87 The Gin Theocracy (1/2)
A blue and orange mist is flowing over the capital and way beyond it as well. Many prompts come up to tell me about new subordinates as I continue to watch the mist flood into drow, converting them. The others are watching with awe as well. Without even realizing, a couple hours go by. The legendary quest prompt appears again. It seems that I completed two of the requirements simultaneously.
- Survive after being noticed by an agressive legendary-rank creature/person that is at least level 50(complete)
- Take over a civilization 'completely'/ build a civilization/ destroy a civilization 'completely'(complete)
- Creat a miracle that would make at least 500,000 individuals awestruck(complete)
- Find a legendary grade material/gear/etc. to reinforce [-----------------] entity(0/1)
- Create a Omni-Artifact(must have a poison related artifact fused into it)(Must have an AI interface)(0/1)
- Job Class Rank increase
.....Hmm... It seems that the last two requirements were revealed. The first one I understand. Still, I don't remember having any epic-ranked gear besides the artifacts that I have..... So legendary..... Will be a little difficult.
The second requirement that was revealed is to make an omni-artifact, which I'm guessing is a fusion of several artifacts. The hard parts of that are the sub-requirements. For the first I'll have to find a poison related artifact. I don't understand the part about an AI interface so, I'll have to ask Tessa later...
Looking up I see that the mist is dispelling. Looking over the balcony is a sea of red, blue, blue-green, and orange. Drow seem to have different reactions to the conversion process. It results in two different types of elves. The red and orange Devoured Elves, and the blue and blue-green Arachno-Elves. I back away from the balcony as a lot of the citizens start looking up to hear from Ravel further. I'm guessing that quite a few saw me.....
”My people! You have gone through a great baptism! We are complete with this! We never officially named our country before, even though The Union and The Black Iron Pyre has referred to us as the Drow Theocracy. Now is the time! This is the beggining of The Gin Theocracy!” Ravel
Nononono!?!? Gin Theocracy!?!? Why wasn't I told about this!
I cringe thinking about the name. Wouldn't Elven Theocracy or something like that be better!?!?
”We shall honor the one who helped us accomplish our goal in this way!” Ravel
Please don't. I would rather not be remembered in this way. Couldn't I just become some historical figure or something? Why must the flippin country be named.....
There's no way to undo this. Ravel already announced it.....
”Woooooo!!!” Random elf guy
”Yeeeeeeahhhhhhh!!!!” Random elf guy
I hear a bunch of roars from below. Ravel turns around and gives me a wink. Is she?..... After Wetho died, her mischievous and bubbly personality disappeared. It seems to have revived though. She turns around and walks through the giant doors and the rest of us start to follow suit. After reaching the bottom of the stairs she bursts out in happiness. She throws her arms up.
”Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I did it! We did it~!” Ravel
Her happiness is a bit infectious. Inival, Farblight, Drun, Vulki and I are full of smiles. Kess tilts her head as she watches this.
”Now to find a successor~! Hehehe~, Madam Farblight. How would you like to be queen?” Ravel
”Ehhh? Me? What about the royal family?” Farblight
”The 'Drow' royal family no longer exists. They were converted so, now they are elves under Gin. We are all under Gin now~! They not one of the highest authorities anymore~ hehehe~! The old royal guard should be extremely willing to help as well~. They were reaching the ends of their lifespan before but, now they can live over a thousand years.....” Ravel
”I..... Are you Okay with this Sir Gin? No, Exalted Gin?” Farblight