Chapter 428 - The Newly Risen Atlantia (1) (1/2)

I was in my office like any other day working on the paper work assigned to the empress. The day is nearly at its end when a knock on my office door was hear.


”Come in.” I replied.

The door opened and someone I did not expect came inside.

”Uncle Dimitri.” I called his name. ”What brings you here?” I asked.

Dimitri got very busy when he was given dominon of South Atlantia. After the war with Queen Patricia, Atlantia had riseb from the bottom of the sea once more. The land was a barren dessert being it was submerged in the sea water for far to long. Dimitri worked together with Gladiolus and their sacred beasts to make the land habitalble once more, so that Atlantians can come back to their home land.

”It has been a while your majesty.” Dimitri greeted with a smile.

”Yes it has been a while.” I replied with a smil and stood up from my seat. ”We were so busy that we cannot meet each other for a cup of tea. How are you uncle?” I walked towards him and gave him a warm hug.

After knowing that Dimitri was my mother's half brother, I was so happy to know that I have another Atlantian family.

”I am doing fine, your majesty.” Dimitri returned my hug with equal warmth. ”How about you?”

”I am doing fine as well.” I replied when I stepped back. ”As you can see, there are so many paper work until now.” I sighed.

”All of us have been busy since the empire was established.” Dimitri smiled.

”Come take a seat.” I offered. ”Please tell the kitchen to prepare some tea and snacks for my guest.” I ordered a knight that was standing guard outside my door. The knight bowed and carried to so my order. ”Tell me uncle, how is your work in Atlantia fairing?” I asked.

”Well, that was the reason why I am here your majesty.” Dimitri took a seat.

”Is that so?” I asked in enthusiasm. ”I am excited on what you are going to report.”

”As you know your majesty, Gladiolus and I were working hard this past year to cultivate the lands of Atlantia.” Dimitri replied.

”Yes, I know all too well.” I replied and took a seat across him. ”I am hoping that everything is going as planned.

”The reconstruction of Atlantia has been the most awaitef thing of the Atlantians. After a long time, they can now come back to a place they can call their home.

”Everything is going according as planned, your majesty.” Dimitri smiled brightly. ”Actually, the re-cultivation is going better as planned.”

”Really?!” I was surprised and excited with the news the same time. ”That sounds great!”

When the plans on the re-cultivstion of Atlantia were presented, it was given a two to three years time until it will come into fruition. But hearing that the plan is in a better path means that the time would have been shortened.

”With the original plan, we thought that it will take two or three years until the land coild be habitable.” Dimitri said. ”But with the help of Virgil and Carrick, the time shortened immensely.”

The attendant came in to brong the tea and snacks I have asked for. Dimitri and I enjoyed them while talking.

”That is good news.” I replied brightly. ”My mother would love to hear this, and of course the Atlantian people as well.

”Mother is now living peacefully with father in one of the vacation villas in the provinces of Alvannia. But even with having a retired life, mother cannot but help still want to include herself in any agenda regarding Atlantians. She had been working hard alongside me in helping Atlantians in living in the three countries while waiting for Atlantia to be habitable once more.

”That is why I am here your majesty.” Dimitri replied. ”I am here to invite you on a tour of the Atlantian lands.”