Chapter 85 - My SI Stash #85 - A Guy and His Girls by Emizaquel (Rule34 E-Multicross) (1/2)
-A Rule34 E-Multicross SI. You read it right my dude. QuestionableQuesting fic, make sure you have an account logged in to get access.
*Author took inspiration from Cambrian Beckett (The author of ”A Motherf_u_c_k_i_n_g Dragon”)
*And yes, it's NSFW. I'll also put the link in the comments to help you guys out. Type the link in word by word if you're not on PC!
Sypnosis: ???
Rated: M
Words: 43K
Posted on: (Emizaquel)
PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)
-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)
Chapter 0+1
A/N: So I was inspired to write this by Cambrian's post on his Cambrian's One Shot Repository (******* & Commission Pieces) thread, of the Rule 34 economy.
Jace Spicer then convinced me to actually give it a try, so here we are.
This story has no buffer, will be sporadic and probably not well planned, so I apologise in advance for when my muse decides to dop this like a fickle bitch five or so chapters in.
I do have some sort of a plan though. So thank all the multiversal empire SI stories from a few years back for the other bit of inspiration.
”Congratulations on your purchase!”
”What the f_u_c_k are you talking about?” ten different voices filled the air of this strange void that had appeared around us.
I pulled myself to my feet and turned to the figure in front of us, a white two-tailed suit filled with prismatic light, ”What the f_u_c_k is going on? Where am I?”
The figure shrugged, ”You were given one hundred credits by a sponsor and made these purchases, I'm just the salesperson. Anyways, you are in the Emporium Eternal, no matter what it is, if it exists somewhere in the multiverse, we have it!”
As my attention was brought to the nine other people in the room with me, I immediately fell to hands and knees, ”I don't know what's going on but this seems to be my fault and I'm really sorry. I'll fix it as soon as I can!”
”Speaking of which, we have your side options. The control methods are listed here.”
I looked at the options, which basically amounted to mind-wiping, mind-control, personality-rewriting, outright torture for them, and possibly outright torture for me.
I turned to the girls, ”Look, I'm willing to show you my options here, and I'm willing to take the options that affect me the most, but it looks like the choice that's going to f_u_c_k you over the least is the 'dream date' option. Here, take a look.”
I pass the pad to the person in front of me, a woman I recognise as Mercy.
As the women crowd around the pad, the salesman turns to me, ”Slick, I suppose, but you do know that that option is incredibly painful, right?”
”I saw the warnings.”
”I see… so is that what you are going for?”
”Let them look at the options.”
”Yeah, not much of an option.”
I turn to the speaker, ”I'm really sorry Raven, but I honestly don't have an option here. Actually. Could I ask for a refund?”
”Nope!” the salesman exclaims cheerily, ”Your purchase has been finalised by your patron.”
”So yes, I literally don't have an option here.”
”So, if you pick this option, we get to decide what you look like, and you get a precognitive empathic sense allows you to automatically know how we will react to anything you are about to do.”
”Well, the option does specify an idealised version of my body, no some arbitrary body, so I don't think you could change my hair or eye colour too much.”
”So apparently, you bought us? But you didn't know about it?”
I search my memories for a bit and scan the women in front of me.
Raven and Starfire both dressed in the style of the teen titans show, Gwen Stacy in her version of the spider suit, Mercy and Tracer from Overwatch, Hinata from Naruto, Yang from RWBY, Ahri from League of Legends and Elizabeth from Bioshock. Something about that combination reminded me of something.
”That bloody picture.”
”So let's just get it out of the way, since he mentioned that this place stocks stuff from across the multiverse and I assume that none of you recognises everyone else despite several o you being incredibly famous where you are from, I should probably mention that you are fictional in my universe.”
They nodded warily, and Gwen spoke up, ”So I'm guessing this is the sort of thing where everything you can imagine exists somewhere and that sort of deal?”
I nod, ”We can try and get more details out of the salesperson here, but where I come from, we don't know this and you are all fictional.”
