Chapter 173 - Prisoners Dilemma (1/2)

Lyn always knew that she was treading on a thin line whenever they were together. The two of them are enemies, no matter how much she tried to feign ignorance. Her eldest brother assigned her a mission, and the reason why Kazuya's group came here is because of their mission towards her. Both sides have already started their little game of chess. Even if Lyn wanted not to be apart of it, now that she's dating Kazuya, she's become a vital piece in the board.

To her surprise, Kazuya suddenly pulled away from her, huh? The dark aura around him had diminished slightly. ”Have you ever heard of a prisoner's dilemma?”

Lyn blinked, this was the last question she expected him to ask. She was preparing for the worst. Perhaps she ended up talking too much? It's difficult keeping up the act when

She nodded. ”It's analyzed in game theory; it's an analysis of why two people might choose not to cooperate with one another despite it being in their best interests,” Lyn trailed off as she recalled what her mentor told her, ”In other words even though things would be a lot smoother if they simply worked together, they don't?”

”Wouldn't you say we're all trapped in a prisoner's dilemma, then?” Kazuya asked.

Her eyes widened at his words, and Lyn tried to process what he just said.

”I-” Lyn hesitated, a part of her felt like she understood what he meant. But at the same time, ”What are you trying to get at?” Lyn asked. She needs to clarify it, instead of running her mouth.

His wording was very confusing. With her limited knowledge, one can't blame her for taking him literally. In the short time since she got to know Kazuya, Lyn has learned many things about him; for example, he has the bad habit of twisting words when he wants to hide things.

”The puzzle ill.u.s.trates a conflict between individual and group rationality,” he said.

Lyn nodded, ”It's already proven that people who pursue their own self-interest, will end up on the losing end, in contrast to those who cooperate. Cooperation has a higher chance of success.”

”But the concept of cooperation is simply because somebody has inserted the ideals that people will work together if asked. People would abandon their own interests just to work as a team.”

Ah, she sort of understands, ”So people have to decide between selfish behavior and altruistic behavior,” Lyn added, ”Most people would choose the second though since it guarantees success?

”But is that really the case? Some choose not to cooperate because they believe the other person will bring them down rather than help.”

Lyn immediately understood what he was getting at with his words. How could she have been so blind, ”Do you think I'm a burden, Kazuya?”

”Your wording it wrong,” Kazuya lets out a deep sigh, ”Your not a burden or anything like that. Having you by my side, I've experienced a happiness I haven't in a long time. Fighting beside you is a lot of fun too before it was just an obligation for me to fight. I've finally found a use for these powers, I can use them to protect those dear to me than destroy,” his lips curve to a smile. But even then, Lyn felt something was wrong.


Kazuya shook his head, ”You taught me many things, and I'm grateful. But I don't see the need to cooperate with you. I have to stick to the order; we will not cooperate with the Mist Kingdom royals. Even if we come across as selfish, and even if our chances are slim, we will still go through with it.”