Chapter 426 - One Year After The War (2) (2/2)

”The blue roses have some effects like that.” Regaleon also took a sip from his cup and sighed. ”I am happy that the budget I placed for the research of this blue roses have been quite productive.”

As I remember, Regaleon gifted me beauty products that contains blue rose essence in them. The blue rose extract has quite many good effects in health and beauty.

”Hmm, I am happy that we are living such a peaceful and comfortable life now.” I exclaimed. ”Now that the war is over and there are not so many conflicts, we can focus on improving the lives of people for the better.”

”Hmm, yes.” Regaleon agreed. ”If we can take care of those b*stards that are disrupting the peace more quickly, then there would be not so much of a problem. We could focus more on improving the empire.”

”I know that they are giving you quite a handful but be patient my love.” I advised. ”Those people are just having a hard time coping up with the changes that is going on after the founding of the empire. I am sure that we can turn to a peaceful solution for them to surrender I am sure we can meet each other's expectations.”

”If you ask me, I will just want to use force to make them submit.” Regaleon said with a sour face.

”Doing that would just make you look like a tyrant my love.” I said. ”I do not want you to be seen as the founding tyrant emperor in history. I want you to be known as a just and benevolent leader.” I advised.

”What would I do without you, Lili.” Regaleon's sour face smoothened out and became warm. He looked at me with love and affection and kissed the back of my hand lovingly. ”You are my angel and salvation.”

”You are teasing me again.” I said but I can feel a blush creeping on my cheeks.

”But it is true.” Regaleon smiled warmly. ”You are the best thing that ever came into my life.”

”And you in mine.” I replied.

Regaleon leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead. After that he kissed me on both my cheeks and then my lips. His kiss lingered longer on my lips. I can taste the blue rose tea on his lips, sweet and tasty. When he retreated, he had a lovely smile on his face. He leaned over and whispered to my ear.

”I cannot wait for tonight.” Regaleon whispered. His words made me blush even more.

A year may have come by and gone but we are still living a newly wedded life. Because Regaleon was still in his youth, he was very energetic and passionate, and so Anatalia had prescribed me some birth control medicine.

'You would not want to be knocked up again, right?' I remember Anatalia saying. 'I am sure you two would like to experience the youth of your life so, take this once a day. It is a natural birth control and has no side effects, trust me.'

And for sure, the birth control medication is seemingly quite effective. I can say that because even after a stressful day of work, Regaleon is still so energetic in the night. I also asked Anatalia for something to boost my own energy to meet my husband's expectations.

'Learn how to say no from time to time.' I remember Anatalia scolding me.

But what can I do? I also want to do it with my husband.

”T-Then I will wait for you in our bed chambers.” I said shyly.

”My wife is still shy.” Regaleon teased. ”I love you so much, my Lili.”

”And I love you too.” I smiled back.

I hope that our peaceful days will continue longer.. We did not know that a dark shadow is hovering in the horizon, waiting to wreak havoc in the still fragile empire.