4 Fallen Nes (1/1)

Arachnomancer tektite 9140K 2022-07-23

I thought I had hit the ground during the fall..... I was wrong. What I had landed on was a corspe pile. But not a normal one. Oh no....

Twisted arachnid corpses that were twice my size lay for as far as the glow went. Red, black, green, and brown. Some large and hairy, some thin and scalely. A couple even have human torsos attached to them.... Arachne, creatures that have recently become more popular in recent fantasy.....

As the smell of all the decay swarms me, I start dry heaving. It takes a little over a minute before this sensation fades. When it does that worming feeling starts to grow but it's no longer unpleasant. I start to focus on myself.

My skin is a weird shade of greenish pink, very sickly looking. My t-shirt is extremely ragged but thankfully my jeans are fine. Then I notice a problem with my chest. There are thin rootlike tendrils crisscrossing in and out of my skin..... Over where my heart should be. Explains the worming feeling..... Is this.... ok?

I should have died, but instead I became paralyzed and had a troll shove an egg down my throat. Now I'm sitting in some monster spider graveyard with roots invading my insides. What are the chances of this happening? Am I in a coma and everything that's happened a dream? Maybe this is what the afterlife is like.....

No matter the situation, I can either accept how things are, or try to off myself again..... I have a feeling I may end up in an even more bizarre scenario if I do that though.....



A weird noise enters my ears as I turn around to see a smaller grey spider drag its way over the decomposing monster spiders towards me....Half of it's legs are broken. Its eyes are either destroyed, or hanging out of its head. Only one still functions as it glows a light blue. It stops in front of me and stops moving.

Dead.... Maybe?....


My chest starts to burn with pain as the roots lurch onto the crab-sized spider and clutches it to my chest. It starts to sink into my chest. Not breaking the skin but merging its way inward untill it's fully submerged and the sickly skin covers it up. Finally, the roots go back to their old position and the pain dissipates.

”What the hell....” Gin