”Yeah, get on with it!” yelled Yang.
I nod, ”Well, there was this meme on a forum, you are given a hundred bucks and there are something like 21 women with various prices and you pick out who you want the most, and well, I picked you.”
”And then what?”
”Well, I posted it on the forum, we were discussing the pros and cons of various people's choices and I went to sleep. Then I woke up here.”
Raven paused, ”You aren't lying.”
”I have no f_u_c_k_i_n_g clue how it went from me posting on a completely normal forum to us being here Raven.”
”So if we are fictional, does that mean you know what happened to my mum?”
I paused, ”You have two arms, so I guess you wouldn't have learned that yet. Both Qrow and your mom, who I will refer to as such because her name is also Raven and I respect the Raven standing here a lot more than I respect her, are from a bandit clan. She decided to leave you and go back there where she now leads Grimm into isolated villages and mops up after them to secure the loot. I'm sorry you had to learn this way.”
Yang sort of stumbled back, before turning to Raven, ”You're lying!”
”He's telling the truth.” Raven said, ”I guess I should be sorry too?”
Mercy nodded, ”The appropriate emotion is sympathy, that you understand her pain.”
Tracer turned to me, ”So what was the goal of this? You wanted us all for a harem or something.”
I scratch the back of my head sheepishly, ”Well, not exactly? At some point, the challenge went from 'pick your harem' to 'how do you best leverage this situation' when someone mentioned that Elizabeth here has the ability to open interdimensional portals.”
Everyone turned to Elizabeth, ”You can get us home?”
Elizabeth shrugged, ”I can make portals, but I don't know if I can reach your homes. I've only ever seen different versions of my world.”
”I don't know if we can reach your homeworlds, actually, I don't know where we will be dropped off. I hope it isn't going to be my flat.”
”I am afraid you will be dropped off where you came from.”
”Well f_u_c_k.”
”Look can you get this over with? I need to get to the others at some point.”
I shrugged and turned to the girls, ”So what do you think?”
Mercy paused, ”Well since this will turn you into perhaps the best partner any of us could ask for, can you tell us who you are actually interested in so that we can get through the options quicker?”
I shrugged, ”Well, I think you are all pretty hot, but I'm not into Starfire - actually should I call you Kori'andr? - and Tracer at all.”
”You don't fancy me?”
”You can't be into me, so that's a turn-off. I'm all about respecting people's s_e_x_u_a_lities and I don't want to get between you and your girlfriend. Speaking of which, Hinata, I know that you love Naruto and I'm not getting in between the two of you. I'll even help you out if you want. Elizabeth, I don't know enough about you so I can't say too much. Ahri, you are in the same boat, sorry. But, just to check, what's a smartphone?.”
Everyone backed away from Ahri, who pouted, ”A smartphone is a thing you call people with and use apps and stuff.”
”Okay, so you are part of K/DA then, Still don't know how that links to the version of you that went on a rampage and consumed the souls of thousands of people.”
Ahrijumped into the air, ”WHAT!”
”Any other surprises for us?”
I turn to Raven who nodded, ”Okay, so I know next to nothing about you then.”
”Any other bombshells?”
I turn to Gwen, ”I'm assuming you've already met Miles and all?”
”I guess I can say that spider-'men' far outnumber spider women and well, from what I know, Miles's hero is essentially the archetype.”
Gwen nodded, ”I was sort of expecting that after Noir and the others.”
”There's also the people hunting down spider Totems, but that's something to worry about later.”
Tracer perked up, ”Do me next!”
”I'm assuming that Mondatta is?”
I froze, ”Mondatta isn't dead.”
”No, does he die?”
”You try and stop Widowmaker from killing him but she outsmarts you.”
”Well, we can stop that then.”
Mercy spoke up, ”Well, we can discuss this later. Now, what was your name again?”
”Jon, I'm terribly sorry for not introducing myself earlier.”
”Okay, well Jon, what you say trims us down to myself, Raven, Gwen and Yang, at least for the moment.”