3 Happenings (1/1)
When you close your eyes what do you see? The color black right? But that is still something. Would a person with no eyes perceive 'nothing'? What is 'nothing'? Questions like these riddled my head throughout my life.
However, today I have had that question answered. What true nothingness is. No, not void as time and space should still operate in the void. Nothingness is the complete lack of everything. Pretty simple right? However, for something to exist, it has to be within time and space.... or within the mind, but that's dominated by time and space. That's why the concept of nothingness is maddening. 'Where' is this nothing. Is it there right 'now'? How about 'later'?
Consciousness should not be able to survive without a body. Maybe that's how I was able to experience 'nothingness'. Just a mind, not in any specific place or time. I may be wrong, but this is the most interesting conclusion to come to so I'll stick with it. Technically I should not know that the experience I had, happened, since time didn't exist there to allow me to process what was going on. However, I had no vessel for my consciousness so I figure time may be irrelevant in this case as well.
Now on to current matters..... I must be back as I can process information, but the only thing I can process is a specific feeling. A feeling of something worming its way to my very core, assimilating with it. The only thing I can think of is that rooted egg thing I had shoved in me.....
Hmmm? My other senses are coming back. As luck would have it, I also had the feeling in my body return as well.
”eergg” Gin
I end up groaning as I figure out I'm encapsulated in a white cocoon that emits a low level of white light. Im feeling calm though and I feel my senses starting to slip again. Not good..... I started jerking violently as it's the only option I have.
I hear a heavy groaning and then a whiplike sound. Im falling.....
Luckily I didn't land on my head as I hit the ground. The cocoon seems to have taken most of the impact as it shatters into dozens of small plate-like fragments. The sight that appeared before me in the low florescent glow of those plates would stay with me forever.