Chapter 426 - One Year After The War (2) (1/2)


I can hear our twins giggling happily from a distance. When Regaleon and I were able to see them from afar, we saw someone happily playing with them on the picnic blanket laid down the firm grass. Tricia and two other maids were at the side watching them carefully with smiles on their faces.

The one playing with our twins was no other than Regaleon's father, the previous king of Grandcrest. After the bloody battle for the throne between Regaleon and his brothers where Regaleon emerged triumphant, his father gave him the throne with a light heart, and he retired in a countryside manor he had built for Regaleon's mother. He was peacefully living the remainder of his life in peace and tranquility.

Regaleon and I walked towards his father and the twins. The maids and Tricia bowed when they saw us approaching. Our children and father in law were both giggling happily that I cannot but help smile seeing them.

”Father.” Regaleon called out. ”It is nice that you have visited us. If you have mentioned you were coming, I would have made preparations for your stay.” He said.

”Greetings father in law.” I gave my respectful greeting.

”Ah, no need for formalities.” Father in law replied. ”Sorry for coming here unannounced. It is just a whim of an old man when I got on a horse and rode without a destination in mind, hahaha.” He joked.

”You rode here on horseback?” Regaleon was shocked. ”But it is a few miles from the manor to here. You are not that young father. You must watch over your health.” He said worriedly.

Actually, it was not that far from the countryside manor to here in the capital. In horseback, you can travel three to four hours tops. But because father in law is gaining in years and ailments started to appear, that long of a horse ride can be bad for his health.

”Oh, nonsense. I am still as strong as a horse. Look…” Father in law took Aerith who was crawling on the picnic cloth and carried her high up and twirled around. This made Aerith giggle harder and was so happy with the sudden movement. ”Hahaha, you like that my little princess?” He asked and put her down. ”Your turn my little prince.” He then carried Alphonse and like the same with Aerith twirled him around that made him giggle hard.

”Hah…” Regaleon sighed in defeat. ”I understand father, but I will not let you return now that it is late afternoon. Better you spend the night here.”

”Haha, you are worrying too much my son.” Father in law replied.

”Leon is right father in law.” I said with a smile. ”It would be better to spend the night here. It will be dark if you go back to your manor now. And also, I am sure that Aerith and Alphonse would love to play with their grandpa even more.” I gave him an offer that he could not refuse, and that is to play with his grandchildren.

”Then I guess I cannot refuse, hahaha.” Father in law replied to me. ”You really found a good woman my boy. Take care of her well.” He winked at Regaleon.

”Do not worry father.” Regaleon smiled. ”That is what I intend to.”

I was happy to see that the relationship of Regaleon to his father has been going along quite well. I remember back then when he was still wearing a mask, he wore it so that his father will not let him see his face that resembles his mother so much. The misunderstanding between the father and son has been on the mends for a while now and it looks like it will be getting better even further with the twins' arrival.

”Tricia, please tell Theon to prepare a room for father in law to spend the night.” I ordered. ”Make sure that he gets the one that is warm now that the weather is getting cold especially at night.”

”Yes, your majesty.” Tricia bowed and walked back inside the palace to relay my order to Theon.

”We will be just there at the gazebo nearby father.” Regaleon said. ”Do you need anything?”

”I am good, no need to worry.” Father in law replied. ”You two go and take your afternoon break. I am sure you are quite busy because of the many work the newly formed empire has in store. Do not worry about me. This old man will just be playing with these two youngins here.”

”If you need anything, just tell the maids father in law.” I said.

Father in law resumed playing with the twins and Regaleon and I walked towards the gazebo nearby. The tea and snacks were neatly arranged on the table. Regaleon helped me with my seat, and he took his seat right next to me. A maid who was at the side poured our cups with the hot steaming tea. The aroma of the tea was fragrant due to blue rose petals placed in it. I took a sniff and sipped carefully the hot tea. After tasting it, I felt the stress wash away from my body.

”I really love the tea with blue rose petals in it.” I said. ”It makes me feel quite relaxing.”