2 Troll (1/1)
”ughhhh.” Gin
Why did I have to do that. Legs aren't supposed to bend that way. Something wrong with my neck too. Oddly enough though I don't feel any pain and can still think clearly. Huh?..... I can't move....
-few hours later-
Still no pain, just a ringing in my head....I've tried to call for help but all that comes out is a groan. No one's coming, not like I have anyone in my life who would worry about me getting home.... Wait, I hear something, chances are its just an animal like a rabbit or a deer.
”Another one ehh, this version is full of these height hoppers and face exploders.” ?????
I can't see who it is as my head is in the wrong direction, but I hear?.... It's voice is scratchy and it moves from high pitches to lower ones....Almost as if multiple people are talking. Then it hits me. A stench similar to that of rotten cabbage mixed with sewage. If I wasn't in my current condition I would be retching.
”ALIVE?!?!?! MOTHER WILL LOVE THIS MORSEL!!!! NEVER SEE LIVING ONE!!!! Wait, she give instructions to Ymrilab. What instructions? Oh yeah, remember.” Ymrilab
As I hear these ramblings I regret jumping for the 50th time today. I hope that I'm just hallucinating that some psycho walked up on me. However, I get rolled over even though I didn't feel anything touch me.
What leaned over me could only be described as a small troll. Big completely red eyes surrounded by black and green pustules. A fat body with long twig-like arms and stubby legs. Black course air covered almost its whole body except it's face and random patches that had red pulsing orbs that dug into its skin. Its mouth had jagged teeth that ran from one side of its head to the other.
”Hello there morsel~. You were supposed to go to Mother's 'Pantry' but you're still alive~. For that, you get something really nice~.” Ymrilab
I want to get away but my body doesn't listen. As I scream internally, the troll rips one of it's pulsing orbs off of it's head. The end that was embedded into it had little reds roots twitching, as if alive.
”Open wide~, huh? ahhh, paralyzed, just gotta shove the 'Happening Egg' in~” Ymrilab
As I start freaking out even more internally as I hear 'egg', my mouth is opened by its hairy hands with so much force that my teeth and my jaw are broken as blood starts rolling out of my mouth. I'm glad I couldn't feel that, otherwise I may have passed out. No..... That may have been preferable....
”whoops~ Say ahhhh~”Ymrilab
I do say ahhhh but more in a grumbling/screaming sort of way as whatever the hell that is gets shoved down my throat. My senses begin to blur into nothingness as the only thing left is my consciousness.