Chapter 425 - One Year After The War (1) (1/2)

It has been a year since the war ended and peace has reigned down the continent. The four great countries has banded together and now form a single empire, the Astley Empire.

Regaleon has been very busy this past year because of the union of the four great countries and the establishment of the empire. As the first emperor in line, a huge burden fell upon his shoulders to fix any problems that arises from the sudden union of the four great countries.

It cannot be helped that some are not very happy with the sudden merger and the establishment of the said empire. Little rebellions have been arising here and there, mainly from nobles that got the shorter end of the line after the empire was established. These small rebellions that are emerging from different parts of the empire have been the problem Regaleon and his cabinet members are dealing with.

But even with such probelm, overall the majority of the people especially the commoners are happy with the establishment of the empire. Many opportunities arised with the said establishment. Work has been abundant and so commoners have no problem getting the money for their livelihood.

Atlantians are another matter. There are still some conflict within them after the war ended. Some have taken this peace as a form of salvation after the downfall of Atlantia many years ago. Some are still skeptikal if their race will be widely welcomed by other people, after being seen as a heretic race for so many years. It is now the task of the two newly appointed Atlantian leaders, Dimitri and Gladiolus, to pacify the Atlantian people's uneasiness.

As for me, I am doing whatever I can to help Regaleon from his many tasks. On top of being a mother of one year old twins, I am governing the imperial palace. As the empress, I am tasked on making sure everything in the imperial palace is going well, so that my husbands job will not be hindered by any little problems arising inside the palace.

I was inside my own office, seeing some documents that came in just earlier in the morning. I have been organizing the imperial palace's budget since I came back here in Grandcrest.

Because of its long history, the palace has so many ledgers and they are all unorganized. It was all due to the practice of polygamy in the past that there was no one queen that governs the palace budget. It was said that the king of Grandcrest also handles the palace budget every year, but due to the many tasks of the king it was handed down to many other people like the king's right hand man or advisor. There was no palace chamberlain that have been appointed, hence the disorganized budget ledgers.

”After one year working to organize these ledgers and I thought I was nearly done, then another one arrives.” I sighed, holding my temple feeling the stress of sitting in the office since morning.

”Your majesty, why don't you have a break.” Tricia who was pushing a cart carrying tea and snacks suggested. ”The weather outside is quite good. why don't you have your tea in the garden's gazeebo.”

I looked outside and saw that it was mid afternoon. The weather is indeed nice and it would be great to have a break at the garden gazeebo and drink tea there.

”Have the twins awoken yet?” I asked Tricia.

”Yes, your majesty.” Tricia smiled. ”In fact, they just awoken when I brought the tea here. I am sure they would love to play in the garden in this time of the day.”

”Very well then.” I smiled at her. ”Bring the tea and snacks to the garden gazeebo. I will be there soon.” I said.

”Yes, your majesty.” Tricia bowed and walked back outside with the cart of tea and snacks.

I breathed in deep and exhaled. I stood up and streched my body that was feeling quite sore for seating too long.

”Because I am having a break with the children, better go and invite Leon as well.” I smiled just thinking that I will see my husband.

I walked out of my office and into the now familiar corridors of the palace. I remember the first time I arrived here in the Grandrest Palace, I was overwhelmed by how huge it was. It was more huge than the Alvannian Palace where I grew up.

Just seeing the difference in size also shows the difference in power of the two countries back in the days.

”And to think my father wanted to go against Grandcrest in the last war.” I smiled remembering how ironic it was.

I am happy that my father chose a different path in the last war. If not, then I am afraid that he would have perished together with my Aunt Patricia. Now, he was happy living his retired days with my mother. They are living the life that they once only dreamed of when they were still young.

After I turned a corner, I can see the door of Regaleon's office. It was dutifuly guarded by two imperial knights. When they see me coming, they both bow their head in my presence.

”Her majesty the empress has come.” One imperial knight announced.

”Let her in.” A voice that I am so familiar with said.

The imperial knights opened the door and I walked inside. Inside was a big room filled with book shelves every inch of the wall. At the far right side was a huge painting of of us the imperial family, hanging magestically with curtains on both sides.

”Good afternoon your majesty, the emperor of the Astley Empire.” I formaly greeted and curtsied.