160 Journey To the Capital (1/2)
The Emperor's thoughts were slightly disturbed due to the revelation that Draig had been living alone with a girl for a undisclosed amount of time. This wouldn't go well if she came to the capital with Draig, and it was the reason why he had frozen momentarily and trembled.
'Junko is going to be very upset. . . .' thought the Emperor recalling his granddaughter who was the brightest of her generation.
The thought of his beloved Granddaughter brought a smile and shiver to his old body, he loved Junko dearly and wished for her happiness however since her training in the Deva Arts she had become what he had classified as a scary person.
”Draig will your friend here be joining us on our trip” asked the Emperor hoping for a negative response however it wasn't Draig that answered.
”I will follow Draig” answered Chidori causing the Emperor to inwardly shrivel, it wouldn't be good if Junko knew about this and it would be even worse if she met Chidori.
However as if to save him an old man came to collect Chidori, the person's identity was none other than Lord Asura.
”Chidori come with me, it isn't time for you to venture out into the world yet. You will return to the estate with me until the Restructuring is complete” stated Lord Asura carrying a bit of his old Dignity causing Chidori to acquiesce and she was soon gone leaving only the Emperor and Draig in the small shack that had been constructed from salvaged materials.
”I am sorry to see your companion go Draig. . .” spoke the Emperor though his thoughts were different.
'Thank you heavens for sparing me this headache' thought the Emperor while Draig just sighed.
It didn't matter to him whether Chidori followed or not, she had blackmailed him to begin with and did so in a Shameless manner.
”I am ready to leave when you are I suppose” stated Draig causing the Emperor to nod.
”I need to stop by one more place before we leave, I am sure they will all be excited to see you as well” chuckled the Emperor causing Draig to get a sinking feeling in his stomach.
He had overlooked the fact that upon hearing that announcement that the Emperor would naturally go to collect the Subarashi heirs. This wouldn't end well for him, he had managed to bluff them into leaving him alone once due to his faking Materialization however if he continued to act as if he was Materializing without a sword then he would reveal the secret that he was keeping which was the fact he was a Vampire.
He was certain if this was revealed then he would be hunted just like the Demons, which in all honesty there wasn't much difference between him and a demon other than the fact he possessed werewolf and Vampire dna as well. Shaking his head once again Draig reluctantly followed the Emperor.