158 Schools out with a Surprise Visit pt3 (1/2)

A few days had passed since Draig had yet another encounter with the Mugen faction, he hadn't put much thought into the last interaction he had with the group simply because he felt his efforts were better focused towards getting his Mana back under control. As of yet there were still no major breakthroughs but he still hadn't given up on it.

Unknown to the Feratu was the fact that he would be receiving another surprise encounter except this time it was from someone impossible.

Elsewhere however Lord Asura was raging to himself as he contemplated how he could keep Chidori away from Draig or at least keep a monitor on the situation between the two, the captains that had followed him faithfully through the years sat at the side listening to him rant.

”My poor little Chidori has been brainwashed by that little heathen. . . . . I must find a way to interfere without her knowing. . .” plotted Lord Asura seemingly having forgotten his grander schemes from before.

The captains at the side felt even more perturbed hearing the contents of his dialogue, they were more certain than ever that something odd had happened to their leader for him to be acting so strangely.

”Lord. . . what has happened to have acting so strange” asked one of the Captains finally causing Lord Asura to turn around with a vicious gaze.

However after he stared at the Captains for a while his gaze began to settle as he took a deep breath, it was only natural that he should explain the situation before they were swept up in his ambitions.

”As you know I assigned my heir to watch the abnormality that is the one called Draig. . . .” started Lord Asura making sure he had everyone's attention.

”Yes, it was too analyze why he is capable of possessing three Avatars if I am not mistaken” commented a Captain feeling a bit more at ease as Lord Asura seemed to speak as his old self would have.

”Indeed. . . . However it has come to my attention that the so called Abnormality has taken advantage of my Chidori, he actually dared to grope her” growled Lord Asura causing the Captains to sigh as it was clear he was fixing to fall back into his odd state of a clingy Old Man.

Though that isn't to say they didn't understand what he was saying, the group silently wondered if this type of thing had occurred earlier would they have seen this side of their leader sooner.

”That said, we need to think of a plan. It was my carelessness that allowed me to forget that I had the continent's strongest people assembled under me. . .” continued Lord Asura as he chuckled maliciously causing the Captains to perk up seeing that there may be a breakthrough in this odd behavior.

”Looking at all of you has given me a great plan that will utilize each of your specialties in the most appropriate manner.” chuckled Lord Asura causing the Captains to further their interest.

”Just tell us Lord and it will be done” answered the Captains under the belief they were to return to their original aims of dominance throughout the land.

”It is simple, we will once again restructure the Deva Grounds.” Continued Lord Asura causing the Captains to look at him oddly as they wondered what purpose this would serve but soon the answer came and they noticeably deflated.