56 Operation Part 1 (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 33100K 2022-07-23

Seeing that no one tries to flee from the castle, we draw further into the castle. A second wave of elites will surround the castle after we do so. The spiderlings have dealt with all of the troops as we catch no stragglers. Hundreds lie wrapped in heavy webbing as they writhe on the ground as the spores infiltrate them..... Others have been dissected in chunks as some of the corpses start rising.....

The inner castle is in much more termoil. When we arrived there we found a bunch of heavily armored guards grouped up with royal guards and mages. The armored guards are keeping the spiderlings back with huge tower shields as the royal guards try to attack and retreat repeatedly. The mages shoot spells but, most are not too effective. The only ones that deal significant damage are frost and spells that limit movement.

As we are about to back the spiderlings up huge balls of weird fire start incinerating....? Rather, it seems to sucks the life out of those it burns, leaving their skin look like cracked pottery. Laughter. Those spiderlings are enjoying themselves a little too much. This attack is followed by Lady Xelu's spiderlings latching onto the thoats of some of the less armored royal guards, shoving their tentacles down their throats as their skin starts to writhe. Some try to stab blades into the spiderlings. This throws blood everywhere that seems to be extremely toxic.


After a couple minutes the guarding force is wiped out with a good portion being captured. Despite there being hundreds of them...They were wiped out rather quickly. Those guards were not weak either. All of them were at the very least level 10 with the highest reaching 20.

With the inner castle under control, the only section left is the core. This is going to be troublesome.... The captain is level 33 while the queen is 23. Long lives come with a lot of beneficial perks..... Stronger royal guards will be present as well. I bet a blood sacrifice will be used as well. They won't be able to accept this attack. This would be much simpler if they didn't need to be caught alive. Lady Set is here as insurance if needed. I'd rather accomplish this without her help though. This is my mission to prove myself.

Looking through the familar corridors I see royal guards armed to the teeth. Huge shields create a solid wall of metal. Lady Kess' spiderlings follow to my sides as they seem to want me to spearhead an attack. I have a greatsword that I picked up ealier from a dead royal guard. I charge swinging the whole weight of the blade through a gap in the sheilds. A sheild goes flying as I cut him from his shoulder to his crotch as the blood spoils his neighboring shieldman. A few spears a jabbed at me so I jump back as the tide of spiderlings flows forth. Many drop down from the top of the corridor ambushing many of the less armored guards. Half an hour latter the soaked with blood, piss, stomache acid, and shreaded organs. The ones that are still alive have very traumatic expressions. They fought well against the the mutated wretched but, the spiderlings are way more intelligent. With their dead comrades turning into fungal monstrosities they stood very little chance.

I make my way to the queen's chamber. The door is partially open. I push it open to see the queen and captain sitting in chairs around a small table. Sipping tea....

I reposition my blade to my right gripping it hard.

”No need to be so tense. Inival is it? Your appearence is quite beautiful now. All those scars are gone. Your chest is a bit sad but, that comes with intense training I guess.” Queen

What? Why'd she start talking about my chest. She does know that this is a coup right?

”Ahh, in case you haven't figured out yet, we give up. No point in fighting a lost battle. You don't plan on killing us anyway. So might as well go along with it. I wonder who the one behind you is though. Obviously, the spider religious faction would take a liking to whoever it is.... You are under Sillith's faction right..... Someone related to that faction huh..... Wasn't there something about a saint?” Queen

Cunning creature. Rather, she is a cunning monster. She even knew that I was part of the Sillith faction. It seems that she has a great idea of what is actually going on. I can't expose the great saint to her just yet. The captain has been quiet. Is she?.... I look over to see her kneading the queens thigh.....

”What? We really aren't planning anything you know. Just a question though. We won't have to face some sort of execution or anything right?” Queen

”We plan on keeping you guys in control. You do know what this new appearance of mine means, right?” Inival

”..... So you are an elf..... I thought that was all bullshit....” Captain

”You.... Wait! You plan on having something similar happen to us! That prophet wasn't insane! The end of drow! Still.... We aren't too thrilled about that. You guys in the Sillith faction have seeked to become elves for quite a while but, we are fine in being the way we are.... Well we don't have much of a choice now, eh.” Queen

I bring out two collars as a few mages walk in behind me. Enslaving them in multiple ways is them best option. I'll keep a heavy watch on them as well to make sure no funny business goes on.

The two sigh and cooperate with me.... Are they really not planning anything? We need to be extremely careful introducing these two to the saint.....