88 Ravel (2/2)
Eventually, I decide to go with my first choice. After confirming my choices a large figure 'hums' into existence before me. Ravel seems to have gone through a major change.
She has a humanoid figure despite none of her aspects being something like 'jester' or 'human/fungal'. She still has the same ridiculously busty figure as before..... However, her body is very different. It is covered in a black and white fuzzy fur. On her back are a set of fuzzy moth wings that have a golden powder constantly radiating off of them. She has a look of bliss on her face as I start examining her head. She no longer has red skin. Instead it is a very pale white. Her hair is very white as well but, with black stripes in it. Then there is her eyes.
They are still golden but, her pupils are black crosses with white interiors. I'm guessing it has something to do with her perception aspect. Very odd.....
Wait, no spider legs, one set of eyes..... Where.....
She brushes the fur on her arms out of curiosity and I see a soft chitin underneath. I've been wondering about that. If my broodmothers and guardians keep on evolving, will they eventually lose all of their spider characteristics? If so..... Will they somehow detach from me since my summoning skills are for spiders and arachnids?...
I put that line of thought off for later as I realize that I need to rename Ravel.
”Would you like to keep your old name?” Gin
”Hmmmm~! I would~. I don't want 'Umbra' attached to it anymore though.....” Ravel
Alright then.
Name: Ravel
Race: Lucky All-seeing Arachnimoth(unique)
level: 15
Required exp: 12,000
Health (410/410)
Resource- Lucksight Powder(-/-)
Shared perk- Closed System
Loyalty: Max
Condition: Normal
Vulki and Nemesis come in before I can ask about her new abilities and what-not.
”Welcome to our group Ravel~!” Vulki
I haven't heard Vulki use that tone in a while. It is a tone that gives off a similar feeling to Lust now that I think of it. However, It doesn't make me feel like I'm in danger and, its a bit comforting in a way.
”Master Gin? Do you mind if we all have a talk with her? Some things that broodmothers should know~.” Vulki
? Ravel gives me a confused look. I don't know what she's on about either. I guess they have made a sort of introductory thing for new members to our group.
”Alright, I'll see you again in a little bit Ravel.” Gin
I have a guess that it may include strictly female things so I'll stay out of it. Things are most likely significantly different since they all have altered biologies.... I have made a mistake with my niece before. She seemed a bit off one day and I figured that she had trouble in school or something. Nope, it was just her time of the month, I didn't get the hint until she explicitly told me. I don't want that to happen again so, I'll stay out of this.....
I later learned that I was wrong. That 'talk' was more along the lines of indoctrination. Of course me becoming aware of that was far down the line from this point....