Chapter 147: The Nightmare Before Christmas Part 3 (1/2)

Alton stared forward at the Syndicate high council frozen snowflakes dropping from his hands. None of the three moved each stationed a small distance from him. Each of them was more than prepared as Alton held his hand out, letting the cold dwindle into the open. The floor froze around him, shattering as Alton pressed on. Planning on taking out Emi in one fatal blow he charged an attack striking. The other two high council members rushed past Alton pulling him back as his arms were snapped back and his whole body dragged across the floor. Resisting as best as he could Alton's arms began shaking against the force as he let out a yell of anger ripping his grip forward, breaking the bondage on him. Stumbling along, he slammed into the ground as the blizzard picked up. Staring up at Emi, he let out a frozen breath snapping his fingers as serval icicles fizzled at her.

Emi swung her hand sideways sending the attacks away each at a time. The last one was too quick for her as it grazed her cheek, leaving a cut which froze over before any blood could drop. In the corner of her eye, she saw the graze, but she showed no sign of concern. The three members jumped high into the sky, pushing their hand forward as Alton was pinned to the ground his whole body breaking against the earth. The ground began to crumble and break before Alton was pelted dozens of feet into the ground with no sign of stopping. The snow came to a halt as everything went silent. Emi and the others stepped down, still keeping their distance. ”It's not over yet…”

A single snowflake fell onto one of the high council members freezing her entirely unable to move. The other two jumped back even further as from the hole a violent blizzard rippled through going as far as the eye could see. Alton emerged his skin pure white and eyes a bolting yellow. Each step forward, he took killed the area freezing it over. ”I hate each and every one of you. Treating everyone else as your tool for your never-ending conquest. You cast aside people without a second thought ruining potential futures to never be seen. I won't allow it! You will all fall to my hand!” Alton swung his arm around, shattering the high council member. As the ice cracked, they broke out, knocking Alton back slightly. Staring at his bloody hand, Alton didn't look as he held his other one out. ”Whiteout!”

The area was engulfed in pure white leaving nothing in sight. The three council members stayed put, not moving to wait. The crunching of snow was heard as Alton drew nearer, standing behind Emi he raised his hand to strike only finding himself unable to move. The blinding blizzard subsided as Alton was held against his will by one member. Their grasp being much weaker on him than the last he managed to slowly break free. That was until a bus was thrown at him, sending him through serval buildings before exploding. From the fire, Alton limped on frozen blood covering his face as he fell to his knees. ”Unlike what occurred 400 years ago, we are now more prepared than ever to battle the Garden.”

”400 years ago? The Syndicate family fought the Garden…”

Emi kneeled down, tapping Alton's face. ”Correct, unlike last time, however, you cannot overpower us. The Garden will never return with V.I.R.A.L's downfall we shall make that a reality.”

Alton lowered his head panting as he began mumbling to himself. ”Death… Snow.”

Emi turned as pure black snow began fluttering around the small area. Not allowing a single drop to touch her, she cast a psychic bubble to protect her. The other two high council members were not so lucky. The snow landed on their bodies. For a short moment, nothing happened. But all of a sudden, the two began gasping for air holding their chests. Neither one could breathe as they fell to the floor, losing all colour in their body as their blood started freezing over, forcing a shutdown. The snow stopped as Emi lowered her shield the moment, she did she was punched in the stomach and knocked back, crashing into a car. Alton stood over her, looking down with hate. Picking her up, he began freezing her body slowly but surely killing her. As the light flashed from her eyes, a sharp pain rippled through all of Alton's body as Psychic blasts cut through him. Alton dropped Emi, stepping back almost collapsing. Emi held her neck coughing, struggling to breathe correctly. Both stood up as Emi looked around at her dead allies. ”You're a monster. Nothing else to it, Riley doesn't know what she's talking about.”

”You are looking to overthrow her.”

”Not quite. Merely replace her with someone more fitting to lead. More specifically, her sister.”

”Scarlett will never join you!”

”Oh, on the contrary, I believe differently. I think she'll surprise you, Alton, she has all of us tied around her finger. You just haven't seen it yet.”

Alton held his hand out as a blizzard began forming around his hand, including a sword made of pure ice. The icy reflection shined on him as he held it down by his side. ”We'll see about that.”

Both parties were in a stalemate. The cold wind crashing against both and in that split second both strikes. As they slashed past each other one, fell to the floor. The other forever victorious.


As the Syndicate members were finishing off tying up the last of the public Riley walked over sitting next to a tied-up Scarlett, her face pressed into the ground. She sighed, tapping her knees. ”I already know what you're thinking. You've surrendered to let my guard down so Alton can waltz in and save the day once again. It's not going to work like that this time.”

”What makes you so sure? We both know how strong he truly is.” Scarlett argues.

Riley nodded, flicking small grain of snow from her hair. ”Why I won't disagree Alton Brantley isn't a force to be reckoned with he is also very predictable. His moves are slow and sloppy. Alone he is pretty easy to defeat even with his Garden powers.”

The snow began to pick up as Scarlett felt a ray of hope. ”We'll see about that.”

Riley stood up as the storm kicked in. From the fog, a figure emerged. A small grin came over her. ”It seems I was correct again.”

Scarlett looked up flinching. ”No impossible… Alton…”