57 Operation Part 2 (1/2)
-Drun POV
”Sir we have convinced the spider faction to submit, however, the leaders from the crow and snake faction told us to go fuck ourselves.” Subordinate
'Well. What do you think I should do my beloved~?' Drun
Shivers? Must be out of love! Meaning, she agrees with any desicion that I make~!
”Let's go. They don't know how unfortunate thet are to have turned us down. Madam Farblight has a hatred for those crow followers so, the snakes belong to me~” Drun
The temple of snakes is a rather gross place. It is covered is a yellowish-green snake musk that smells rather sour. Out of all the religious factions, they have the least morals. I shut down all emotional faucets. I know that what I will see will make me rage if I don't condition myself correctly. I have gotten new emotions since being converted. Empathy being the most prevalent.
Some cultists are standing at the entrance to the main temple. Theyare wearing snake masks while their whole figures are shrouded in green and red robes. About a dozen are waiting with jagged daggers. They plunge them into unfortunate slaves that are to be used as sacifices...? Ohhh? Why'd they put up a spatial barrier? That'll prevent these gremlins from scrambling away as well? Do they think they stand a shit's chance in hell against us!!!! Spiderlings burrow out of the ground leaving tunnels that spew more and more of them out. Overwhelm them my beloved's brethren!
I let them do most of the work. My subordinates are a bit uncomfortable doing nothing. Trust me guys. That temple is going to be more of a pain in the ass to sort out than to capture. After a couple hours everything is done. The only place left is the 'core'. I take a dozen elite mages and move in.
A bloody barrier with traces of gold blocks the way..... The amount of grief required to instill gold into a barrier....
We start draining the barrier. Blood mages usually have two diiferent methods to using their abilities. To use their own mana to create blood to use as a resource or, to use external sources. External sources can be used to great extents. Sometimes other things are mixed in as well. Hatred, grief, rage. Even love. All sort of feelings are tied to a person's blood.
We break the barrier rather quickly.... What we see on the other side is bad. Bad even for drow. Mangled bodies are chained to the celing, crying, begging to die. All of them have stakes shoves into their orifices. The ground is covered in a rotten amalgamation of substances. To the right side of the room, their is holes in the blue-brick. Bloated snakes fill them as I hear cries coming from that way as well.... Presumably from the ones that have been eaten alive.
My sight finally rests on the alter to their god placed in the center of the room. There is a giant statue that has a snake wrapping around a man and woman who are hugging each other in fear. A dozen cultists stand below it. Their leader, Dosgulas, is wearing a purple-gold robe and a mask that only covers the upper portion of his face.
Dead bodies surround him. Drow of all ages, some fallen dwarves, even some bestial species from the union are present. Parents are hugging their children, covered in vile fluids. The mages behind me are shocked and disgusted.... My beloved's brethren fill the room killing the snakes at the side. The cultests don't move. Their leader even smiles.
”My, my, you guys are rather strong. You have proven to be an acceptable ally. Tell your 'saint' that we will be willing to negotiate deals with him.” Dosgulas
”I knew you guys would be disgusting so, I had a small chat with our saint. If we see things that are unforgivable, we can act as we like. Indeed, it would be in every living beings best interest that sadists like you guys die.” Drun