88 Ravel (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 26030K 2022-07-23

Gin POV-

I am alone with Ravel in my nest. After converting all the drow in the capital, we made a trip back. Inival, Set, Kess and Vulki are listening to Nemesis talk about Tessa. They all seem to have a slight dislike for her. Well, Xelu doesn't have any input though. The only thing that has Xelu's attention at the moment is making her spiderlings grind against each other... It's a bit weird..... Especially since they have humanoid figures now..... When Broodmothers evolve, their spiderlings change as well. Now they look like little versions of her with some variance in their faces.

Kess' spiderlings are simply more beefy and silver colored. Vulki's little jesters now have angel wings.... Their personality is still as bad as before though. Nemesis' spiderlings haven't changed at all appearance-wise. The only difference is that they won't die after exploding spores, however, they will be weakened afterwards.



Ravel is looking at me with heavy expectations. I open up the screen on converting her.....

*Subordinate is Perfectly compatible for assimilation into a Broodmother. Doing so will have no unforeseen consequences. Y/N?


Ravel dissapears as several options come up. There are three different things to choose from this time. I guess it's like this since the level 15 evolution is included? I forgot to ask her what she would want from her aspects...

*Choose aspect

1. Wrath(Sathanas)

2. Luck

3. Devoured

*Choose aspect- Error Code 1ns3ct01dΩ

1. Moth(Unique Insectoid Aspect)

2. Mantis(Unique Insectoid Aspect)

3. Centipede(Unique Insectoid Aspect)

*Choose aspect

1. Law

2. Perception

3. Emotion


Sathanas? That's something new. I still wont pick it. So that leaves Luck and Devoured. Devoured is probably there from the conversion..... Luck seems very interesting. Apparently Luck can be a aspect on top of being an attribute. It will probably be my choice here.

Thr second aspect will have to be some insectoid one apparently. I see that there is an error code which has happened before with Nemesis.....

So moth, mantis, or centipede..... Centipede is out..... Some spider centipede creature? Yeah, I'll pass on that..... I debate over moth and centipede..... Mantis does seem like it would be more combat oriented but, something about it bothers me... Moth would allow for another flying force. I see a combination that I could do with a third aspect as well.

The one I'm looking at is perception. If I combine that with Luck and Moth for it's flying ablility, I may be able to gather useful information much easier. Law seems to be very powerful as well so it's a hard choice. Emotion seems like it would either debuff enemies or buff allies...

There is the problem of finding enemies that are significantly stronger..... I have never seen anyone with a level higher than 29 other than the Zephyr Lord who I can't use as a reference..... So, I can't tell how effective our current strength would be against someone of a high level.....

This is all assumptions though. I can't be sure what an aspect will actually be. Perception could be better for combat, Law could actually be more of a support aspect. It's hard to say....