156 Schools out with a Surprise Visi (1/2)

Draig had spent a few weeks salvaging what he could from the fallen Dorm to build himself a decent sized living space though it was hardly suitable to his tastes. The building itself brought a bit of nostalgia to the Feratu as it's weathered appearance reminded him of the old Farmhouse he had dwelled in for some time in the Old world.

Chidori had surprisingly been able to stay, this was a shock to her as she believed that Lord Asura had merely been putting on an act due to the cold personality she had always known him to possess. The girl had assisted Draig though her stamina was nothing compared to that of the Feratu who didn't only possess great strength and thus the small dwelling was completed with a slightly larger amount of living space than he had originally intended.

Since it's completion Draig hadn't left the building and had been focusing on bringing his Mana back under control, this was a necessity born from from the fact he could only gain access to the brush Avatar. However it was useless without his Mana to act as the ink, the Feratu hadn't bore any results as of yet but he had found himself able to at least direct the flow of the Magical energy.

Chidori in the meantime had played the role of cooking meals and brewing tea for their meals, she didn't understand why the Vampire was meditating so intently day after day but then again how could she possibly fathom the fact he possessed a different kind of energy besides that of a Deva.

As things continued Draig began feeling frustrated with his lack of substantial results.

'I am a Vampire, a creature born with innate Mana capabilities yet I find myself in this predicament' thought Draig.

It was almost as if he had lost touch with ability since the event where he was forced to stab himself with the Thousand Fold blade to keep Zarra and the rest from being swallowed up by the Silent God Jewel acting as his heart.

It was as he was manipulating the flow of his Mana that he received a few unexpected guests in the form of Souta, Keiko, Ari, and Yuki. The fact the zealous Draig believer was with them had merely confirmed his thoughts on his desertion.

”Draig, are you in here. . .” called Ari with a bit of hesitance, she didn't know how the Feratu may react after not having seen them since the ordeal he faced.

Souta in particular was on edge due to his complete abandonment, Yuki and Keiko seemed at ease. Keiko in particular carried a smug smile on her face as if she hoped to see him in a pathetic state, however none of them expected to be greeted by a girl.

Ari and Yuki seemed to be troubled by it while Keiko was just shocked.

”What do you need Draig for, he didn't say we would be having visitors so I can only assume you came here for your own reasons” stated Chidori as she placed a hand on her Kodaichi, she had been watching Draig for some time and knew that the last interaction with three of the people in front of her hadn't ended on a positive note.

”Is Draig here, we wish to speak with him” asked Ari softly seeming to have become depressed upon seeing Chidori.

”He is busy at the moment, I can relay any message you may have in your stead” stated Chidori causing Yuki and Keiko to become a bit stern.

”Who are you to be playing gate keeper, tell that sorry excuse of a man to come out and speak to us or maybe he is filled with shame upon losing his powers” chuckled Keiko causing Chidori to glare at her.

Yuki at the side sent a disapproving look towards her faction leader because of the comment but didn't say anything.

Chidori was about to chastise Keiko but Draig's voice was suddenly heard as he left his room.

”Why would I be filled with shame, even without my Deva powers I could slaughter a good number of the people within the Deva grounds you wretch” sneered Draig, his failure in achieving control of his Mana had done nothing for his mood causing him to be a bit standoffish.

Keiko hearing the response couldn't help but smirk, she was the one who had invited Souta to join their little group to visit Draig. Thinking she had hit a soft spot she decided to call his bluff.

”Oh so the wounded tiger has left it's den, must be pitiful to have bragged about being such a great leader only to be abandoned due to your loss of strength” started Keiko only for Draig's body to appear in front of her without her being able to follow the movement causing her to jump back in fright.

”I wouldn't say I'm wounded, would you?” asked Draig as he stared down at the short Faction leader.