149 Culling the Flock pt4 (1/2)

A Torrent of energy flowed into the sky from the Thousand Fold Blades hilt the stuck from Draig's chest however it was interesting to note that the sword didn't poke through Draig's body instead it seemed to have been stabbed into somethign much deeper.

However soon the phenomenon ended as the hilt seemed to be sucked into Draig's body as well, soon the Feratu's still body fell to the floor as several odd tattoos began to cover his body. Some depicting the images of a moon, while one depicted a pumpkin patch. It seemed that these tattoos each had some kind of symbolic meaning behind them but it wasn't certain as only Draig would be able to decipher them.

'At least I don't have to share a sword with those weaklings any longer. . .' thought the Founder with the Splice man Avatar kneeling before him.

It would appear that the Founder was merely being petty by not Manifesting completely through the Thousand fold Blade.

However this was unknown to Draig as he sat once again in a black space floating simply even in this subconscious space he wasn't awake. It was odd but even his mental self possessed those tattoos meaning that they were quite permanent.

Outside the Subconscious world Souta was standing in front of Draig sword drawn, he cast a suspicous glare towards everyone present. No one was free from his murderous gaze as a monkey was taking shape above his head, the primate looked angry as it slapped its hands upon the ground and seemed to scream loudly.

He wasn't trusting any of the people as he had become aware of Draig's plan and had even gone forward with it, this meant that any of the people before him could be responsible for this odd state the Feratu was in but it wasn't as it appeared to be. Draig was in fact becoming stronger as the Silent god Jewel within his chest began to shine in a dazzling manner.

In the tree the girl who was assigned as Draig's watcher had left immediately in order to report the situation to her grandfather and as this seemed like something the man would take great interest in. Thought she had to admit that the way those tattoos decorated the Feratu's body was quite alluring how they weaved together to tell some sort of lost story that only the wearer would understand..

In the hall of the Deva Association the President listened to the report from his granddaughter and found himself intrigued.

”So you believe he has perhaps found a path beyond materialization, is that what I am to believe” asked the President.

”That is merely what it looked like from my perspective, I am not yet sure of what it is that he has done because he has yet to awaken from the event” reported the girl causing the President to slam his hands on the table in front of him.

”Return immediately, this is a crucial time where you can be observing the target and investigating the changes that will come from this supposed new path. If this is indeed what he has accomplished it would be a boon for all of those who are called Deva. A path beyond materialization would guarantee us as the strongest force in the nation, this is something only the Deva Association should be allowed to monopolize in order to bolster our forces” commanded the President with outrage.