57 Operation Part 2 (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 25630K 2022-07-23

I am not a 'good' person. Evil is in my bones. I do believe in a certain concept though. Good. Evil. Pure. Corrupt. I am evil. However, I am not corrupt. Not exactly pure either, as I have a couple odd hobbies. Like collecting limbs for example. Anyways, this puss needs to be wiped away.

As we start edging towards the enemy, Dosgulas laughs. They all plunge knives into their hearts as blood starts to spin into the air. The bodies start flying into the swirling blood pool as well. Even the ones that are still alive do so as well. Oddly, none of us are affected....

A giant fleshy snake emerges. It reminds me slightly of Lady Xelu but, I shake my head at that thought. Lady Xelu doesn't have this disgustingly corrupt aura.

Gold, purple, and green colors are mixed into the red of the blood. All representing the feelings mixed into this true abomination.

This is going to be troublesome. Me and my subordinates quickly construct a barrier over the snake. It bashes into it with plenty of force despite being mostly composed of blood and flesh. Meanwhile lady Kess' spiderlings are getting to work. We're taking this place down. Then we are destroying all traces of it with fire and blood.

The snake realizes what's going on as the place starts to shake. Despite having many blood mages acting on the barrier, its starting to fade..... I cut open my arm along with the others. Black colors start merging into the barrier.

The place starts crumbling so, I make may subordinates retreat after a short argument. I hold the barrier alone as it fades a little.



Ahhhh.... This going to hurt....


I wake up to see my subordinates surrounding me. My beloved is standing over me. Did she save me? I knew my love would not be misplaced with her~. I roll over and everyone else realizes that I'm awake. They start worrying over me. I feel a warmth that I've only felt when I met my beloved. I'm truly a blessed person.

”Sir, are you ok!?!? You never tear up let alone cry!” Subordinate

I wipe away a tear that somehow wiggled it's way out. The great saint Gin. He helped me to achieve this 'warmth'. I shall pay him back, for as long as I can.


A cry scrapes my ears. What is that? I trudge over while my subordinates worry increases. My beloved hobbles over as well. I see.... A baby. Not sure how it survived all that choas. What? Am I supposed to do with this child?