need to worry about silly things like anxiety or weakness. Let me at the wheel, and we can be the best version of ourself.”

”I refuse.”

Eve's eyebrow began twitching. Refuse? You refuse me? No. No! No!” The table flew across the room as Eve stood up, tearing at her hair. ”That's not fair! That's not fair! I want to play. Why do you get all the fun while I sit in the naughty corner?! My brother did the same too.”

”The Alice demands you let her out! Now!”

Eve plopped to the floor sulking. ”Fine. Eve will be a good girl because it's Christmas. But don't forget as long as the Garden keeps growing in power, so do will I. So, learn this, Alice. Sooner or later, I will take that body, and there is nothing you can do about it.”