Chapter 203 - Im still here (2/2)

She couldn't think of a single thing.

Lyn deeply sighed as she closed the window and laid back down. The night was far from over; she should try to get some more sleep. Yet after a few minutes had passed, nothing. She laid there motionless. ”This isn't working,” Lyn mumbled. Maybe she ought to take a walk or something? Her thoughts broke off when she heard a familiar ringing sound.

She didn't waste any time getting ready. Lyn had to admit that she wasn't in the best of condition from that wound. On their way inside the base, a magic beam hit her arm. However, her gaze landed on her reflection in the mirror where she had now curled her hair. It's better this way.

Since she can use this strength to help people.

Lyn closed the door behind her and quietly tiptoed down the hallway, being extra careful not to be heard. But she only took a few steps out, when somebody grabbed hold of her arm, ” Where are you going?”

It belonged to her boyfriend, Kazuya.

”Kazuya, um the bathroom.”

The maroon colored haired boy glares at her, ” In that getup?”

Dammn, maybe she shouldn't have bothered wearing this outfit or her hairstyle. However, if she went in her usual get up, then she would get caught, and that wouldn't be good.

”There was a job request. It seems like the others are having trouble so I'll...”

Kazuya shook his head and pushed her towards the nearby wall. A clear look of anger plastered on his face. ”Are you crazy? You just got shot earlier today. You won't be able to do much in your condition. Besides what the heck are those guys doing? They already know you are hurt. Who sent it?”

”Um, Shioka.”

At the mention of Shioka, an ugly scowl appeared on Kazuya's face. ”Tsk that guy...anyway you're not going.”

Lyn knew that Kazuya is only concerned for her. She knew that all too well. But, ” If he knows about my injury and still called me. Doesn't that mean they're in a big pinch?” Indeed knowing that guys nature he won't usually call her unless it's for emergencies. ”Kazuya, please let me go I have to help them. I'm a Princess; it is my job to protect everyone. If I can't even do this much then...”

Then she would be completely useless.

However, her boyfriend buried his head on her chest, his grip on her hands were strong. ” I'm not letting you go. What if you die? However, if you're so insistent on that fact. I will go, and you'll stay here.”

So that's it, Lyn sighed, ”If we're talking about dying it's you before me. Besides, it's even more dangerous for you to go.”

She didn't want to say it like that. But Kazuya really won't let her go at this rate. Besides ...the two of them are both already running out of time.

”That's true. But it's better me than you. My role is finished here. You and the others can take care of everything else. But your role here isn't finished. There are still things left for you to do.”

Lyn was about to shout at Kazuya when she felt his hands quivering, shaking even more than before. The surrounding colors were going blue as if he was frozen. So that's it.

”There's still a role for you here. After all, I'm still here, aren't I?”

At this comment, Kazuya lifted his head up and brushed his lips against her neck, ” Really, really that's not fair Lyn. What can I do? I want to monopolize you. I want to hold you and ensure that you don't run off to a reckless place and get hurt. I want to stay beside you. Yet even doing that has become difficult. You're the kind of person who cares about everyone. That once you start caring about another person, you'll even risk your life. Being a good friend is fine, but doing that much. Doing that much isn't right. You don't have to sacrifice yourself so much for others. You should only want me, and your mind should only be filled with thoughts of me. I want you only to want me.”

Her eyes widened.

”In return. I'll do the same for you. That's why don't leave.”

So that's it. No wonder she felt as though she's heard that sentence before. Rhys must have overheard her and Kazuya that time. What a foolish guy. Truly they're all silly. She finds herself intertwining their hands together, ” You know...I probably won't mind being monopolized by you.”

Kazuya laughs lightly, ” Saying those words easily is like you. But be careful I'll take them too seriously.”
